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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old man is diagnosed with coronary ...
Decreased adherence ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +63  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lamhtu(139)
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tlePalet daehenrce dan eptteall oragneigtag rae efirnefdt stinhg nad sith eefrierdnc SMRAETT A LTO. ckuF ,ouy ME.NB Teehs nceerffside deylsuospp ttmera no moes oieqnssut dna not on erho.ts Wreeh si hte isetncycsno? lHoe?l

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hungrybox  A.eredg Tihs is os cigfukn tsdpu.i +
hungrybox  Aprii"ns nihitbis leatpelt taoirggnage dan rcedosup a idml gebilend cfdeet by hignintibi en,xgesylcoyoca a pttelael mezney thta is drqerieu fro X2AT ts"nsyes.ih lyllireta tgitrash mofr Big nsibobR +1
susyars  mI gonan uvoept tsih cb i lvoe ot eb tghri +7
regularstudent  t'sI saalyw a hbe,rrilo lriohebr lneeigf ot ikpc eth ogwrn nwraes htat uoy knwo ethy ihknt is rgti.h izamAgn bjo .E..NMB +5
j44n  ahey i ugothth heandecre swa teh 1PGB prtcoere at'tsh daraley no het letlteap +1
j44n  mi oasl dlga erew' ietgntg dexpose ot thsi ersoh shti wno dna won newh Im' ni a esntgti trenec abtuo to put my isft thhgour a .escern +2
jurrutia  iii/biaiGP etecrrop si ton bitdhieni yb risinap. irAnpis tvsernpe teh agiloprnuetu fo iG/iiibaiP icwhh si nto eht smea as nhgtibniii eth roecrpte it.fsel +2
jj375  tarriu@uj I ktinh yuo era gtknnhii fo liero,ldCgop rsrgpaleu, adn tliedpnoiic cwhhi oueatdnerwgl 3G2abP spinAir inisthbi COX oteeherrf gninbhtiii 2AXT and pattllee rtg.ageinaog +
jbrito718  sTih is awhat I lalc a FOKUCBY eonsiutq +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—susyars(41)
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mI angno itfhg tihs one euaesbc IERONATGAGG si iedeatmd by exseornisp of pG abII/II.I

fI oruy aleptetl aicrnsees 2TXA atth naesm si nnaog etulaugper TOGAIRGGANE yb whhic peercro?t ... huD

nOce mI deon thwi isth etst nad emeocb a otslgioPhat mI nogan dsne oyu a pyco fo my unraljo dan hasecrre no elltptae rangtaiegog taddimee yb TA2X dna pG IaII/IbI dan aols im anngo go erov reeyv negsli WFT BMEN tusqneoi nda opevr etmh os grnow

byeMa i hulsod angehc ym eausenmr eerfob gistimbunt hsti

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corgilobacter  rD. ioT Glonja Jr. In eth eusho .yveornee LSACP +
susyars  ioT lonajG udwlo eb so dropu of me +
j44n  I ergea T2AX tslg-euaruep teh 2P3AbG oeprcetr tath iatdsmee ogaanig.rgte +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thisshouldbefree(51)
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2ATX osndet mese ot eadtemi dntniiouc of Pa2b.3G/ 0a/391pgf4 - ADP inbingd ot Y22R1P nieuscd a/pb32G siepnrsoex at ar.sefuc PAD si erseldea ofmr . Opltesn must tiknh tabou eht wdno tasrem ntnosc.uif fI X2TA lehps gtrgongaeai iva aerdgcnsei dbolo fw.ol if ew heeerofrt dont escdaeer ldboo lofw we tcan egt hte lpts ot aelrt derhea

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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Eshngli is not my tfrsi lag,neaug but wuodl ti eb pseoslbi htta rnedechea si nto eluavqneti ot hsndioae and whsoemo ienrcngahaetbel to tnggoaar?gei I efle keil ndigo a rnadegi necoirmhosepn e,tts ton EMLUS.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by step1forthewin(2)
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Cna mensooe aepsle crafiyl the .aenrws sI eeerdsacd eencdehar esma sa saeeedrcd gaeto?giargn otnl;dWu bihntiniio of eht aIII/IIb roeetpcr peernvt ?ograggintea

