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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man who is a migrant farm ...
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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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ehT oldbo serma pdeicts efhnufcrS plnits.igp dnoFu eht ecxat igame no teh ewb whti oetapxna:nil


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doctorboomboom  yHe hksant fro infdign teh !aigem oD you nwok why eht wsanre ct’na eb onChelirquo ansse?trcei I aws w/b taht nad oinfatorm of .nstozieoyhp +6
jejunumjedi  I khtin it's utjs htat hfrecnuSf tlpignspi nad nohtpzeysoi are ohtb ciecispf ot vxiva dan oalve ci.spees heseT pcisese uocdl eb ilqocnruheo srteniats ro vnii,ssete but if uoy vaeh efSnhrcfu lpingstip ro tonpzhiose,y uyo can eidyiivtfnle asy that its' reeith ixvva ro voeal. +3
sherry  pSsciee hwti oyihnsptezo si tno cedlla qieoucohrnl iteartsn.s ieC-tsroateqlnnirhosu cespesi snaem hctotto/zinhepozorsi ncta eb dikell by uch.ioonrlqe eW tnod veah uegnoh foni ot dediec hthrwee hte spp in het q is eini.iteantvesstr/ss tBu ew do nwok he vemdo form Hdrsnuoa to SAU 1 erya a.go +3
soph  U:W ni rafaic smot ailaamr eicpess aer nearitsts ot lcquo.ehionr eh si omrf sanhdruo +6
randios  Can yonaen elnpaxi eht 1-wkee rhisoyt of refve? eluRd tuo xaivv and aeovl edu to 84 hr ccsyle. rO did thye utsj rwtho ttha ni as na iufccpensi mot.psym +2
dr_ligma  scfciinepu mymotps bbarpoly +
mcm94  owh I nokw taht is an foetnicni yb vvvexoial/a ? if hetsr'e nohgtni tath sysa atuob aetnirt fvree? +3
medguru2295  eliWh ti OLCDU eb enoCquolrih nr,issatte its nto iky lilhes.T intteap is kyille etidncfe thiw ivaVx ro eloav n(ot r)Flcuaiaimp wy?1h. asduHrno cFa(pli dluwo be iac .)2rAf xS 1 erya rteal rLe(vi omfr Vxvai or )Vl3O ea. sA anmy ,menetdnoi ufehcrSf slripomiFba daeuci tends ot eb eth cipssee rteniasst ot a,rceii.lnphy olloCyTqu riCqloheuon is eignv rof Vvaxi am&;p alOev iclplayyt( itwh miostenhg -sele uonAo,qavet eDasopn tc)e to ovrec eipFamvulriL raci (no vreiL fmr)o si algreeynl qrCeioohlnu essitnatr B)( adn freeherot dcevoer tihw eo/lunuoaPrtiaq.ognAv uYo od eedn 841- dyas fo tx fatre ocimgn for Fcipal bc ti can nmeria ni hte veriL rof a fwe syda us(jt nto a ndmroat ynhop ofr)o .Tm coerv teh "weke of fveer" nout-sqei tis eeg-rnemcree fo reh .sx Tyeh ylroabbp stuj did otn watn to say cilycc to emka ti .terkrici +6
flvent2120  koLso elik i'ts bnee codtueh ,no utb oyu locdu rnawes hist eysllo edbas on eht fcat htat its' nbee noe ryae senci vnilig in ndrH.usoa Wheil it AMY be chiunlrqooe ss,tinraet ti SI tnodmr.a tTse ingtka siskll ldwuo eb ot ooesch eht sanerw yuo tna'c rgeau whit +
meryen13  mrdbboomt@oocoo I tnkhi uebasec tis iswnhgo taht sti ebne a aeyr esnic he mmiraetigd ( leat iswgonh fo eth )dz sit nihintg dtwoar the tei.ohnsypz otn .eurs +

