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NBME 22 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—bubbles(79)
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nhCicor lrane yuccfniei:isfn

)1 poor apsophhte encceraal tg&--; hhig uesrm icroiagnn osrhoopsuhp

)2 gihh muers espaohtph -&;t-g xsmcopeel hwit dntvleai tincao aC --;tg& aC falsl

3) aC lfasl g-;t&- gretrgsi TPH asix

)4 kinedy ulfraei --;t&g esceeaddr cvtytiai of -delsh1oxyray ta het eydnki -&;tg- lsse coartciill

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makinallkindzofgainz  isht guy lrenas +9
paperbackwriter  eeonoSm aseepl lhep em wthi stih laywa(s tipsr em :)up PHT ecsusa erndsciea itv D urtcondopi in rea we gnsusmai teh enarecids HPT cnt'a ctach up twih eht endyik elrafui? sI it hte veell riorp to HPT iotsnomacpne ttah htey t?anw :D +
miriamp3  erpawirpbc@artke ahwt ti rskwo fro em ;;;; si nfid the irstf yratnaobmli os DKC owl alliccorit o(n D vit) &--t-;g si angno acnseeir TPH t-g&;-- teh deinyk rae ont ignkwor i(rochnc, hyet dton' tlel u enyetlcr- uyo catn; reevtr a DKC os het eykdni renev ioggn ot chtac up) -tg;&- sinearce cinonragi uhrpo&s-s-h;.tpgo alaysw tstar htiw hte lbep.omr I soal eus stih fro lcicae dna epyts of shks.oc statr htiw the ,blpomre dna rsutt yuf.serlo +4
paperbackwriter  ar@3imimp khtna ouy! I wlil ryt out oryu sryategt entx !imt!e ): +1
snripper  I toughth rlnae infncefscuiiy -;> lntbiiyia to brroeasb ahpothspe at CPT t;&g- edcdeesra aoehh?sptp +3
skonys  anC msenoeo epilnax hyw oiailtrlc is olw? Is ti tjsu atth shi eknydis era ducefk adn eh 'ctan eakm ?it oS PTH si einsacrgin ot tyr to owelr eth osph adn aeirs het tiv d ubt eth ieyksnd era like ,oll" I cn'at" +
madamestep  @noyssk tyrpet mhcu npIyu! eaylr nlaer flaieur ully'o see gihh HTP sleevl tub MNALOR aC nda .hsPo aceuseB sti' ealb ot ekpe up tbu by.lear tA a ecatirn oitnp htu,hog eth ndkiye swob tuo dna PHT si ih,gh hoPs is ih,hg +C2a is wl,o PEO is l,wo cioitllrac is olw, eeraitnC is ,ihhg BUN is +

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1780)
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If the naittep is ntkgai luicamc etetcaa (a aphhsoetp ,rde)nib wyh si shi ooupshrshp vllee eds?raceni

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 -8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sne(59)
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eSicn hes ahs aieclc scrpue -;tg-& tfa imvniat i,ntobpsraamol sthu i.Vt D is edseocrwdaLe .ivt D = olw iriclatol,c low ntsaobirpo of phhosptea fmro sit,nnetei nad wlo opobnarits of +2aC ugcnasi an nceiresa PTH

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