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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying an outbreak of ...
Only cookies are independently associated with E. coli cases 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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htsi iuoesnqt skaem em wnat ot tea an e ocli okocie adn ehop i bedle uto

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caitlyncloy  kipc C dna vmoe no asw ym rsegtyat P: elph llo +2
thegooddoctor2  llo odgo one +1
sparta  LOL tanhk yuo ofr itsh tnmeocm +

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 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by doodimoodi(74)
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idD on eno toecni ahtt hte sddO riato no the tpo telf is nwro?g Am I ssgmini shgmoetn?i If uyo ltaeculac ,it ts'i 6 tjus eikl eht tpo rgiht n.eo...

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mjmejora  taths lyatlacu aellry nufyn +
yex  secBaeu I disa os, pilepas .ree.h. -:/ +1
doodimoodi  naCt evieelb ew pya $06 rof thsi prca +50
aisel1787  etbs ncmmote i)odomodido +1
b1ackcoffee  thta ingufkc wthre me off no x.aem I saw ilke is heret na etfecf fdiomcianoit by "Nto dninkgir milk." the kcf!u +2

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submitted by sne(59)
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OR t&1;g stcdneiia srdaecine cenrcuorce fo vnet.e eTh noyl RO tgreare nath 1 wsa in teh tebla atth cidndiaet htta eth csjteub tea ociksoe tub dndti' dnkir i.mkl uh,Ts htta is eht nyol noe ihtw a tsfgianicin crocnrcuee

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For a more systematic approach. First look at cookies p-val is sig when not stratified, the top table is stratified the OR > 1 => sig => cookies have association.

Then look at milk p-val is sig when not stratified, the bottom table stratified the OR = 1 => loss of significance => milk have no association.

+1/- peqmd(74)

Uworld ID 1173 has a good explanation for how to look at stratified analysis.

+/- peqmd(74)

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submitted by qiss(20)
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Fro eeplop ohw laeygrnel had olberut dnagrie eth wot h:rasct

iFsrt tcrha: We epadtresa eht reniet optnoauilp inot owt lraelms lnooitpupas ot etst orf eth ikoeocs fcefta. In ouoaniltPp A nd(kar imlk) trhee was na sdod atior fo 6 p(yot in eth ucatla .cahr)t nI itupnPaolo B idd( tno nikdr kli)m etehr saw na ddso itaro of 6. eiScn eht dods rsoiat ear nto ,1 we can ocldcenu htta eth kicseoo evha na tcfefe raelrsgdes of teh tolianpoup (ie nkdra ilkm eopple ussvre di'dnt rdnik milk e.leopp)

onecSd h:artc ewN ets fo ntulasippoo to tset for hte ecefft fo k.mli In Ptaniuploo C t(ea eikc)oso ereht aws an sddo orita of .1 nI uionlopPat D id(d tno tae oo)skiec teher was lsao na dsdo oriat of 1. iTsh amens that mikl ddi nto vhea an efefct vere nda dtidn' titcunbeor to eht .iseedsa

n"yOl ceisook rae nnleeeypdtnid scdoaiseat htiw .E olic c"saes eanms thta lony the cioesko acues the aessdei tuoitwh eth efcefst of ehgtoimns

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by pg32(218)
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ehT fact ahtt eht ddos torai in the pto letf si inercrcto saemk thsi tuoniqes vrye futcfidil. It meask ti praaep sa if teh ikcsoeo are evtuaasic btu eht mkli had soem viptoceert rfoc.ta oS u.soxbonio

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drpatinoire  odG I uohgtth tylalto hte aems wya as oyu .did I dtrsae ta shti soetiuqn rfo at tasle n5mi dan kdsea ylsmef twsha' ngorw ithw my tcssisa.tit +1

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submitted by youssefa(162)
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nyIllitia kmil irnknigd swa soacsdiate htiw olcEi. kteaurob tiwh 9RO3.= dan P0t.;0l&01 ictfn( fertA anittforstciia oint eat sooeick nda ddi ton eta cokieso OR abemce 1 eadstni of 3.9 nagmine eth ntasiocioas raape.desipd e,forereTh anetgi ooiecsk asw a focerondun dan trhee si no lear oacisatnsio beteewn irkningd mlik and a.ii,..dscoe.t.lEn iklms' het( cnr)oofeund otntbrciunoi saw lnrsiebpseo rof the OR fo .93 in het rsfit c.pael hTis saw dtuerrefh ttenmodasrde whti RO of 6 in het ookeics leaon ug.rpo

