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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman ...
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 +27  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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lcoustinaaCl rof add. hTe pyiatiolrbb fo eth erahft neigb a ierrcra si /23 ncsei it si nnkow ttha he dn’sote heva hte s.eidsea Tneh eht apirbibtlyo fo ihm ngissap it on to his ikd si ,21/ s:hut

  • Pryibbolait of add iebng aecrirr = 2/3
  • yiiaPrltobb fo add nipsgas no sedeisa eaelll = 2/1

tsuonaicllaC for omm. tWih eht iybee-rargHWnd re,nipPlci yuo nca fugeri uto the bitoibylpra fo het rothem nigbe a irecra:r

q = s(0r/q04,)t010 = 210/0

oS, p2q = 2 * /0201 * /120909, wchhi is oxarpp 1.010/

roF eht dhilc ot get eht llelae orfm mm,o wto gsnthi eden to hpnaep: )1( mom mtsu be a rraeric ]oeygteoer”[zht“ dan (2) mom utsm spsa teh laelel to hli:dc

  • yobtiPrabli fo mom nbige aeircrr = 1100/
  • oilibrPbtay of omm npssiga on easdsei aleell = 1/2

gutiPn it lla hgeroett. woN, ionmecb lla reegtt:oh

= bypoiirab(lt of add eibgn ec)iarrr * oibtpar(ybli fo dad ignassp on daesesi lelela) * (airlbpbtoyi of mmo biegn earci)rr * tb(yrbaoilpi of mmo gsapnsi no isdsaee llee)al

= 23/ * /21 * 011/0 * /12
= 1 in 006

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kernicterusthefrog  oT tuqoe orhyTg Thr,o darg qene:u w,e" J,usse "sosrg +52
niboonsh  Tihs nqotiuse kmsae me ntwa ot timvo +14
drdoom  lol +
5thgencephalosporin  oayk oww +
tekkenman101  uYo cna akem iths a lto ceikrqu by sungi esplmi leusr for sotmaaolu ceevresis a1d.)ss iese dnUfcteafe epnatr hiwt etcfdefa glineae iwll eb a cairerr /32 fo eht etmi ( )2Aa) eeyucrqfn ni pnaioulpto si rpseu wol os oyu acn ieogrn P adn utjs seu 2q() in drroe to cluaaeclt raecrri ee.fqryucn So take eht uqaesr rtoo of teh yzohoosmug eecrvises ecueqrfyn (00)0/1,04 dna tjsu lpgu it ni: .()5200 = )13 0. ehT ddos fo trihe dhcli gebin dfectaef wthi eth otw arspetn igbne edumass phiyehtoctal rcsreiar is 41/ a)a( or 2'5. sda.D ricarer cnhace (/3)2 x M'oms raerirc nachce 1.)0( x 'dcsihl nahcce of enibg esreicsve )(2.5 +1

Instead of doing all those calculations for the mom, you can also just multiply the dad's probability by 1/200 → q, the probability of the allele in the general population

+1/- hungrybox(1277)

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submitted by keycompany(351)
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dneaiMlan in:teescG

nMa sha 32/ anchce of ngbie a rrrac.ei (He esod ton ahve hte e) Wmn ao craerir sikr smut eb educcltlaa iwth p2^ + qp2 + .2^q q2^ = 01,/0040 q = 2/0,01 p si rhyguol = 12 qp = 001/1 = raierrC qneeycfur .

ksRi fo anivgh a ilcdh suth squlae 32/ x 0/101 x 1/4 = 1/060e/u2 ce3sB:a = naM reaCirr rkis 01/10 = aeeFlm rearrCi ks4/ Ri1 = enCahc tyhe eahc sspa no the seeeircsv gene to irthe rnsfif.pog

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hello  See ym oltpnieaaxn fi you eend reom srowd ot xaipnle tish xtapoalinen +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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siTh hte aems sa @ysnkcepym'oa aapitxnolen thwi orem ipennoaltxa hetos tath ened .ti..

hTe tnepait si fetducaefn by hte aarlipucrt tmlaaouso eecersisv saeside dna ihs bhoerrt hsa eht utoalmaos isveecsre diasees ;t--g& hits nmase ahce of rheit rnateps aecrrsi teh AR lelela. ,oNw rof eht aenttip ot be cnaudfeetf ngevi ttha obht hsi stnaepr ehva eth AR laele,l ti maesn ttha eth tpaetin sah a /23 hncaec hatt eh si aulstmnoieulsy aufeedcfnt adn a ae.ircrr

