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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man who is a migrant farm ...
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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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ehT bdolo mears dspciet unSrhfcef plg.itpsin Foudn eht caext gimae on het wbe ithw :xtpelaaonni


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doctorboomboom  Hey kahtns ofr ngdniif the gamei! Do yuo nwok hwy eht anersw at’nc eb eCuqolohrin n?ssritceae I swa bw/ hatt dna oirfantmo fo ehzyoipsto.n +6
jejunumjedi  I iknht si't jtsu ttha nufhecrfS ipsignplt dan iyheoopsntz aer btoh eiisfpcc ot xvvai and olaev c.ieessp shTee ceispes ucodl eb lohroeicunq ttsiseran ro ,iestvnesi tbu fi uyo eavh ucnfhrfSe sgitinppl or hs,poyztoien oyu acn dfeiintlveyi say thta ti's ierhte xaivv or eoa.vl +3
sherry  eseciSp iwht syonetozphi is nto daecll ohniquloerc er.itnssat etiortlsqoanhnerC-isu ceispes maens ptoinohirzozct/tseho tacn eb kielld yb he.oricqlnuo eW tdno veah hnuego ofin ot deidce wrhteeh het psp ni teh q is sanitirnt/sevietse.s tuB we od wokn eh emovd ofmr rsoauHdn ot SUA 1 eray .oag +3
soph  :WU in aaicfr omst lariama siecesp rae ttsiesran to noi.oqhcelur he is mrfo soudrnha +6
randios  naC onaney axenipl eth ek-ew1 rohtisy of eref?v Reuld out aivxv nad ovael ude ot 84 rh rO did tehy utsj wtrho htat in as an nciseiucpf to.mmspy +2
dr_ligma  fecispncui mtopmsy boalbypr +
mcm94  who I nkwo hatt si an neioctifn yb veavalivx/o ? if hrest'e nonthgi hatt sasy oubat nriatet r?evfe +3
medguru2295  Wlihe ti DCULO be eiholunCqro tesns,airt sit ont .iilh kTslye eitptna is eilkly nceditef iwht avixV or lveoa to(n aapcii)Flumr .h ?1wy Hanrudso c(aiplF olwud eb .c ra2A)if xS 1 eary atrel L(ievr mrfo Vviax or .V 3)aelO sA aynm detnemin,o huSefrcf dapuosmFr acibelii snedt to be hte piecsse aitnssret ot oThpluin,reClyqy.acio l hCrqloueino si gienv for vaVix a;mp& lOaev (tpyiaclly whit miehntosg -eles vtoAao,uqen Deonaps )tec ot orcve cp eiimLaaFirlurv (no Lervi or)fm is eygaenrll noChieorlqu sntrtiase (B) adn rhofeeert edovrce htiw ag.AqternvaolnouPo/ui oYu do eend 84-1 adsy fo xt artfe micogn rof cFlapi bc it can mneira in hte Levri rof a efw dsya usjt( ton a nadotmr ynhop mo. or)Tf recov hte k"ewe fo fev"er eqtui-nso sti eemeenrcreg- fo erh s.x Tyeh arbpboyl jsut did ton twna to yas yicclc ot meka ti reircikt. +6
flvent2120  oLsok ielk st'i neeb euodcth on, tub ouy ldcou arsewn tshi ysello sabed no teh tafc ttha tsi' been oen reya ecnsi livgin in .uronadHs lhWei ti YMA be cqinouhlero iteatrsns, it SI .anmtrod tesT tkinag lsislk wdluo be ot ooehcs hte anrwse yuo c'tna urega iwth +
meryen13  m@oocdtoorobbom I hktni bucsaee ist snhgoiw hatt sti nbee a eyra ecsin he mmtdgreiai ( teal hiwonsg of eht z)d tis hnintig wrtaod the typosenzih. ton seur. +

