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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying an outbreak of ...
Only cookies are independently associated with E. coli cases 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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iths soqieutn kasem em watn to aet an e iclo eooick adn pheo i ebeld uot

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caitlyncloy  kcpi C nad evmo on swa my syratteg :P lphe llo +2
thegooddoctor2  lol odog noe +1
sparta  LLO aknht yuo orf thsi mteomnc +

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 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by doodimoodi(74)
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idD on one tocine taht teh dOds iaort no hte opt telf is wgrno? mA I sisgnim eghsintom? If yuo acctaellu ,ti ist' 6 sutj liek eht top ihgrt ne....o

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mjmejora  tshat alaulytc ealyrl nuyfn +
yex  eeuacsB I aisd o,s aipslep ree.h.. -/: +1
doodimoodi  Cnat eveelbi we yap $06 ofr htsi pcra +50
aisel1787  bset ecnommt oodioidmdo) +1
b1ackcoffee  atht ifugknc hrtwe me off no amx.e I saw like si rheet an efftec ndimtiacifoo yb "toN drignnik ki"ml. eth kuf!c +2

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submitted by sne(59)
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RO ;t1&g sniteicda icasenred cruceoncre of e.ntve ehT nloy OR retearg nhta 1 asw in eth ealbt thta aiticdend atth teh jceustb eat seooick utb dtn'di nirdk mlk.i s,uhT htta si teh onyl neo whti a sninctagifi ncceercour

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For a more systematic approach. First look at cookies p-val is sig when not stratified, the top table is stratified the OR > 1 => sig => cookies have association.

Then look at milk p-val is sig when not stratified, the bottom table stratified the OR = 1 => loss of significance => milk have no association.

+1/- peqmd(74)

Uworld ID 1173 has a good explanation for how to look at stratified analysis.

+/- peqmd(74)

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submitted by qiss(20)
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orF pleepo who enreaylgl dha beotrlu enagrid eht tow aht:src

Fsitr r:hcat We teedsraap eht ienetr loptopnaui tnio tow lamrsel onpaluoipst to tset rof hte oiockse t.ecfaf In Ppoainlout A kda(rn i)lkm rthee wsa an sdod tirao of 6 toy(p ni teh tlaacu r)h.tca nI lnuptoiaPo B d(id not diknr )iklm ehtre wsa na sodd rtiao fo 6. inSce eht odsd aotris aer ton ,1 ew cna eldnoccu htta eht iecsook vhae an feetfc degearsrls of het oulpipnato ie( nrakd mlik oleppe usserv ndit'd drnik lkmi .)peolep

Sdneco tha:cr New set fo oiptsalpuon to test rof eth ffeect fo lik.m nI lotuoPpani C ae(t kie)ocso reeth asw an sodd ortia fo .1 In Ptuinopoal D ddi( otn eta ic)oekso heert was aosl an odsd ritao of .1 Tish maesn atth mkli ddi otn hvae an cefeft rvee dan di'dnt etcbronuit to eht

ny"Ol ieockso ear denntedpyneli deassiaoct ihtw E. iloc "cseas amens ttha yoln the scokoie scaue eht sdeiase ithuwto hte cfeefst of onhegitms lees.

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by pg32(218)
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eTh tfca htta het ddso oitra ni eth pot tfle is irrntcceo semka tsih soenquit evry ifuitf.cdl tI mseak it paapre sa if the kcioeso rea utesavaic utb eht klim ahd omes etitcpveor c.atrfo So osoxio.unb

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drpatinoire  God I ttughoh yttlalo hte smea awy sa yuo i.dd I tadser ta hits nqseotiu fro ta eatls nim5 dan aksde efmyls twh'as gnorw wtih ym titat.icsss +1

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by youssefa(162)
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tllyianiI limk nnigdkir saw adasicoset hwti oEci.l eutrbkoa with .OR9=3 adn l&t0;.10P0 tfin)..aic.g(inS eAftr itaontarsficti into eat ocseiok nad idd ont ate ieoscok OR eacmbe 1 etnsdia of .39 emnanig het isnosataioc ripaddaespe. foeeTrher, antgie cokoesi aws a nuefdonroc adn ehter is no ealr ssooiacntai eetwnbe nrgndkii mlki dna .ni.dE,.as.e.tciol k'ilms (the onnrfe)cdou riubctononti was rseblnseopi rfo eht RO of 39. ni the ritsf pa.ecl isTh was rhretfdeu eanddrtosmet wthi RO fo 6 in hte scoeiok eaonl prg.uo

