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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
An otherwise healthy 45-year-old man comes to ...
Aphthous ulcers 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by thisshouldbefree(51)
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I tge sheet EVYR oetnf. I mees ot etg ehtm nloy terfa tanieg eohsmitgn thta can mdegaa teh osmuac ni ym mohtu hucs sa rhda hpsic Tiso(s,ott ryev jggade very aipn). heeTs rea TON dclo essor )H.VS( T his is ymipls a hashputo ceu;rl yhet nac eb rtsses encidud niuys(gdt orf rhad tt.s)e yteh rae vyer alpufni and do .crrceou trhee are on aocssadtei xs wthi

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j44n  yeteh'r olsa ecudsa yb srstes. I gto 3 ni my mhuto eth ayd raeft Pieoctmrr cedlncae ym etts fro eht rd3 mte!i +15
ih8payingfordis  nI lnyama se,tmr heste nisgth are callde ceaknr re.sso I saol egt hmet no ym tneguo stoesiemm - euprs lfunaip ycleplasie wneh it makse ottcnac tiwh ainhyngt .sytla sJut kile hteeolbsrufs@,dhei 'sti ysaulul drepeedc by somcua demaga ei( nbgiti ym tegnuo acylaedcnlit ewhli ne)giat +2
xmen  stet ni 2 ke.ews i ehva etmh now +1
drdoom  The iolaosplyihcg yllroaroc of cayhgoocspill ts“srs”e si ootsiclr dna tsi anmy icusnos (oieod,rorctsstci te eerac).t itoorlsC spesuesprs eth n“lorma” utb leeraitcngeyl oyltsc esrcosp fo damrle icnmnaanete adn wtghro lab(as etsm lelc iovsi,nid sikn + lrapiemed n,touervr iuidgcnln in eht ).omcuas oS, ni eht snpreece fo hhig s”rs“tes, nloram lsuamoc nmeaectnnai is ds.iiacrcef ishT is ubecsea emos oeh,tr more tpoainrtm iteetsliaxn trehat si epnnhigpa ni het .ydob ehT ureslt si futfs lkei ahotuphs ,elsrcu csnei oryu yodb si ellatlryi tglgencine ryou umaoc,s owalginl ti to nt“hi u”ot to rpseever yegner ot esddras oesm retoh oamjr sitcsemy .euiss +1
drdoom  mFro l.irc?p1w.cwlht54tmePar/=/o/sblM5w:/ hTe citlguoodoccir eertocrp )(RG si hlhigy xeesersdp in hte absal slcle tub ti si ebraly etaebcdtel ni teh rheto yesarl fo teh merpeidis .22() hTe taoilolzncia of eth RG ni lbaas ere,yconostc sa well sa teh neetgiav sfeectf of cctdoiiurgooslc no akttrieneyoc orhgtw actrfo dan t-pIey n-IadII gacleonl eeng ixeessnopr ()6232– sggtuse htat noneuogeds orloistc in CS espusrssep not yonl oundw iganlhe btu slao romnal kins grhtwo nad eovrrn.tu +
drdoom  ^ wbt, SC = isguhCn rodnmSey hloryi)cesoirm(spt +
jbrito718  niepHgraa ludow cocru ni the irteosorp on;htygarpxo-&r- usedca by aisxekoC A TON HSV +
meryen13  I hvae seom ni ym huotm ..rn. 2 kswee ot ym tyhe nac eb food or stsers iudnedc dna tsi mreo ncmomo ni omse orginse oemr ahtn ost.rhe in ilddMe Esat and sAai it essme ot eb om.mnoc +

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submitted by medstruggle(20)
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yWh si it tahoshpu urcsel fi rehet are on IG s?mtopsym Wyh atc’n ti be sprehe sezo?rt

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colonelred_  sI’t jstu racken ,eossr tyhe ecmo and og. I nkith in rehpes hte stisvnitoagimtogi erlyla noly ehapsnp whne ouy ftirs etg tende.fci Atfre atth you tujs teg retucrrne ldco srso.e +4
hyoid  srHepe esozrt si nto hte msea as rpeesh miplsex v.rsui +31
bigjimbo  oyu dwuol ees aetrmmdeo arsh ni ezrots +3
kateinwonderland  cf) utsJ ni scae eeosnom atdwne ot nowk het stcauaiev naigsmor fo hpatsuho lhTur :sece eipesrc uscea fo enkarc ssroe aimnsre ercl,aun gtuhoh ashreercrse tsuecps htat a oaconibtnim of sftorca rtiseonbctu to sberou,tak even in eht mesa pe.erUilnosk n dcol esr,so arcenk oerss era ton esoidasact tiwh rpshee sruiv t.fieisconn +9
charcot_bouchard  spreeH soterZ ntosde caesu omagtvti.sitsnoiig enegipHanr can aesuc laurecsiv noesil ni tmhuo utb sappehn ot lcedrnih in eumrms ssenoa yb etnore ivusr +
drdeeznuts1  mI' wonrdgnei fi tsih cuold eb a dlim esca of eBhetc syndmeor ttoihwu alnetgi onmtenvvlei +
sherry  tI ruse cna eb hcBtee or heimgpPsu if teh q peidsrov us wiht eorm nof.i Carnek seros utsj eocm adn go rof aeysr thiw ceaulnr mms.hacine olAs pehres tsrzeo si ssghniel yb ,VVZ nto S1H.V +2
avocadotoast  osMt tceiusrp on ggoleo whso neahiprnag bgeni rsetnep no eth ahdr aethtral,atp/o hlwie putohahs rescul rae clymmoon no hte lreow pi.l I tnkih ish lkac of lengati slnieso aer itgnonip us waay omfr gn.aiharpen +
drdoom  enAnyo lstil uoiscru obtau het otypahsph fo aptoshhu crsleu acn ehckc otu hte rathed obeva: 6mtn34nmse/e/b/a#r4htnwpmso:.em8/xcae54b2/s9 +

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submitted by madamestep(17)
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Aoenny esel etg sthi hitgr ubeeasc tehy get emht so fntoe mrfo ostabeyull ntueocdrlonl tses?sr

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