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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man who is a migrant farm ...
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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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The boldo mraes pdiscet cerfhSnfu nplgpii.ts Found hte xecta iemga no hte bwe twih :nntiaalxeop


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doctorboomboom  eHy nthska orf finindg hte meaig! Do uyo nowk why teh wsnare tn’ca eb onehqiruClo citss?reena I asw b/w htat and tfioaromn fo ehtpsoyno.zi +6
jejunumjedi  I ntihk ts'i utjs htta crSnfhefu tsigpilnp nda eoynotziphs ear htbo iecsfcpi ot vixav dan levao .ssepeic eesTh espcsei oducl be qlocienhour sasttnier ro s,vensteii but fi ouy hvea fhcrefSun iltpngpis or hoztnp,oieys yuo nac ivfiieyetlnd ays ahtt it's ehtier vavxi ro +3
sherry  peisceS whti tieynzpsooh si tno edllca cnlooiruheq iatnstrse. rtuiCeisanslneqoor-th cpsisee emsna cphhnooztotizie/rost catn be kllide yb We odtn vhea gnouhe info to eddiec ewhreth teh spp in het q si .tvnstisereaint/sise But ew od knwo eh dvmoe rfom uardHsno ot AUS 1 eyra go.a +3
soph  :WU in cfaira omts lariaam espcsie rea rntsaiste ot oluqi.reohcn he is orfm dahrnosu +6
randios  anC enonay nelixap het kwee1- soirhyt fo f?ever deRul out vixva dna lvaoe ude to 48 hr e.lyscc Or did eyht juts rhwto ttha in sa an fpinucecis .pmyostm +2
dr_ligma  ciupecisfn oympmst pbobyral +
mcm94  woh I onwk atth is na inofnecti by aveiavvl/ox ? if eeh'str ithgnno that asys abuto antteri ?eferv +3
medguru2295  heliW ti OLUDC eb ihlqoreuCno ttssia,ren sti nto ihe. isyTlkl ttiaepn si kyeill eiencfdt ithw iVvxa or voael o(tn parl)amFuici ?w1.hy dosunHra (ialFpc wldou be Air cf).2a Sx 1 year eratl irv(Le orfm xviaV ro . Va3l)Oe As anym tdoi,nemne creffuSh dcaliisuFbaroi epm dtens ot eb teh pesesci sitarsnte ot pCoricq.y uyelln,aTloih lonreCoihqu is vnegi fro xiaVv ;ap&m leaOv aycplty(li ihwt ohtmsnige se-le ueAq,ootanv Dsnopae tce) ot vorec cp eliiamvurFiraL no( rievL )omrf is laylngere lChooneiqur senrtista B)( adn herteofer ecdeovr htwi uonovaru.etnPoiqA/lag ouY do ende 18-4 dysa of xt refta ncgiom rof clipaF bc ti anc rmenai in eht ivLre rfo a wef dsay tu(sj tno a mnotdra hnopy orm fo.T) evcro the we"ke of frv"ee -osituqen tis eerneme-ercg fo reh sx. Tyeh yorblbap just did otn awnt ot ays cccyil to kema it .rcitkire +6
flvent2120  soLok lkei 'ist eneb uhtcoed no, ubt uyo culod wserna stih llyeso adseb no eth ftca atht tsi' nbee oen ayer csnie inilvg ni ieWlh it MYA be hnleoruioqc s,enrtsati ti IS n.mratdo Ttse atkngi lislsk uldwo eb ot osohce eth esnrwa oyu a'ctn ergau htiw +
meryen13  moo@codoboromtb I nihtk asuebce tsi hgsiown htta sit eebn a reya icesn he etaidmrgim ( elta sghionw fo eth )dz ist gitnnhi drotwa the sheyntz.oip ton urse. +

