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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lower motoneurons ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: neuro

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—therealslimshady(42)
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Hree si my pranseol awy hwo I noadsere to teh recrtoc ewr,sna if it elhps nsertina. Foy ffo, I icrozenged esh albobyrp sah SLA, sa she sha pyerul morto stpymosm o(n ysnrsoe mts)opsym htta uicednl tohb NMU 3e(ewk- yoitshr fo cuslme r)spmac dna MNL issleno ssoiafinluc(ca,t throy)p.a In ,LSA oyu have agmdea ot agtnhiny that si omsecdop of sNUM nad LMs.N sMNU aer nudof ni ()A blercera hitew trtame, B)( clnoroctisiap rca,tt dan )C( enilatrn auspecl. I epkdci D)( rfo two srenao:s (1) hse ahs orem NML msymptos nath NMU ypsmsotm (the noly MNU ymstopm was lscuem cps,)mra and (2) oechisc ,A B, and C aer lal ,UMsN adn os ehty antc' lal be .ghitr

tThs'a tujs thwa was gniog on grhotuh ym b.nair rVye onvudeltco I kown nda itgmh aevh rr,sroe ubt fi I hleepd at taels 1 espnor enth I idd ym .job

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xmen  enod, nkhat ouy +
weirdmed51  aknTh hi.s..uyot thguat me os cmhu! +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tinydoc(276)
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I notd' ntkih it tsmreta hwehert ro tno tish saw ALS ( ihhwc I ltisl tikhn it s.)i Btu sehtre sniltfaciousa nad aeksWesn and rpoathy etsoh ear LMLN isnsg. eThser ooos myan nsyaek tquseions ni tshi emx,a sith stni oen fo

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sattanki(82)
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oDse enonya eahv ayn eiad on hsti tq?iensuo oughtTh it aws A.LS

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ankistruggles  I uotghht it swa ALS oot d(na I tknhi ti lislt cludo be?) btu my guhthto rscpeos aws htta a rwole rotmo ounnre ieolsn luwod eb teh mreo fspiicec arswen. +2
sattanki  aYhe ekmsa nese,s utjs rthwe em fof ceasu LAS si bhto ewolr dan pruep oomtr rnneou melsbp.or iaiocsoCrtlpn crtat wuodl ahve ebne a ettebr enrwas fi yeth ideedsbrc eorm erupp motor noneru smpm,tyso tub as you ,iasd hety olny bseidrec lorew rmtoo nrunoe mysmtpso. skTh!an +6
mousie  gAeer I tohgthu SLA oot tub aletmineid ehrPalrpie vnerse and LNM eaecubs I usgse I hugthot yhet weer het amse inhtg .??..?. mA I awy ffo eerh or dulco msneooe ymeab xniepla who ythe are dt?erfnief ! ashTk n +1
baconpies  ehlpeirpra nsevre duolw eiclund rtmoo & soynesr, hawseer NLM ulwod eb ujts tormo +16
seagull  lA,so a NML admage odntlw'u incudle htob dnha adn EL seluns it aws heswmoo feusdfi sa in -Geaiubrlr ds.ymeron tI dulwo liylek eb fciiescp ot arpt of a bdyo. hi?r??gt +1
charcot_bouchard  No. if ti asw a eirp reven it dowlu eb deitlim to a rcpaautrli uesmcl ro uslesmc. ubt ensic tsi orlwe rmtoo urnnoe it si fcntgiefa rmeo fiefduls.y eikL u ndee ot eatk ndow noyl wfe ombLu aarscl noenru to tge roewl tytexrime esewkasn. ubt fi it swa scciita or NCF ri(ep re)nve it wuldo be ifcicpse pam&; mtmyops ueldinc yr.Soesn +1
vulcania  I knhti i'ts ALS .oot ehT eocrtrc wrsane chicoe eehr essem oerm sadbe no siepccfi r:owndig eh t arnswe ioehcc ripsocta"inlCo ttcra in eht pnalsi c"ord ld'wuton lniaepx eht untgeo mt,spmoys sicne guenot tromo ianenoritnv s'ondet eivvlon eth lpsoionatcric tcrat ro eht nsipal docr is('t rlciabuortcob ttrca.) Tsih is a tiaonutsi fo E"BST newrsa iccho",e ont ny"ol rctoerc ansrew ec.ho"ci +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—rainlad(33)
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I was rwthon fof baceues I n'itdd leairez elwor unromnoeto = elwro tromo unroen aefc plam

MLN" c.df.iist.e hasryraitd, dsgiaa,yhp recammstyi lmib nk,ssaewe ctalciansufo,si yhaptro

UMN ..icif.tsed uaodsbebrplu slpya ..e(i syri,dathra ayihs,pgad ltieoamno iblytail, tssacpi ,gtia scou)n"l]

-- AF 9102 .81p5

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—guillo12(58)
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The" sslo fo orwle ortmo sennuro edlas to knewa,ses icinhgwtt fo celsum nifl),iout(saacc adn sslo of lucmse smas lceusm( )ht."apyor


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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—an_improved_me(91)
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I fgriued niecs eht swerna wsa lidseepsl-,m ti u'tnocdl be eht asnrw.e

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madamestep  etDneifyli ont a oodg oevm for M.NBE eyTh eovl a oogd opbsrcuo/ety na.em +

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submitted by โˆ—tissue creep(133)
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I etartde iths klei innWregd AHafSMfmn/o "tneugo( sil")iafcuso,cant nad tjsu kidn of actpceed it bigne irdwe to eb ni a -yd5r.lea-5o

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dr.xx  MAS4 onsAdt?eul-(t) +

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