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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#9 (reveal difficulty score)
A 26-year-old woman develops hypotension and ...
Antibody, complement C5-9 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: immuno abo_incompatibility complement

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submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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gnDossii:a tuAce oHyetimcl aunfisrsTno ticoanRe


yepT II etiihsypsvecetiy rn.rnaoti imnahco rlIuvyseatsrsla (AOB obupgodrol omcp)alnitytiibi cralsru aroavetx iylhmosse d nhsyobtto(ai oratenic gnaoitsirfaeng tiengna no noro s)CBR.d


e,reFv iyoeotnnphs, aeyynchtcaa,ct r,pihaad alknf a ni,prugilaonoibhem s imsrshtl(lv)ic,yaneaouar x c.arada(vjiserun)teaulc inihtW 1 ohur.

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submitted by potato_for_brains(2)
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isTh is cueta olmhyicet rifsaotnusn ontc,aeir I e.iebelv pyeT II RHS os eshs’ grmoinf teaodsiinb snaaitg teh BOA pguosr no hte olbod s.lecl otpelCmenm is niedudc by tsib.aodine

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kfratta1  tBu whit inytohospen in the mste I hguthot reom fo ahlapyxinas ude ot IgA fed. Wyh wuldo a T2 RSH iegv yuo hpti?soneyno +3
2ndmedschool  I hknit teh meihialoogbnur si eht .yek sA I’m kongiol at it ti mssee thta syxhnaalpai lwuod eausc tpoyneos,nhi ai,rrcitau tih,cgni iz One.ew hg BA iotpiiclnbtmayi is het ynol noe that enoinstm gibomnorui.hela +25
hyperfukus  abo itbtailpnoimiyc nad rh nitcypaolbimiti itwh mom obldo srnx rea anong YETP 2 no atemrt htaw it oslko kiel +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by abhishek021196(119)
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eutac eiyotclmh frannosisut irenctoa AR,T()H sloa deallc immedaite ietcomhyl ssntrniaofu reani,cot si a nefhgeitar-enilt cotinera to eiecivngr a boodl sATHR cruoc wnhiit 24 uorhs fo teh onuinfrssta nda acn eb itdgrgeer by a wef iimierstlll of bl.ood eTh iecnarto is iedretggr yb moer-rdepf osth onaesdibit rynetgsodi nrodo erd doblo slec.l ARTH ipyclalyt ousccr nhew ehert si an ABO ldobo ogupr otlicypniaiit,mb nda si omts srveee hwne tpye A ornod olodb si envgi ot a epyt O dtiebesAinticorinep. tnaisag A nda B bodlo osrupg uhemgnassilo(it)nig setenpr in the seirtne'ipc lbdoo tedsroy het rodon erd obdlo lTsheelyc. sola evcaaitt teh uoaoniactlg adcecsa d(olbo tgliotnc tss)eym iav ftcrao ,XII cwhih can dlea ot naesdditmesi auracitavnrsl atailncuoog dna deikyn dge.maa imeihlnnstIousgg a soal ttcaiaev teh eptncmmelo decaasc iva 3Ca and C,a5 hcihw tneh mptoero iyatrmomfanl kyioctne asrelee fmor eitwh bdloo llcse. Tshee oliamnafmtry iokenscyt cdeiunl 1,-LI I,L-6 ,-8IL nad aT-FpahlN, cihhw eucas opsymtsm of wol olbdo reesr,psu rve,fe cseth a,nip eanuas, m,ivginto and gizhwene

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submitted by brise(86)
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naC nynaoe lpaiexn yhw poemlnemct -5C9 si de?slti

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drdoom  'odtn veah eth tmes ni ntorf of em utb teh Fc anl”d“he of ybaitdon solawl ofr inopoozntsai yb( rsoaeagphmc and rhtoe ACP)s ubt reom ilteiyedmma it vaistatec ranciuiltgc omemlcentp -&t;g genmtiatrin in eth mirofanot fo het ebanemMr kAttca eoCp.xlm MCA is tareg way ot klli solnnfe iunstdrer tutowih avnigh ot wita fro aaphrscgemo ot mreuat ro einoputhslr to .vreair FATS CANI’T !INATTNAC +3
brise  naTkh ouy so !hmuc +2
2ndmedschool  … hiuottw iangvh to atiw orf scpeomrgaah to gte prvdaatuescite … +
2ndmedschool  t*ge asep*eivrcattdu +
2ndmedschool  o,sla ni easc 'sit ton oo:sibuv 9C5– si hte emMbnaer tActka Clxmepo +

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