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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
An otherwise healthy 45-year-old man comes to ...
Aphthous ulcers 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by thisshouldbefree(51)
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I get heset RYEV n.tefo I eesm ot egt thme yoln fetar igneat gisohnetm ahtt acn gemaad eht mcosau ni my muoht hucs sa hard ipchs (oTito,sts very edgagj very pni).a hTese era NTO cdlo sreso (.HV)S Tsih is lsmipy a ahuhtsop rec;lu tehy can eb srests niuedcd diys(ntug fro adrh .etts) hyet aer eyvr lniuafp dan od .ucrrceo rheet rea on osesacdait xs htwi hem.t

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j44n  hyet'er olsa uedsac by t.srsse I tgo 3 ni my mtuho hte ayd raeft citPorerm nlcdeaec ym etst rof teh 3dr ie!mt +15
ih8payingfordis  In ylaanm mse,rt sehte hsgitn rae eadllc anerkc I olsa get emht on my ongeut mseiotsme - erusp ulpinaf elapcyesli enwh ti mskae atccton hiwt yganniht ayslt. J tsu elik eerholfssde@,thibu i'ts alsluuy edprcdee yb oasmuc egamad (ie itbign ym unetgo dliyctnceaal wehil g)naiet +2
xmen  etst in 2 kw.see i evah tehm nwo +1
drdoom  The syoiocplgliah lrrycooal of locogaphslyic ”“sertss si roistocl adn its namy snscuoi ,iorrtite(ocdscso et arc).ete lCotiros suepsssepr eht ro“nl”am tbu nrclyeleaegit tlocys ospercs of deamrl nacinatenem adn hrwtgo sala(b tsem lecl sivo,idni sikn + emaielrpd rre,tovnu iundcnlgi ni hte cuoa)sm. ,oS in het peeescrn fo hhig ”s“tsre,s nmlroa olmcusa niemeannact is a.cdisrcfie isTh is ceuebsa meso o,rteh eorm aittnompr tltxsnieeai thtrea si pgnpeainh ni hte oyd.b Teh leustr si ufsft klie ohsaphut ,suecrl icnse ryuo dboy si lillrtaey genntcelgi ruoy auomc,s lwngaoil it to “niht ”tuo ot veeerprs neeygr ot dsedars smeo trhoe omjar sseymitc .esisu +1
drdoom  romF /mweeitt/i/piMrv=srb/aoss/cgitncpolc4?hsr15P.C8:lwtcwln5.6m./ hTe ocuoctgriicdol rorepcet G)(R si higyhl esrpeexds in eht basla clsel tbu it si yberal eltdacebte ni the trhoe raelys of eht emdiirpes 2)(.2 ehT ilalntocoiaz of teh RG in bslaa cnocre,eytos sa lelw sa eht neteaivg ffcetse of iiocctgclrdouso no tkotnayiceer hrgowt ofract dan etIpy- IaIdnI- gllcoena gene rospnesixe 6–22)3( sustgeg taht egdoeusonn lioorsct in SC epssuresps otn yoln undow ielnhga tbu osla morlan isnk otrgwh dna .etonurrv +
drdoom  ^ ,wbt CS = hsngCiu romSnedy (orritchleyosimsp) +
jbrito718  arieHgnap uoldw rccou ni the estrporoi ranoyg;-xpor&t-h sudcea yb akosxCei A ONT SHV +
meryen13  I aehv seom ni my umhto ...rn 2 sweek ot my pes.t.. ethy cna eb fodo or sesrst educdni nad tsi oemr moocnm ni some noisger mero ahtn trose.h in ileMdd atsE adn Asia it msese ot eb mcomo.n +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by medstruggle(20)
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yWh si ti hotsauph rucesl fi rteeh ear no IG tsmmospy? hWy n’tac ti be reeshp s?zreto

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colonelred_  ’Its utsj knarce sr,eso htey ceom nda go. I hnkit in spereh the mtagitvtiinogsios eaylrl lnoy ahepsnp henw uoy srift teg .ecedftin etrfA taht yuo tusj egt utrerncer lcdo sreos. +4
hyoid  peresH zstreo is not eth emsa sa epserh pxilesm isr.uv +31
bigjimbo  ouy lduow ees rdmemaote arsh in oseztr +3
kateinwonderland  c)f stuJ in acse nosoeem dtwnea ot nokw teh aacuviest rngoaims fo uasphhot src hel:uTe rseeipc scaeu fo acrekn rsose inmersa nrcal,ue hhtogu sehaesrcrre scepstu thta a monncabitio of ofstcra bseorcttuin to t,uakroebs vene in teh same slr po.ekUnien ocdl ose,sr kcenra sesro rea ont eicaasodst hwit eeshpr irsvu nntfi.isoec +9
charcot_bouchard  Hresep rZesto etonds cause tmsiggtii.oatsovin ginrepHaen nca cesua ciuaserlv enliso ni hutom tub speahpn to lrceidhn in msreum onesas yb tenroe ruivs +
drdeeznuts1  'mI wndeiognr if shit cldou eb a dmil saec of Behtce yrnomsed thoiwtu igeanlt inlvtmnvoee +
sherry  It usre cna eb etceBh or ehgpsmuiP fi eht q sorviedp su thwi emro fino. krCaen eosrs stuj meoc dan go orf ersay tihw alreucn sanhmmce.i Asol esphre esrzot si isgsnhle by V,VZ ton .V1HS +2
avocadotoast  otMs surciept no olgeog hswo niepaghanr nbieg rspetne no eht adhr leo/rpaat,htta hiwel aoshhtup scelur rae oomynmlc no het owrle ilp. I nitkh shi klac of elgtani insloes rae ntipgion su waya omrf hpngi.anare +
drdoom  enonyA lltis iuurcos otabu teh spohahypt fo tahoupsh uecsrl cna heckc out eht aerhtd eo:avb em:84x4/3h5co.mmen/9/bam46bn#nwr/eat2sseps/t +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by madamestep(17)
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enoynA lees get hist itgrh ubaecse hyet gte mthe os ontef mrof bualsotely nnlcrooltedu sssert?

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