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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
An otherwise healthy 45-year-old man comes to ...
Aphthous ulcers 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by thisshouldbefree(51)
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I egt etshe VYRE note.f I esme to teg etmh olyn trfea tginae gmhsoenti ahtt can medaag the aomsuc ni ym thmou such as darh hcpis o(sT,sitot eyrv agdjeg yrev ) ehTse rae TNO oldc osrse )V.SH( is Th is imyslp a ahopsthu rlcue; eyht can be trsess ddcienu us(yidtng orf rhda est.)t heyt ear yrev iaulfnp nda od ccrer.uo etrhe era no icadssotea xs hiwt

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j44n  terey'h laos uacsde by es.trss I tog 3 ni my hutmo hte dya fatre ricreomPt ecalcnde ym tste rfo hte dr3 mit!e +15
ih8payingfordis  In ayanml es,mrt eseht ghtnsi rae dlealc arknec I olsa tge ehtm no my guneto eotseimsm - erpsu iulpafn cialepsely when it meask aocnctt whit htaignny .satly u Jts ikel ohrs,sfbludete@hie 'its lyusual dpdeeecr yb usoacm dgaame ei( ngitib ym nuetgo itaalcynedlc leiwh )etgani +2
xmen  stte ni 2 eswek. i heva etmh won +1
drdoom  heT loaylgshicoip lcrooyrla fo clhcispaloyog tress”“s is ilsctroo adn ist anmy soincsu croeso,csotirt(di te erta).ce lioCorst ursessepsp eth “l”nomar tbu geriealnyetcl tlcosy prossce of dlream nnitcanmeae nad wgohrt b(asal mtse lelc i,idsnovi snki + elradmpei ruorv,ent nudiiclgn in hte au)moc.s oS, in teh peseecnr of hhig r,es”s“st rnomal uomscla canenmaient is fca.cerdiis Tshi is ceasbue some reh,to more amttornip setntialxie atetrh si giehpnnpa ni hte y.bod hTe tslrue si tufsf keil tauphhos s,cerlu sniec uory body is ellytailr tcelgegnni oury smoau,c owlaignl it ot hit“n ”tou to eevprser neyger ot rdaesds meos eothr ojarm tmssyeic +1
drdoom  mrFo cic1/p/wpMal:4r5ct?s.gsn5pioisPhicm1e./Cv.osl6tawel/8.tb/trhnc=/wrnm: ehT ucooicldgrtioc pcreeort )(RG si lyhgih eepdsrsex ni eht abasl sclel but ti si beylar eaetdtelbc ni het ethro aerlys of teh iidpmrsee .)22( heT cliltoaizona of hte RG in sabla seoc,ernyoct sa lwel as eth veigaent feecsft of oliirtcudsogocc on ertnocetakiy twrohg torafc dna -tepyI aIIId-n galcleon eeng sinsoeprxe (6)223– tsuesgg taht unsgedoeon tosiocrl in SC pepsussers ton lnyo nduow lgianeh tub saol oamlrn nisk hrowtg nad or.neutvr +
drdoom  ^ b,wt CS = ugCishn ymoderSn lsoysrpimoh()ercit +
jbrito718  argpeHian ulowd ucrco ni eth oropetrsi -r-tnorg&oxy;hap saduce by iCxoasek A NOT SVH +
meryen13  I heva oems ni my umoth .r.n. 2 ekswe ot my ps.t.e. yeht acn be ofdo or sssret dnidcue dna its moer mocnom ni meos noigesr meor tnah ero.ths in eMddli sEta and Asia it sesme ot be mm.cnoo +

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submitted by medstruggle(20)
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Wyh si ti hshoautp ucsler fi hetre era no IG ym?spmots yWh atcn’ it eb shrepe er?ztos

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colonelred_  ’tIs juts rnkcea rses,o eyht ocem dna g.o I ihknt in ephsre the onisavsimgitgtiot erally ynol ahnspep ewnh uyo isrft egt t.niedcfe Aftre taht yuo just teg ecrurnret cdol s.eors +4
hyoid  Heprse oezsrt si ont het mase as erpseh xiseplm usri.v +31
bigjimbo  oyu lduwo ees atomrdmee sarh in torzse +3
kateinwonderland  cf) tJus in cesa emseono ntwade ot kwon the actevauis ogmisran fo oshtauhp surecleh T: epsriec aucse fo cranek oessr rimnesa eu,arnlc outhgh arsscherree ctpuses ttha a niacomoinbt fo tcrofas buotrenscti to u,bktoasre enev ni the asem isoUe n.npklre odcl rs,ose enrkca sroes aer not satosecdai ihtw eesrhp ruvis nite.fnsioc +9
charcot_bouchard  erpseH etrsoZ oetdsn eusac tigi.tisstimgvaoon aennergHip anc esuca lcusarvei ileosn in homut tbu seapnph to inrhceld ni mursem nessao by enrteo irvsu +
drdeeznuts1  'mI drwgneoin fi shit ludco be a diml scae of Beceht nsderymo ittwouh etgianl etevoimvlnn +
sherry  It ruse can eb etBhec or gseuhimPp fi eht q ropdeivs su iwth meor foin. krCaen ssoer sjut omec adn go ofr eyrsa itwh ceulanr mamnec.shi slAo reepsh zorste si eihslsng by ,VZV not S1H.V +2
avocadotoast  toMs seiurtpc on eloggo ohsw hprnnaaieg ibeng tsenpre no eth adrh tartap/th,leao iewhl huspthoa rceusl ear omylcnmo no teh rwloe .ipl I tknhi ish kcla fo gtnalie enssoil rae potignni us yaaw rmfo iannpgera.h +
drdoom  nonyAe lsitl icsouur atuob the oatspyhhp of ahuohtsp srcule anc cehkc tuo hte hterda eva:bo ro//.4m/:x423s/m9wtsp5a#mcemen/e6b4ebntn8hsa +

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submitted by madamestep(17)
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eonyAn seel teg htsi rgith eacsbue teyh gte mhte os netof fmor sobaullety ouelclrtdonn tres?ss

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