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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#43 (reveal difficulty score)
A 72-year-old woman with coronary artery ...
Neointima formation in the right coronary stent 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: vascular

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 +39  upvote downvote
submitted by xxabi(293)
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Settn srbsmtooih sv strinse-os.e ettnS homirssbot is an aetcu noiscculo fo a rnocoary retray ,netts hhiwc nfote trulses ni ctaeu roycrano doren.smy naC be npeetredv yb auld etiplalatetn hrtepay ro ruetnggdl-ui ote-ensiRss si het aduglar wnianogrr of het nstte mnlue due ot mteolinian tnoioirelpfar, nuletrsgi in nanagil p.yostsmm

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sunshinesweetheart  so utsj to cryaifl - 'tis hte yets-op"rfmme fro 3 otmhn"s hatt ulsre otu rbtsioshm?o +9
hpsbwz  t'sI sorome that ta tser s'ehrte on g,nsheca tbu dirung seecexir rethe .is Leik hte sphahopyt fo lbtesa aanin.g +8
suckitnbme  I kniht ti's emro aesebcu fo teh -nhtmo2 osithyr of ERSOGIESVPR ngiana xs ithw iortxen.e iThs opsnit to a hcoinrc cresspo atrhre thna na ceaut t.veen +
alienfever  trgg-nuDueil tnstes tvnreep soersnest-i arhr(te htan brms)ishoto by ingrlesae iilrssumo hcwih yb bglnokic clel oliaf.nrireopt +3

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by sweetmed(157)
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tnSte seoRstnise oscruc fmor sacr setusi swrog erov netst gsaicun ianm“neotli plsy”peaahri adn orarignnw, hismceia soptmsym runtre xT: penrtve yb ngusi grdi tgnuiel ntetss .eg ilruS.omis iormhTossb stPo osetssni is tu,ecA ttens severs as dinus orf shomurtb iofmtnoar llusyau /22 imssgni :xT tvepren by usgin daul ileaptantlet ertaemntt eie.clncasodrlgioorpi]riglp/a+[tr ftAer 1 arey, hoeeodtzaltinin of stetn crscuo nda herte is a wloer sirk of m,subtrho xT elrwoed to jstu ri.sainp

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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oientcS on ucavaEndoslr Signtnet omfr IGB SOBNBRI (fro lopepe elki me hwo need omre x)ot:tecn



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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by medschooler1(2)
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I htnki eth eyk erhe is thta ihst tietnap yraaedl hda a tsent epdlac, asw pomstmy fere rof a wef ,ohtnms nad own has inanag htiw e.txrenoi aAnngi whit tnioexre si dgirnbcsei aS"blte niagna", teh gannia si eud to mdnae"d miche.ia"s ehT smot mnmooc csaeu of ltesab inagna si hrtlcsrieaooachloersctetssrioe/ eqplua dibul up dna a yver oncmom rvdease tefefc fo setsnt si tnaioeimn aifmrt/noo rfomnig a new plaqeu on eth .te.s..nt a britosohms oulwd acesu aiangn ta boht estr dan twih xsei,reec ued ot "sppuyl icahe",ims nad ti odwlu be roem tauce, nto sevsirgpoer eikl het usteoniq tems ebedsisrc

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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tAhenro ngthi to t:eno eyht cduol ehva mdea hist iuetnqos eenv kircrtei yb sgkani ewrheht ro ton yuo knwo ihcwh dlesa are sotscaeaid hiwt chhwi .sateerir ihTs rpones adh ADL and ARC tnets tma.ecepln haTt sname taht thye odulc aveh nveig ouy ldase I,I III, aFV rf(o CAR sop)br ro V,61V- I, VaL f(ro DLA pb)rso dan emka yuo hsoeoc bdeas no tt.ah

hsTi esqioutn aws eriaes sncie all asreswn rea eidgarnrg hte CRA.

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