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by suckitnbme(239)
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evEn fi uoy atc'n nieprtert het ldboo ,msear sthi ntetapi is nrgpntseie with armilaa rtefa being ni hte US fro yar-1.e s'It ghlihy uieynllk taht eh got wnley cedtnfie ewhli ni het U.S aWth is ncrricguo si a eotcartnvaii of odnrmat imlaaar yhtpzsio(eon ni eht re)vil atht sthi ddue otg lewih ni ou.asrnHd

sA hucs hsti si mlamsipudo ovviea/axl.v htaW pblaorby endaephp asw tath itsh tnaptei aws derteta thiw ueinlchqroo ehnw eh was yitlilani tceedin.f iTsh duowl acrle het oictfenin in eth ,doeabsltorm ubt esdo ton ilkl hte ntsoeoyhzip ni hte iel.rv Trettenma tihw purmineiaq si eededn to carel hte yiphootns,ez iwchh tish tnptaie eiyllk ddi nto ceriee,v cehen amlriaa elhwi ni hte US.

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madamestep  u!pY I tgo a sailmri unqsieot hwti no boodl mrsea (bayeM on Wrl?dUo eyhT all burl roeeg)tth dan eth lcue saw taht ethy adh mlaaaril smsmyotp aftre gneib ni aeicAmr fro a wiel.h +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by leny123(7)
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eGnarle lure - nrqleuhoCoi sviesitne if mfor nCbiareba ro enrtlCa imrAaec wset of amanPa laan,C sith npettia aimdmgerit fmro drHuosna so you nca almneteii lcroeiuqhno ectsreians as an enarsw hcoice i(n dnaoitid ot hte vi/eoaalvxv foni ea)o.vb

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charcot_bouchard  Gusy ongal iwht lal itgeenllint ssdcsuinio oasl epke ni nimd he tmarmdegii 1 arye So it smtu be ytoopiheszn hwich si nuigcas siht aseecbu aMiurc si arilaMa e.rfe +28

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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ouFnd shti traeg umndecot iwth sdeisl outab hte fdfenirte ts:hneoapg _ri/gmpa//:2stg01tnrG3hhsaerPt0mntp.0/

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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Kdni of yctkir sotui.neq ehT otihyzenspo aer qoeonuilhcr t.ssirtnae But the eeicpss aym nto .eb

.P caliFmrapu si stetrnsia adn oolks keil a bnnaaa, ubt uyo odtn nowk fi teh airamla in the RCB si pflcraiamu or on.t

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tyrionwill  etwrehh ssatnrtei or ei,issevnt psdedne on eht inroe,g ont on hte ieecsps a filc cmgoni romf aitHi duloc be sienvsiet +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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CROSUERE : CDC iralaa M ecsi:sep P. ixvav 9,3% P. frcumaaipl 7.%

YHW YHNYOPSZOE ? 2 osrnaes

  1. cfufernsh igplipnts ( ttah idrwe ellc ihwt tlso fo lube gt)etislr

  2. SHDNOAUR ( 93 rtpecen ear v)ixva

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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g.P 517 fo 1209 AF tecpuri B pisdcte ffrenuSh pinltsgpi reudn lairaMa. Sene" htiw P lvaxv/"iveoa

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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I ikthn hncilouroqe taicressen wotn be esipfcce ot iaxvv adn tuahs,veol mnigak ti het rcctoiren eras.nw urCiqnoohel neeractiss nac ypapl ot .P lpuFiracma dna P. raMiaela

ylnO xvaiv nda valoe usace yotpionhze uhst mkagin hatt eth oemr rclea searwn

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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soDe nyeaon knwo who ot elru otu ?E I've eenvr eraneld buota nscarsmigoriom cfysicelipla ivaanictgt a s'clle MACs, btu ehwn I lekood it up, I dfuno tshi cealtir (m9nelwP/wb/m.p/owM:i53ct3la.nhctgit/.7vC./cr/hi0spns). Teh tialecr en'odst ecspalyiilfc nimneto pdoalsimum sa iugsn ti, btu savelre fo teh ceruosrse ofr teh iatcrel .dose

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