Teh nstapti'e traernp is ueafdcftne nad lrmoan eWid-bryrangHe tcingese sa( ttseda in teh m)nlo.webpr.he ihst is aielsclcpyif enmo,dnite you aer to emssua tath hte reaptnr has a ecarrir feqycnuer fro eth RA elel,al whihc aqeul to pq.2

hTe idasese sah a cnrefueyq ni eth tpuooaipnl fo .10400/0 isTh is ^2q t;&-g- ^2q = .401/000 gvSoiln ofr ,q you tge q = /.2100

erarCir ynuefceqr si 2q.p ervwHoe, rof a arre ,aeidess p2q ≈ 2.q ,So teh erarcri fyeecqrun orf teh pertran = q2 = 2 * 210/0 = /001.1

Nw,o the Q assk uobta an gsffniopr of het ntitape nda sih anprter ingeb ffaeedtc, os to ehva na efctfaed hil,cd rehet si a /41 aencch fo hainvg an ftfaedec lchdi ss(bcueea eht ettpain and hte nratrpe btho evha a 12/ hecnca fo insapsg teh leaell --tg;& oyu mlepulit eseth roegtteh /21 * /21.)

,So ultlyipm 3/2 * 1/001 * 14/ = 60.10/ hsiT si etiPn(tap inbeg a eira)crr * (Pnrreapt genbi a rarrice) * Paghivn( na tffeacde gofrspnif tehet)rgo.

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submitted by beastfromtheastx(0)
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eTh aloitbbripy fo the tfearh negbi a rcrarei is /32 cnise ti si nwkon taht he dotens’ vaeh eht .esedais Tnhe hte tyirbailbop of mhi ipsagns it on to ihs dik i:s

21/ * /23 = 31/

Whit hte dbn-eeiWayHrrg ,plnericiP uoy anc erufig tuo eht lbtaoriypbi fo het tormhe eignb a r:ciarer

q = )t00/(1rq4s,00 = 0/210

,So pq2 = 2 * 0/201 * 9/20910, whhci arxopp is 01/0,1 adn eth tiaiobplyrb fo het lcdhi gietgtn hist llaeel is 001/1 * /12 = 0102/


01/20 * 1/3 = 06/01

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brill45  uoY idd stih irhgt tbu I nthik eamd it a tib mreo mlcatocdeip htna dendee to e.b oT geruif tou teh elolidkohi of a arodnm rpsnoe ni the poliopnuat gssipna no a reiecsesv eel,all uyo sutj ndee ot od 2sq(rtqor)ouae ot gte ot q. And jtsu use htta q to lmytilup tiwh eht 31/ yuo tog lei.rera Teh q laveu tsell uyo the laeell ryeqnefuc ni eht o,ptlopainu etrwhhe teh epnosr si a rrcreai or oomgshzyuo ceiessver ho.tb uoY iltsl otg ,it tbu usjt gttlnei uyo wkno eth eaiesr reotu in saec uyo ese ti niaa!g +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by kdckjn(0)
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wyh theer is birytblapio of atehfr neibg a rrcraei is /23

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drdoom  eW aessmu hits si a essevreci nI hoert osd,rw yuo imesanft the isseaed fi oyu htiiner a ieassde el,llea ,d fomr ryuo remhot nad a sdiesea eeall,l d, ofmr ruoy rhafte, igvngi uyo an lelela iinarpg etdneod yb dd. dd = yuo heav teh eiessa.d The htfear does otn heav teh s;iaseed htsi emasn his tgeoenyp acn ynlo eb 1 of rhete ithg:ns DD, D,d ro Dd. tTha is, DD = D fmor sih ,dda D ofrm shi m;mo Dd = D ormf his ,dda d ofrm hsi o;mm ro dD = d frmo ish dad, D fmro hsi .mom etcNio ttah in olny two of eshte 3 iosielsitispb soed hte htaref lypetn)(iatlo aveh a eaisdes lllaee ()d thta eh mhigt pass no to ihs .ngoyepr +

We assume this is a recessive disease. In other words, you manifest the disease if you inherit a disease allele, d, from your mother and a disease allele, d, from your father (giving you the allele pairing denoted by “dd ”).

dd = you have the disease.

The father does not have the disease; this means his genotype cannot be dd and thus must be one of 3 things: DD, Dd, or dD.

That is,

  • DD = D from his dad, D from his mom;
  • or Dd = D from his dad, d from his mom;
  • or dD = d from his dad, D from his mom.

Notice that in only two of these 3 possibilities (⅔) does the father (potentially) have a disease allele, d, that he might pass on to his progeny.

+1/- drdoom(1206)

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