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xxabi  'mI nto plteoylmec I thnik tsi csebaue sti nriaips, and nisrpia esno'td kwor on IbII/aII pre.etcrso stah'T ywh i cepikd arcdsedee arcnedhee fo eett,pasll ufgider ttah saw eht oestscl ngtih to daceersde gaetnrgigoa taht sllti emda nssee with sspai'nir iansmehmc of coa.tin poeH that !hlesp +2
ihavenolife  ispnAir errryeisiblv inhsibit XCO hchwi sdlae to eecradsed T.A2X AX2T lamnyorl si a ovrnstciostcaor dan esiuncd lplteate rggtgnaoia,e os siiprna nhitbisi alteeltp tgnaoaerigg yb nodwnigpaly X2TA otn by grnttcaniie ihwt bI/IIaII c.eptrroe (ceSour FA dna )rldWoU +22
fallenistand  nI itsh sac,e initbihoni of C1O-X by rnpasii lwil saol deercu hte naumot fo uprsrcreos for saalurvc cposlitranyc nsh,seisty drv,oiped rof xlepame, form ahrdgnei spa tleetlpwhb5tivp/.n31dhl/sewimu.nt3/o./n6m.cw2b:g9 +1
niboonsh  nihtoniiib of aIIII/bI rrectoep si eth moa fo a letmcyloep atsepare clssa fo dsgru - ncyltropoeiG III/IaIb b(abcximi,a f,tediebapi ifia)obtnr +1
t123  Bda euntosiq - AT2X trelegaupus IpIGIa/IIb no aplt.selet So iianspr thsbinii htire sinxpoere.s +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—madamestep(17)
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So oeromxbhnat 2A hsa owt :esolr oemtroP ggnrioegaat r(omf aerguln sar)eele dan usace ti.ocnoaovnsricts

'mI nhnkigit dw'e ees decdaerse hadrcneee ebaeusc 'uryeo ntgiihniib onstrvsncotiocia nda leelattsp uldow eb elss ieykll ot dreahe to . hFWvTe caneiersd rgatgeioagn esen wiht TA2X is eud to hte ruganle eaeslr,e hchiw hnte osge no ot ctatviea the tsealt.lep oS eilwh yuo ihetccnylal od scereaed the tcivitay of eth 3PG2ba teps,orcre t'is fomr a reedsdeac rseaele fo PAD dan ont fomr a rdciet ibthiorni of hte .serceorpt


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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tiredofstudying(71)
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Iiinobthin fo IpIG/IbaII scrrpoeet wudol be eth mmihnsaec fo tehrei A(F 0202 1):14

elpiClogord, seuplgarr or cinidlptoie iva onhitibiin fo onctADnd-iPui of G/bIIIpIIa yb cklobgin 2PY12


cbbii,xmAa ptti,dieaiebf nad aoriintbf yb etdcir apbII/IGII bi.inhotiin

A lto fo nsusqiote iwll evha veyr smlarii swnear coehisc on eht aerl ae,mx tub eterh liwl syaalw be noe tebs n,srawe nda erecddaes ealtlpet ndceeaher wsa teh ttbere senwar .eehr As aesdtt on yman theor inousetq ht,esard rehte era ytnlpe fo tkcyir uossinteq ot eb etsup ,autbo btu tsih swa tno noe fo eth.m

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woodmeister  tT'has ton ats'hw .ngstiteup tWsha' ugttenips si that tereh is NO orcrtec saerwn uYo aveh to upt rlousfye noit het ahed of waerevth twit teorw hsti unieqost and yrt ot segsu woh hmuc eyht arec taobu teh atfc hatt egraiatggno BIIGI/(IIPA + 2XAT date)emdi dan cendeearh PI(BG dieaetmd) era ont eth smea +1

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