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submitted by sattanki(82)
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Tihs neo teerh wree ruof dsdo iraos,t noe dipvrdoe eundr aech hTe lony eno atht dah an sodd roati etgaerr atnh .01 saw hte tebal in hte opt rigth (Osdd taoiR = 6, I ,lee)eivb wchih wenh uoy dloeko at teh leab,sl dle to eth trgih nswra.e

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submitted by famylife(110)
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"nA osdd iotar fo 1 csinetiad that eth oicndinto ro nevet druen ystdu si ayqellu lelyki ot ruocc ni thbo .gpsuor nA osdd otrai eaetgrr tnah 1 iacetdisn taht hte dntionioc ro venet si meor kliley to oucrc ni hte rftis"p (Oawgsdr.k.aii/dk/dpr/tep_:iieoiitnh/swot)

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submitted by xw1984(8)
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eTh OR in eht prepu telf 22 atlbe si trcncioe,r whchi oudshl be 6 72(32/6*6 =,)6 tno .1 Thsi enams teh RO of t"ae keociso" does ton aechng eftra fnitcostirtiaa by k"danr lmi"k, os arkn"d mkil" si not a eud,ofnronc nad eta" sicekoo" is lennpdeiytned asso /w CEHE kbua.reot

nO the etrho nad,h OR fro nrad"k lmki" hgcadne a olt (rfom .93 to 10),. icwhh sinatdice dk"nra "lmki gtihm eb a rduenconfo da,n oefhet,rre si otn lndneintedepy oass w/ cEEH boeuatr.k

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submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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A enqustio i emor gylelrean have .i..s

sI it bposelis ahtt ewhn uyo fityasrt het ,daat ..ei( rgopainmc eht feefct taht gtneia iscokoe a,sh ni oppeel hwo nrdki mikl ro ploepe owh od tno kidnr k)lmi atth eht odds itora will whso nciganfiisec ofr neo but ont eht ?roeht

Sdia ey,etfidfrnl ni eht elmxpea ,bveoa loucd agneit ioocsek ni opeple ohw krndi kiml dale ot a nisftanciig earnisec teh sikr fo encitn,oif ubt ton in pelope how woh t'dnid drnki lki?m

e'Iv ooekdl rnodau in tshi nctmome tr,eadh adn vhea sene peelpo etionmn eth emtr ceteff" i"mtd;ncfaiioo is thta whta my lmxeape oebva lwoud oh?ws

nI eroht wsor,d if gantie oecisko + kiirngdn limk salde ot a gicnanifits ,kirs utb ngtaei ocikose + otn kigndrin mikl ahs on teidoacsas r,ksi woudl atth maen atth hte mikl ash an et"cffe cnooi"ftidima on the rski fo etgtign centiifno in eppeol who aet oios?kec

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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hist si a nsoub oqns.etiu

ewnh dsod rotia is 1, ainegnm no osinaaoi,tsc

odsd ;rttgia&o 1, ihhwc in hist iqnuteos is ,6 samen noistscoaai

hweer is dsdo aroit ? a) at the tae oodctiin-eokd nridk klim luoc.nm hncee eth nwr,esa ynlo ekooci dnlnepnyeietd thwi e iolc

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submitted by tyrionwill(22)
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we cna aekm thsngi sipeml ilke ihts awfy :i we tawn ot ownk hehetwr 1,oXr 2X scaolterre ,Y we tjsu erstepalay ttse X1 and ,Y dan 2X and Y aidoygcnlcr. nWh e sett X1 wthi ,Y we reiqure no X2 seexrpuo; n Weh stet X2 thiw ,Y we irueerq on 1X prsueo;xe

eW etts ceooik thiw d,ihrraae hewn lkim saw otn dnruk to(p :i)trgh eovsiipt e W stte lkmi htwi ha,readir henw no kocieo wsa entae oerlw( thrg)i: ntveigae

oli:scnncou lyon oicoke clostearer to eth iaaehrdr

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submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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hTe wyrdeko is NEcIadisY"LDEPE"oD(a.sTN)teN hWhic ni umanh uagenlga masen O"NT IS.ET"DOAACS

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I agree it's a poor choice of words but what they mean by "independently" associated is that which of the variable is the only one associated with dz without any confounding.

+1/- peqmd(74)

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