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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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heT aeintpt oshsw on nsgi fo oilracct t,ayiticv tub sha esom mbertnsia tnufncoi i,ntatc whhci sipelmi ehs si in a frmo fo enripstets gteatveiev tsat.e heS hsa a ginliv llwi that gnesiastde nchmeciaal nilaeiovtnt dsluho be cdoutnesiidn if htat itustiano ,searis so ew tsum wolfol it dan maek ton pattmet to es.ctresatiu

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lfsuarez  hyW uldow eth odnesc atrp fo tath eb octrcer ewnh hreet si ont onitemn of a NRD? +19
ug123  DNI and NRD rea idteffner gtrh?i sThi etpnait hda a ID.N hyW loudw we umseas ti to be NDR t oo? +4
sherry  DNI dan DRN era ednied eerifndt.f tuB ti is tno the aces .here hTe tanitep dseen to eb axebtetdu mensa she idd not ings a IND or RDN in hte tsifr place. I asmseu rhe glvini illw si roem lkie itmeernta touripsgnp ttenmtrae in a evtatevieg e.stta oS rtehe is no eedn ot od siirontstaceu .nswyaay But I aeger hits is tno a ogod tqeouns.i +2
shayan  eh"T etpntia ahs sgiend teh nvlgii liwl and is ticotsnesn tihw rhe i"ievcdrste utb hte stem edtson tlel sah awht si in erh lnigiv iwll utoba eth x?otanubite we rea nattebxgui no eht ursqete of rhe d?bahsun hsti is cigufnnos ! +7
criovoly  I elbeeiv htsi tueiqosn asw not well esctcu.rdn.o.t 'ist one of sh!teo +1
suckitnbme  shanay@ ibatgutexn ta eurseqt fo het hnuadbs bceesua eh's oiglwonlf t'hasw ni reh lvigin wi.ll llgFwinoo ttah lnie of ,ghuttho hte naettip rypbolab tenwad ratlhiwwad fo reca if ni a eveetgvati ttae.s +
luciana  I dtrusooedn asem as @nyshaa thta she adtewn ot keep nwo edarign it angia I lefe teaxr dubm tiwh my opor negrdia ripnrtteeiotan ksllsi +
coldturkey  le@asfzur (fCPiR het dene s)siera , orf tish inpteat abbr( dsroovee dan haptosil )ietgtns, esh wlil be deattuinb ot get adn niaatnmi aayrwi sa.ecsc ovrewHe h,se si agsntai ayn cneamlhcia onavltiient as rep erh lnvgii .lliw eHnec, we nctaon frmopre CRP on +2
furqanka  I oto eeibvle DNR dna NDI era siitncdt utb WU 2411 says - A NRD edorr iecnsitad htta a tpatnie ulhsdo ont rduoeng CR.P hist idunelsc slb tuoh(m to tohum nte,aigrhb hetcs oc)nreoimsps sa wlel as edvadnca crcaida feil uptoprs itbnu,(oinat ahnlacimce ae,vltnoitni libintrodfail,e dna miderangiisnt adiitscmeon ushc sa espoovsrasr ro )nrp.ieenihep dniAoialdt seshwi cshu as eht disere ot ont be dfe iflltiiraayc ro yna eorth tmaotiilni fo race anc eb iedpfs.cei +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by kenyaboi(5)
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ishT is a #$fdke pu eqtnuos.i sti het yaws sit het basduhn is gnregaei htwi eth nivigl llwi "soicstnent whti ist iv.teedci"r so absaycill we odwul aevh ot aesmus reh will assy .RND neldeses fcnusnooi

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madamestep  calEty.x A ilivgn ilwl anc yas vheaewtr hte kucf uoy antw ti .o.t. +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—poisonivy(39)
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nca we sdrencio eth voseeodr sa a icisluad ettmp?at if onltwd'u seh eb cednoirsed as touiwht gnicinia-eksdom ?caapicyt

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em_goldman  eloPep how ear sildiuca tslil vhea einsgkmioac-ind tyacap;ci i'ts nto uenaqvltie ot vaaddnce naieedtm or erhot tsisaoitun hewre nscidieo inmakg is api.merdi wLsa yrva yb a;ttes I kwon in my tstae ahtt het xmuammi etim for hdlgion senooem iatgnsa ihrte illw is 84 shrou usesnl a ouctr sah eemedd ehtm itemecnntpo adn idadeegsnt neohtar esonrp sa htrie algel icsdenio ke,arm glndciiun epeplo how era atvielyc sidl.iauc M y nsddruetignan of hte lwa sa a anlropsye si that hre giviln wlli swa negsdi nalgo hitw lpopee ergiabn sewisnt to eht tfac hatt esh swa eht noe who igdnse ti, and ti swa hawt hse twnade. Etishc sida,e ti uowld be asltom ipleismosb to ervpo taht hes lgylael iantitide a NDR ni a atset fo icdtsaluiiy thta was setneni nhugoe ot erferenit ithw erh iisdncgnoaimk-e iytaccpa in ttha omnemt. +1
step1dreamteam  _andgoelmm eerht is an SMASOB ensotuiq iwth a iuclidsa p.t The retcrco reasnw aws atht idlcuisa tp od otn aehv M--lDv&tg;iginC wlli fo a siialucd pt duhslo nto eb rdsniceo.ed +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—fatboyslim(118)
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Tsih quoeints epitprd me u.p I ohesc A'' sabeecu eht onqtsuei dsai rhe gnivil iwll tin(esncsot tihw eth susan'hdb ssewhi) seod nto awnt ahiclnmcea tnnvleoitia, but ti ddi OTN say anityhgn utabo uDBN.R.t. moec ot kinht fo it, twha is hte toinp of gidon PRC fi she ntcnao antaniim tusoneposan ginrahtbe sicne esh smees to be ni a eeitvtagve ettsa? thTa easnm fi yuo do CRP adn aulltyac atwn to save reh fei,l yuo stmu tniaeu,tb hcwih egso nisagat rhe .iwll Hcen,e xateeubt adn od ton

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—joeschmo(0)
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fI hte dretsvicie eastt haanccleim ateitlionnv be iinddusntoec t'is midilpe htat hes dwulo earrth hyW udwlo neanoy yrt ot arseciutets when a ecionisd ash bnee adem to lplu het lpug?

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