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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 43-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—spow(50)
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Of lal eth pnooits ,isdtel htere are wto ttha unnfcoit in oeveinsr of teh ootf a(dn would ceusa hsti ptatein i:a)pn eth ifablirus eibrvs dan ariflsbiu .itsteru

At tshi onit,p NMEB cesptex us ot eahv omes upers isienna elo,deknwg utb she'er wyh (I khit)n the awnser si vresib dna ont .ustiert Teh bsriev smecul rsun vreo hte arletal laousellm and erhfreeot trdyclie revo stih afrtrecu. ehT iusrtte setka a iefntefdr outer onti het ,ofto cisne ti ieasrs fmor the mdelia bailuf dan so it urns ornatrie to the lta leuloslma nad lu'otwdn osrsc hte efrcurat is.te

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submitted by โˆ—dentist(94)
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teh ibrsuailF ivreBs is het lyno ruep foot oersnvei uscelm tidesl .eehr rgetEniv ihs ooft lwdou erxebaecta ish unryji dan usace imh moer pnia ta eht rtfuarce

imo aorincctton of yan of sthee csluems dwlou be pluafin ni tihs nscriaoe

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weirdmed51  eDu to sit oorp clihmneaac er,veglea basiurfil rustiet cna ucerodp olny otw wake voteemsn:m tFoo rfisonioldex rdouan the roctualral n)(aelk tnj,oi twih the leph fo xnestoer gomuirtdi osulgn nda asbliiti eiorrtan .emslsuc ootF erisvoen ta teh tlrbaaus tnijo iwth eth ida of iibufrsal gsnoul nda uilafribs rbseiv +2

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submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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hTis nkil has ogod irtuepcs as eeerncref /t/n.terirgrvebwtuusrshilsbhpe-e/ymbstsesbrsp/ln-cht:iooi-aiped.ealn-ftaovleoowr-/-gglep-wrtg-uioinrgoisu

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Though both peroneus brevis and tertius are foot evertors, peroneus tertius is an anterior compartment muscle, and peroneus brevis and longus are lateral compartment muscle.

+6/- apurva(101)

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submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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Heers a godo maeig tmatsslt/ewnmrgoutay/laeo-/esneaimplthaeecho/mr.mtct:lfeci//nrpba-oml/l

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submitted by โˆ—spow(50)
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fO all the osonpit ltdi,se hrete ear wot thta onifntcu in esiovner fo eht ftoo a(dn wudlo asuce thsi tnaptei pi):an hte librisafu sreibv nad uilbfsiar t.uirets

At hits i,tpno BMNE xespcte us ot ehva meos usrep neniasi gne,ekowld but 'esreh yhw I( ntik)h teh sneawr is ebsrvi adn tno ueri.stt The ibrsve mscuel usrn orev hte tlarlea olulsamel dna eerhferto ideyrtcl voer iths fc.urrate Teh rutstie etska a ffnditere toreu ntoi hte ,ftoo enics ti isaers from teh milead labiuf adn so it usrn enioartr ot teh lat saeolmllu and ulwn'tod rcoss teh trecfaur itse.

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submitted by โˆ—an1(114)
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thsi hlpeed a lto /IkV.Xwsbvcht?avtc8utIpy0uvmetwww=6o./o:h/Z

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