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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 20-year-old woman with asthma comes to the ...
Ask the roommate not to smoke in the apartment ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +105  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tissue creep(133)
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eTh epolod si yopa,eihllnergc adn a 0/011 good ob.y

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medguru2295  oFr moes sna,reo I 'tnac utoep.v Btu EU.ETVPEEOE gDos era il!ef +1
mynamejeff  ehT opdole si igc,nlpeerhlayo adn a 01/01 dgoo y.ob +
unknown001  on amn, nmkosig is ielf -P: +

 +17  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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oldC rai uedscni ahstam ktct.aas

segaineDcr rcueso aldo ownt pelh

nakgTi odesrtsi is too cmhu ofr onw

oiMngv kbac to het dosrm is nto laiebv

rAi eerlscna otnd rwok hungeo

ontD egt ird fo the odoG yBoe

mingoSk dinroso si usdntgiigs

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sherry  reStss anc lualyatc eb a etrrggi rfo ahtas.m I hnkti teh emolprb rhee is ahtt hes ash lswaysa daricer a yhvae ocrus,e lewhi hte eseisda sjtu tedrtsa tenc.eylr +8
medguru2295  sertSs mkeas maatsh .weosr rhrof,eeTe peek ggood rfo ressts ifr!eel +1
qiss  Aosl ehr mmyospts tsatdre 3 htsmno aog nda esh emvdo in hwit a trmmeooa owh mkesos rooinsd 3 onshmt .ago +2
jrish  utB oun'tdwl eht sekmo no teh emorsmoat theocls sllit acseu cifnigstnia aamsht ?lmspebro +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by saturdaynightpalsy(10)
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oS we ear tusj uossdppe ot kown htta lopeods rea p.iagnl.o.ecyherl

I utp "etg an rai aercen"l usaebce I uhgtoth sgikna het tmroaome to ptso ogsmikn loudw eb ydboen hte secpo of eht npciisayh dan eiscn I dntdi kown epoldos erew glni,eorhypleca I ogthuht ,le"lw eevn if het momoeart ptposed ,gkmison 'slhel tlils aveh iesuss besuace fo eht ept drae.nd"


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luciana  maeS ,ehre I tgo nduecofs ecebasu it semede atht the skmoe NDA eth odg eewr het rtgsrige, so I pekicd veMo" kacb to eth tiieorromsd" os lla the rtgserig odwlu eb ge.oonWh odwlu giemina dlepsoo wree igecarllpnhoey +
luciana  rFo esoht klei me who didn't ownk heter wsa 1 nylagicheeorpl god, rtehe ear 23 to oyu riemzmoe :)das./--lseao-d3ogthh.pgodnoe:dret-s/-thnytogsebit2ai--pgode/llemabsrevhclhc +2
jamaicabliz  hTe wya I otuhtgh tuabo it swa taht 'sshe ahd eth olpode for lrneog nhta 3 mos,nth icnse hes rotgubh it hwit r,he nda tndid' esem to heav slemorbp hobdefanre +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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alwAys cohse igomskn if oyu see it. nI yna peyt fo ntqou.ies n'oDt neev drea ):

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dragon3(15)
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I mtaols edckpi siakng teh omoamtre not to oemks ni eth ptmtan,are btu enht I fedgiru ats'th nbyedo eth ecspo of eth ehornta osrpen aids ntikga otsidser dwolu be oto cmhu fro no,w nad I pueopss 'sahtt seuceba the aasmth si llleowdclertn-o iwth hre alhenri r?n hts'(at wath I had i)cedkp

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sherry  I lwdou ysa eht ateintp's amasht onyl tgo oresw eraft ehr vnmigo So sti mroe t.neel-realerdlag netgtiG dir fo eth aellgenr si aywlsa ettreb thna pigduagrn eascimi.ntdo +2
et-tu-bromocriptine  pipRp eth "d'ont eb a kc"di sgytrate etyfnldiie ieladf em on ihts eon. oFr seom aensor, I tothguh qeeirtsnug teh ipnatte to ksa nooeesm lsee to achnge hitre kgomins staihb duowl be a atd oto cmh.u I acn utsj rtpucie WoUrld kcmigasn me wiht a hguthA"lo it si likley ttha het smotea'mor scotensia of gmnsiok could aatlielev the s'taentip atsamh ,abtxaenoiresc htis estequr ldowu eb uto fo eht ia'pchssniy tpe.c.o..ce"s. +47
peqmd  spneDed s'woh ickderi eht todrco ingellt eht ttienpa she touh'dnls veli ni eosmk or meso yug snomkgi ni het usheo +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—whoissaad(102)
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athW egrutaena do we ehva htta eht oetmarom is gnogi ot otsp imonskg in eht emtntraap by nask"ig" mih to od .?os.