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submitted by suckitnbme(239)
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veEn if uyo atnc' renettrpi teh bodol ,saemr tish naetpti is igesprtenn thiw miaaral atref ingbe ni teh US orf yr1.-ea st'I lghiyh ekiullny ttah he got lenyw teindfec iwhel in hte U.S hWta is uriccnorg is a aatictieonvr fo toadmnr ailmara tnhsyz(iopoe ni teh vr)eli tath tihs uded got whlei ni .dsnHauor

As cuhs hist si suaomdpiml l.eaviovvxa/ athW rpolyabb pphadeen aws htta tshi tpianet was ertedta tiwh hnrqliueooc nhwe he saw yillintai .deifntec isTh dwolu arcel the tfnociien in the trl,obaesdmo tbu dsoe otn lkil eth ehooznspyti ni teh lrvi.e emrtatnTe ithw minuqairpe is endede ot clear the ons,iytpoehz hchwi hits ntetaip ylelik did ton evireec, eecnh iamrlaa lihew ni eht SU.

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madamestep  p!Yu I got a milrisa niuqotse thwi no lobdo rsmae eMa(by on WUol?dr eTyh lal blru etoregt)h dna eht ucle swa htta ehyt hda aarlamil otspsmym rtaef gibne in imAarce for a ie.whl +

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by leny123(7)
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neGelar leur - iqlrunCohoe eseitvsin fi from aiCaberbn or nltraeC aeArcmi wtse fo aamanP la,aCn htsi itnaept tamdigmire morf rudnasoH os oyu nac eniitlema qilchooreun nssetaceri as na wsaren ciohce ni( tiidonad ot teh loe/vvaivax nfoi )v.aobe

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charcot_bouchard  uGsy laong hiwt lla tleinitglne odsucnissi slao peek ni mind he matiemrigd 1 eary kab.c So ti stum eb thesozoyinp cihhw si sugncia iths buseace iMuacr is Marliaa .fere +28

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Fduon shti tgrae cdnoeutm with esisld obaut eht dirntefef oh:spanteg 1S29crrro10_i/ag.agpr/:h2p3.mnefa/GabSshiprnsne/0P-tdg/tst_ctmcnp9i0p

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submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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dKin of cyktir ut.ineqso Teh noyzsopeith era lroucheniqo snsatier.t tuB teh isspcee amy not eb.

P. aaplFirmcu si esntsitra dna loosk ekil a a,nanba tub yuo ondt wnko fi eth aliarma ni eth CBR si flimauacrp ro

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tyrionwill  tewhhre rntetaiss or ne,vstiies nddsepe no teh ioreng, not on eht espcsei l faic nmiocg fmro Htiia uocdl be sniteesiv +

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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CSRROEEU : DCC aarlai M c:isseep P. vxvia ,%93 P. urafmacilp 7%.

WYH YOPNHOSZYE ? 2 nosaser

  1. sucrfehnf liptnsigp ( taht eiwdr ellc wthi ltos of elbu teis)rltg

  2. RAHSDONU ( 93 netrpce era xav)iv

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submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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P.g 175 fo 1920 FA ertuipc B itepsdc hnSfrefu ntsiglppi udern .iraalaM Se"ne wiht P voeva"lxaiv/

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submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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I think ucqnoiherol ssncreiate owtn be cpiescfe to vxvai and etsolhu,av kingam ti het ncrroceit aresnw. rluooneiqCh aesrsteinc anc yppal to .P plrmuciaaF nad .P Maelarai

Olny vavxi dna aleov esauc yeopnhiozt huts naikmg htta eth emro elrca swraen

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Deso eannyo nkow who to ulre tou ?E ve'I evren eleradn bauto caosrmisoimgrn iefpyslclaic vattniigca a l'clse A,sCM ubt ehwn I keoold it pu, I uondf isth ercialt (n.:wwmPg/o/ eTh irtcela edt'osn celfcipsialy oitnenm asmiupodlm as niugs ti, but asrelev of eth srrueosec fro teh ieatcrl eso.d

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