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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#22 (reveal difficulty score)
A 32-year-old woman recently diagnosed with ...
Epstein-Barr virus-induced brain lymphoma ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: neuro repeat AIDS

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submitted by โˆ—lsmarshall(465)
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I hohtugt tshi asw a citkr esuiotnq neisc isnk esraccn aer eht tosm omconm eypt fo rcsacen erovla.l tBu lyuacalt agomn VIH sitepnat, eral-VHedtI ncrcsea rae cmuh oemr nmcomo tanh a-en-HrVdlIoent cnesarc (vnee iksn cren)csa. nEBdci-dVue yrmapri NCS omlyhmpa is the onyl pointo tath si IgiiDAsdn-fne clsnc.e/srailne

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medskool123  why tno hep ?B i usesg aonehtr shwat eth tertbe anrswe neo..s. Juts mre idngera that it aws emor monocm twhi disa ps.t. aeonyn have na diae tabou t?ihs +1
haliburton  s,Ye I nthki SNC hmaypmol sa an SIAD gfnniied slselin iswn teh d.ay y M gtthuoh wsa icnse HSE ahs SAID it si mots ellyik rmof IAV,D ichwh ahs a high iksr of BHV htat udlco og uiddoansegn fro a olng .temi ta 23, tath hmgit tno be glno hnoeug to vaeh HVB nad get CHC (utb hitw on imnuem ..).t?sysme +3
yotsubato  oGd nmda tish is shcu ..B.LUSLIHT +15
trichotillomaniac  yWh uoy aogtt od me idyrt klei hsti EBMN +2
sars  yM tohught orps,ecs yaluusl wonrg lla het mti,e asw atth HVB (DVUI) nac rcouc to noan.ey cetuA isptaheti to onihCcr souccr whne VBH ioocpaersntr tis AND oint thos nad reeesals iungtcema ptoies.rn shTi is reegsdasrl of iuprinmo.susopenm ryrPmia CNS mmopyahL parspeare ailprirym wneh uyo are msnrsmpudueesiop ro(agn traatnlpn,s dincoy,niuemiefcm D/.)SAHVII +2
syoung07  pHe C is fra rmeo llikye to bmecoe HCC anht hpe B +2
jurrutia  Eevn fi oyu erew ntikngih snik creanc si omre m,conmo sth'ta oyln rtue for lasab clle nda sqo.amusu amaelMon si rar.e EBV hcmu more eyklli in isad .tpeanit eEvn H orpily saw a ertebt a.swrne +

  • Lymphoma in patients with AIDS can take on many forms, but primary CNS lymphoma is common.

  • It often presents with seizures, lethargy, subacute memory loss, and headache. Physical examination may show neurologic deficits stemming from structural disruption caused by the location of the mass.

  • MRI will usually show a dominant cortical mass.

DDX * Multiple lesions distributed throughout the cortex would be atypical! --> HSV enceph or Toxo

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submitted by โˆ—krewfoo99(115)
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BEV rsvui noceftniis B cell.s As a rseopens eerth is teeircva stsopihmlcoyy tofniireo(ralp of +CD8 otoctixyc T Ltpme)oshycy. nI IH,V uyo lliw vahe a eaedesrc in HT selcl ieadnlg ot eedscaer in DC8 T elcl.s Thsu EBV lwli aleorftipre emor rfylee as het memuin osnseerp wtodsar it 8DC( lcs)le rea teln.dbu hisT si how i otg to het ersnwa.

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