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krewfoo99  heeTr is no aeue.negrt yhTe are lsaabilyc saingk whta a egrrtgi is fro reh htamas ercuernce.r nmSkgoi ni this aeinorsc acn eb hte eacus fo tish estanitp omsmsyp.t tnoD wldel ot depe toni eht e.outinqs +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—therealslimshady(42)
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I ohlteyns dn'ot estandudnr hwy A si het rcreoct eswnr.a I pikecd o"vme ckba ot het odr"m ebescua rehet aer hrtee shtaam gegrstir in reh omd:r (1) eth kmoers, 2)( hte ctfa ttah ehr mteomaor od'snet lkei ti ewnh sti' oto ramw hes( ondtse' natw to eb ocld, adn dolc si a grgetri rof hsat,)am dna ()3 eht strsse fo eepopl who d'otn lnaec teihr sh.eisd ess,tSr olcd, and sme.ko heTso ear riresgtg fro mahsta hatt era pretesn in erh tetap.nmar Is nnaeoy sele otn gsenei s?hit

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123ojm  aeseBuc bylmurpesa es'hs rlayade insdge a saele and ctoann froadf to pya a consde tenr by gvmoin kacb toin eht mds.or I nktih siht oseg kbac to ngmiak utssiosggen ofr ruo teianstp tath ear eaosnlaebr ofr thme ot acee.ihv +1
123ojm  olAs reh eoomtram si het eno tath eskma ti ,wamr os hte nteaptamr is otn odlc +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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oN shuc ghnit sa yneaihorplcegl !!dgso

heT mjaro gdo rnlelag,e Can f 1, si lsiesnrbepo ofr ligaersel ni omst poeepl hwo era relialcg ot gsd.o oclHynegalerip bsedre fo dogs eewr otdrmoep uceseba ti was huttgoh thye wlduo ecpudor ewrlo noactninotescr fo naC f 1, and efteoerhr aecus essl (ro neve )on lrilgeca psstmyom ni eppole iwth a god rla.geyl xaElpesm of ogd bedesr htat veah pvsoeirluy ebne dleabel sa lnieerlcapygoh eundlic l,dosoeP basdaod,Lrelo and Yoershrki rtireres. Trhee si no tfnciicise ooprf seeth sderbe yltur ceropdu erowl mnautso of nCa f ;1 ehtse sgod erwe spiylm elablde sa paygocrihleeln bsceuea of teh efasl ioatssmupn thta odg ebsdre tath do not hsed hria msut eseelra elss eeanllgr.

Noa(clshi ,CE iakenWeg GR, vtsaHda L,S Ztriato M,E yObwn RD, onnhJso .CC goD lnlreage lslvee in omhes wthi ngllrheipyaoce oracdmpe iwth olrihgnyaepncnelo .sdog Am J lnoihR g.leAlyr 52(504;2)52.6โ€“2112: .65.)0120213026r..aj/id01o0a:5

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freemanpeng  pirynSliru,sg eth mtnauo of Cna f 1 unfdo ni iahr adn atco eapmlss swa lcalaytu shgtehi in hte "ln"ycgepaiohrel ersebd of sg,do wthi ePoslod hnavgi het ithgesh noutma fo teh gdo glenlra,e nda boaardrL seRtreirev vhagin hte wotels dr(goereoV ,WD slmleeWi T, maCahpn DM, Hrkedeie JD, porK E.J naC f 1 evesll ni riah dan omesh of edrfneift gdo res:ebd kacL fo eeevdnci to ebdsrice nay dgo edebr sa lghya.lnoeercpi Jraonul fo yAllreg nad Ciliacnl .nlmouIogym )4.0(22;3110 20.jc0.51.310:/o2016j1.i.)01iad +

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