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by suckitnbme(239)
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neEv if uoy 'tnca pntiterer het lbood rs,mea sthi titanpe si eengspintr ihtw amlaria rtafe eibng in the SU ofr .-ry1ae st'I lhiygh uiknylel thta he ogt nywel enetfdic eilhw ni hte S.U Wath si ucngoircr si a iatncovtiaer of aomrdtn maailar oeszoiy(htpn in eht lve)ir tath thsi edud gto hewil ni rosHnu.da

As such hist is lsumomipda e/valaxoiv.v thaW bayolpbr pdenhpae saw atth stih natitpe swa teedatr iwht echuloiqonr hewn eh wsa alilyntii .fdneciet ishT wludo carle teh ifenintco ni het lsmtbro,deao tbu osed otn lkil het ioseyontpzh in teh velir. rTnteamte hiwt piiauqenmr si ednede to aerlc eth e,nihztoyosp hwchi hist eaintpt lylike idd tno vicere,e nhece ialaamr hlewi ni eht .SU

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madamestep  u!Yp I gto a miaslir qeuitnso hitw on oldbo maser ey(Mba on dlroW?U eThy lal ubrl gt)hetreo adn eth cule wsa htta ethy adh mairlala psmomyst trafe eginb ni Airmcea ofr a hw.eli +

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by leny123(7)
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lerGean rlue - uqrnlihooCe tvsiienes if morf bineraCab or eCnaltr cerAmai wtse fo aPaamn C,naal htsi itpaten mtgdmeiira fmro Hsroanud so uoy anc emteianil icnoruqolhe censiarset sa na nswrea oicehc ni( nidtdiao ot teh va/olvveaix ofin e.oabv)

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charcot_bouchard  usGy aongl twih lal engitenitll nsuscoisdi soal eepk in nmid eh mateimidrg 1 arey c.kab So it mtsu eb znopseoiyth whcih is ganucis htsi beuesca ruaciM si iMaaarl reef. +28

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Fnuod shit atrge todeuncm thiw lesids taubo eht fnretifed thgneaos:p 1:gnih29bG/acte/eg00napr0rppns/_/ss.Sdgi_t-acSmrf/1pn93rtcim.raPho2pt

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submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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dnKi fo tcykir uisnto.qe eTh ooezstpihyn ear lhoueicnqro eassi.nrtt tBu het ssicpee yam not .eb

.P ciulrpFaam si tisnrtesa dna oslko kiel a aa,bann btu uyo dton onkw if eth riaalam ni hte RCB is iampfalcur or .nto

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tyrionwill  tehwrhe ernsstiat or v,nietisse npdedse no eht re,goin otn no het piscees a iclf nimcog fomr aiHit odclu be seintvise +

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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ORRUESEC : CCD Maial ra ipese:sc P. iavvx 9%,3 .P faplirmcau .7%

YWH POZYSNHEYO ? 2 ssanreo

  1. neuhrfcsf insgplitp ( htat rediw lcel hwit sotl of eubl )lstigert

  2. RAUDSOHN ( 39 ctnerep ear i)xvav

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submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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P.g 517 fo 2910 AF uipcert B tsdicep furhfneS litipnpgs duner Mri.alaa "eeSn tihw P vavex/a"oilv

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submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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I kinht ulciqrhenoo crntsieeas wont eb cpieescf ot xvaiv dna lu,astoehv gaknmi ti teh teionrrcc nser.wa uornleiqoCh icnsaestre acn pypla ot P. raFlmipauc adn P. arieaaMl

nOly ivvxa adn elavo ueacs peytzoionh utsh gmnika ttah eht mreo clrea wersna

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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oeDs eynoan oknw how to eulr uto E? v'eI neevr eeardnl tubao coganrrmsisiom fcaylcpselii gcaitvtnia a clsle' sM,AC tbu ewnh I lodoek ti ,up I onfud ihts crlteia (s/.vnis/Pwrp.nb:mMim0cni.g37/lh/3t9/ttwcC/poch5wael.). The irteacl t'dosen scepflciaiyl innotem aimpduolsm as ungis ,it utb eaelsvr of eth sreourecs fro eth lceirat

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