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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
An unimmunized 1-year-old boy is admitted to ...
Phase variation 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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In boyi,ogl phsae rvtnoiiaa is a etohmd fro inegald tihw ripayld yinrgav nemroetivnns thiotwu iierurngq doranm omt.iantu tI nsvlovie het itivaoanr fo reotipn xrspnseo,ei enqefyltur ni na fof-no ifoan,hs nwiiht denftrife rspat of a ielcrabta lp.oatnoupi sA shuc eht epehynpot anc whstic ta cqfireeunes ttha era hmuc hirghe (immeeotss );g%1&t nath scasiallc oattnuim .aestr shPea vatiarnio ubtrenctsoi ot ulevrcein by gnegrntaie etneei.ehtroyg guAohhtl it hsa eebn otms olycmnom ddsteui in het ectxotn of uimmen ieona,sv ti is vrdseebo ni myan rhoet aersa as wlle dan is dylempoe yb urisvao tpesy fo ,abiteacr dulncigin aoalmnSlle isepsec.


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whoissaad  si it eth asme nitgh as iacgtneni viitaan?or +12
dorsomedial_nucleus  o,N teancigni anravitoi ovnvlies gmnieoc nPsgtera reahemnaer anrivtaoi can be otuhhtg of sa MOER or LSSE of emsnohtig. An f/onfo wc.thsi oN NDA si ignbe eaerrgdrn,a tjus dneru ro rvpeoeseexrsd ni nsopeesr ot eht im.netronenv +8
makinallkindzofgainz  Tsih ni'st in i,akZn thL,iraeyg ro itrFs diA, adn I o'dnt mrermeeb eerv nigrnael ubtao itsh in ssacl. nshTak EBMN! D: +21
jurrutia  oYu nowtldu' ctepex teh erfdncefie in yetneophp of a evgni iagorsmn ni a eingv iattnpe to hangce uabcsee of ao.nttusim tI ahs to eb noistehgm oetrh tanh omtnauit. eshPa anvaitoir is hte ylno tpioon ahtt uednods keli no.oaintt-mun +
l0ud_minority  enO fo my sletucre ta ym clshoo creovde stih eppaly.antr In eno of rieht 510+ dleis erpow tpino nuostdah lalsm notf no dseil 56 otombt eflt ahnd rec.rno +1
ankigravity  Dn'to konw fi it wsa ni oUWrdl a erya o,ga btu ehrte si a WolUdr nesiuotq toabu haesp ti.oarnaiv I dame adcr mfro ti agstnt,i :cP1es{}ha}{:" iaianotrv esrrfe ot a rlesieevbr hstwci ewbente na ler-nao”o“n-l )foo/f(n sesrxpnige sepha, nrlgiestu ni vaaionrit ni het lveel of srxpnsieeo fo noe ro omre isrentpo twneeeb aidvlndiiu sellc fo a nclloa ouopilpnta." +1
abhishek021196  p2svwo-se-eieothsnn-p/tenoi/neaaue/haasMsweoie%sswtaigScr0/c./cn2oec:/ef/rajslliki.atroohlc.bsiusltcepsc/lesraiiiddccevgh Pesa ioaViratn - hsPea ativinora is a besrievelr csesopr htat hlspe eabctiar ot qikyulc erentgae sditiyevr aadt padn to liyrpad cngahign oin.etsmnreOn nev titonmau in a 'epsha avri'ealb neeg anc iwchts pr esxnos,eNOi and rthenoa moattniu ni het emsa arpt of NDA illw cishwt hones rxepstie of hte neeg D caFkbT ONF.'O WOKN HWAT FRINECEEDF WEENBTE IACNENTGI DNA PHASE NATIRIVAO H?UOHGT +

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