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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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heWtig slos - hktni rimnteypoaaHacernc - HDIAS fmor almsl cell gnul ca dEenmrace + VJD - SCV neodmsyr

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peridot  I saw tnnihkig ugln nccare nrsceegit HDSIA, tnuelsrig in rapnym.aeotih But ueecbas eth nosetiuq adesk fplaiiylcsec uotab the eusca fo teh claiaf ee,dam I utp tmpariyehoan (anresw ceciho C). I asw ewrnidgno how oyu sguy rwee bela to trfednetafeii eentewb C. yoahtrieamnp nda .E ngul rcca?ne Thkan oy!u +2
mannan  eTh rsfti ihtng taht crodess ym dnmi was SVC emysdron rmof the crenca gbonitrstcu teh R ehrailcahpcobic vine pvegnneitr vesuon bodlo omfr rutnringe to the ehtar nd(a tsaniyg ni eht icflaa a.)aer Aosl I mauess amenyHoptari wuold eb vleiqanute ot sdredacee boyd loevum os etrhe ltd'wnuo be emdae. AF Ralen silphygyoo toensci ahs a ogod racth no waht ensphap irnudg etyelcltoer lcbsnimeaa o(hpy and )heyrp +2
mannan  etrido@p +2
peridot  I swa inhkgtni htta nyearopamiht wolud be erom lsso of tcsmioo eresrsup &tg;-- a,emde btu I ienfeydilt ees het mgntruea fro a smsa 'ttash ylmpis glkicbon lbodo olw.f anThk u!yo +1
jaramaiha  lony tinhg ffenitcga oicotms rrpeesus si lnumb,ia hwchi dwolu eb ermo awdtors eivrl i.cishsrro Teh obdy will atemttp ot aamninti a a+N of 104 thwi voursai mmhscsein,a utb odtsn'e rcintuoteb to otsmcio r.seseupr +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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heT tlaiini atrnptneieso lokso eikl ncacer: gtwihe lsos dan erisgposevr daeysnp rvoe the euocsr fo hmsotn ni a veyha esomrk. Tnh,e eht qeositnu drscebeis rn-olteryupaamx mmtsopsy nad a plsrieacpoatan sdrm.eony

roMe aucl,ety ethre si epvoemdetnl fo dmeea fo eht efca adn jrugalu snouev tnoeidisnt. cesBuea itsh si ilzdcaloe ot prepu body, ew hlduso ntkhi of a ecliamcnah ontisrtoubc to uovnes oflw as spdepoo ot emso oncgdiaicre n.eoars iThs si na x-norlpeaamrytu tmyposm of ugnl acecrn.

[ ieurSrop naVe vCaa nyemrodS uacsed yb teh aldime ardnsgiep fo teh .rmtuo aCn be drtexeaaebc ni het ilphcasy xmae yb niksag eaptnti to rseia thob .mrsa ]

lFinaly, rtehe is a eiglsn igldthhehgi lba euvla t-&g; ipoaharnmyte. llamS llec ngul crance cna learees ptaoarenpirpi lleevs of unrdtictiiae heomnro -;&tg SAIDH. HAD wlli arenti wraet and sderaece miuods ocnntcreotnia olspysib lgiaend ot beracrle deaem and ess.uzier

[ erndomSy fo irIpanoearppt DHA (due to smlla clel rncco,iama a rnoodcuenrneei oumrt of teh gu)nl ssecreead dimsuo cna.octoenrtin aapesliroPnact .seyorndm ]

In ettPc:kyhhSa VCS neydmsro is hte edr ollabno anre teh imminuadtse ship adn SHAID is eth uyg ytngir ot yracr het artew eoorlc dna gtegtni rtwae lal vroe ihle.mfs

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makinallkindzofgainz  I eea!gr iprroeSu lcuuss umtosr is a lung crnamoaci thta rcusco in eht peax of the ungl adn nca caesu VCS onsd.ermy +2

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submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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ma i eht nlyo bumd oen ohw uhhotgt ti swa mediaoegan auces of hte ECA ir?noiihbt atollty dglceeten all other ofi.oirnatmn

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dwdelva8  I idd the meas ,higtn but esh adh enbe on thta CAE othniirib ofr 51 asrye so I eugss it wudol eb gsnrtea for it ot lla fo desdnu aeusc stpymsom +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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saW it orgnw to ees oobdl ngetdi utpsm,u dna cualilayottma mesasu tsi caen?rc isnce none of teh tshroe udlwo aehv ceusda odolb deingt mtuus?p

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