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submitted by sattanki(82)
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hisT noe reeht erwe ofur osdd o,aitrs one oerpivdd udnre ecah lb.aet hTe nylo eon ttha had na dsod tario retgrea hnta .01 was eht eltba in hte otp rhtig (sOdd aRoti = 6, I )be,eivel wichh whne ouy oodelk ta het ebla,ls lde ot the trhig raesn.w

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submitted by famylife(110)
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"nA odds roati fo 1 sdtniieac atht teh ciionodtn or nvete rndeu stydu si aeyqlul ekyill ot cuocr ni tohb An osdd oitar ertaegr tnha 1 tdeasinci ahtt eht tnciondio or neevt si emro keilly ot cucor ni the isftr gorp.u" (ktr/epo/Owhidid_satetwpg.nosr.idaiik//:i)

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submitted by xw1984(8)
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hTe OR ni eth erpup tfle 22 abtle is t,ineccorr hchiw dlusho eb 6 (27/66*32 =6), nto 1. ishT nmsea eth OR of "eta o"sikceo deso nto ncaegh artfe tfiairnotstaic by "dkrna im",kl os ankr"d mi"kl si nto a ruo,cofnedn nad ae"t ocio"kse si dpylendeitenn ssao /w HECE .atkuober

On het theor and,h OR rfo adk"nr m"lki aehcdng a lto rfmo( 93. ot 01,.) iwhhc aitdinsec nadr"k kilm" ghimt eb a ocfredonnu ,dan eert,rfohe si nto ddennietnpeyl soas w/ EcEH r.bkeouat

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submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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A ioequsnt i oerm lgrneyael evah s.i..

Is it islobeps ttha henw you sytrfiat eth a,adt .i(e. prnacgomi eht fetecf ttha entgia ksicooe hsa, in eolepp hwo krndi mlki or eolpep ohw do not rnkid im)kl hatt eth odsd itoar will shwo siceicnnifga fro one but ton teh ther?o

daSi trdyni,eleff in the xmlepae ovbe,a dcolu entgia sicooek in pelope who nrdik ikml aeld ot a giictafnnsi iernesac eth irks fo fteno,cini ubt not in lpepoe who who nt'did rdink lmik?

I've dkloeo radoun ni tihs oecmntm rhetda, nda evah eesn peloep eitonnm teh term cf"fete o"imaoctfndi;i si taht htaw my mplexae vbaoe lwodu os?hw

In hoetr os,rdw if aetnig ocsokie + irikngdn limk dsael to a nitifgsncai sir,k tbu neatgi eikcoso + nto indrikgn imkl has on tacsisoaed s,rki wdluo atth neam hatt het limk hsa an t"ffcee "notacfiodiim on the kirs of ttngige ntionefci in pelepo ohw tea ekcioos?

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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iths is a bsuon ieu.snoqt

ewnh sddo itroa is 1, inganem on a,tscsoanioi

dsod griot;a&t ,1 wihhc in itsh onustiqe is ,6 mensa stoasaoiinc

erehw si odsd ritao ? )a at teh eat dnkoctioidoe- drink lmki c.unlmo echne teh ,asrwen oynl kcooei dneeedynplnit tiwh e ocil

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submitted by tyrionwill(22)
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we nca akme ihsngt pismel elik shit f wy:ia ew atwn to wonk hreehtw X,r1o X2 oltrecreas Y, ew tusj eatplesyar etst 1X dna ,Y dna 2X dna Y adilycnogcr. h neW sett 1X thiw ,Y we eiqerru on X2 peeru;xos e Wnh tset 2X iwth Y, we qereriu on 1X eu;orexps

We ttse coikoe hitw rdhaiea,r nhwe ilkm asw otn kdrnu o(tp trgi)h: pseoiitv e W tset klim ihwt irhda,aer wnhe no ekooci wsa aeetn orwl(e hi:)rgt tvngeeia

ouc:nnsciol lyno eokcio screltaero ot eth arehdari

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submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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heT woedkyr is aN)dEDIYitPacDEeosL"ET(N."Ns Whchi in mhaun gnaaelug aesmn TON" .SSTECAI"DAO

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I agree it's a poor choice of words but what they mean by "independently" associated is that which of the variable is the only one associated with dz without any confounding.

+1/- peqmd(74)

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