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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man who is admitted to the ...
Determine whether the patient has decision-making capacity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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mtoyAoun si eth omts rtpitoamn iehcst clippeinr ahtt preusedses all h.rsote Hew,erov ti si eplaipd yoln in nsoitsiatu in wchhi a tpntiea desamtetsorn eaniogkmdciisn- ti.pcyaac In sthi u,titsnoia a pitenta itwh neaaddcv edaises eulniylk ot eb reucd is uegfrins tmeenrta,t hhcwi si ihs htrgi ndrue eth rpceplini fo ytaumon.o erewo,vH hsi ncommest taoub trrn"gniue ni 6 sntmho refat grnicu rithrsiat" era qbtunolies,ea nda artnarw miindetngre fi eh sha nsedicio mingak cay.tpaic It si oebpliss htta he do,es hihcw is hwy any ieohcsc of irnofcg ehrrftu mrttetean on imh era oe.rirctnc

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hungrybox  ehseT sitech onustieqs emsse so islmep dna yet esomhow I lyswaa etg temh .wrngo I eusgs edep dnwo m'I stju a ucsgbma. +20
mutteringly  Hey hreste' lsawya elndta closho +5
hungrybox  gtiel meda em o,ll ahknts fro ttah +1
jurrutia  ls,oA hte ipnttae is aoendsi!lul He thnksi es'h going to rceu sihr.ttria uoY ot'nd ehva eoinsdic amgkni aaciptcy hnew oru'ey .cazry +1
madamestep  ula,tlcAy uyo atuolbylse nca hvea g-eicdniomnsaik pytaacic hnew ey'rou yraz.c uoY tjsu need to vaeh a cloigla seoarn rof yrou dnioiecs orf sith eno cseoi.ndi sloA ti endsped on het ioiced:sn monesoe tihw DA tgimh otn vhae iecosidn gnkami ytcpaaic rfo rhiet lngo etmr ernmeattt or oighnus s,nede tub heyt hitgm ehva sceoidni gkmain ccayatip wentbee two dgru iccsheo ebgin de.rceondmem +

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submitted by โˆ—marypoppins(1)
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yhW ct'na ti be ehccio E? I masdseu hte ptetian adh palr.oib

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submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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Can omesone exanipl emor on owh ot cletak etshe tspye of oes?uqisnt I kucs ta tsehe iusqesotn rof a..ler. To me, he dsudnoe ryeptt esna adn seleronbaa (eods not iwhs to swaet oreth oe'plpes o.mny)e eSur he gmiht eb nedru gitslh sneprdoeis dgiugjn owh he ahs a lrmtenia esnills adn shi naetemtst on who bnyood srcae orf tuB slsnue eh si hrinoneetc ro yisapnlgid amcgali n,ingihtk snisg of lsos of romemy e,.ct hyw douslh eh be vaetlaude no iisgdiamoenk-nc ptica?yac

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drdoom  in lcdieam ,lapaecrn yuo nca eb so srsepddee atth uey'ro ulayatlc tgceiovlnyi tshi is onnkw as ispeneudaeo.dtm ,utsh ouy eend ot eirugf t:ou siโ€œ hsit ugy so rdpseedse ew nac deem ihm etnciotpnme ot mkae ieonsd?cisโ€ +
rockodude  he assy he hsa na nitonvnei to ruce srriitath ni 6 smonth le'lh be not mloanr o.mi ta telas for shit uioesnqt ahstt the lnie thta eadm em thkin esdo shti osenpr hvea caicpyat +

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