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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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eTh tpineat owhss on nisg fo clatcori i,ytaicvt tbu ash oems rmaetsbin ftcuonin ci,tnta hwich pmseili seh si ni a ofrm of npsettiesr ttieveagve satet. heS hsa a ngiivl lilw ttha nsaetsgied claecinmah ivlaietnotn hodusl be nsodcdetiuni fi ttah noiutiats a,eisrs so ew tusm wolofl it and emak ton pmtetat to astt.esureci

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lfsuarez  Why oludw eth donecs aptr of atth eb eroctcr ewnh teher is not emtinno fo a DRN? +19
ug123  IDN dan DNR ear effdtrine hitrg? hTis ipetant had a N.ID Wyh uwldo ew umsase ti to be NDR t oo ? +4
sherry  DNI adn NRD era edinde ffreidet.n tuB it si ont teh scae erhe. The aipentt dnees to eb exutadetb amsne hse ddi nto ngsi a NID ro RDN ni teh itrsf p.cale I sueasm rhe lvinig illw is emro lkei temnatire pirpotungs ttmatrnee ni a viatvgetee etat.s So teehr si no ened to do tescanitroisu swyyan.a tBu I aerge tsih si not a oodg .iunseotq +2
shayan  e"hT tnietpa ahs iednsg teh ilgivn iwll adn is sncostenti iwht reh svetci"drei tbu teh mste otends llet ahs what is in hre ginlvi lilw tbaou eht otbtuianx?e we aer ngabuiettx on eht erutsqe of erh bdnu?sha ihts si sifncuogn ! +7
criovoly  I vebeiel hsit nsqueoit was not wlle .trontcce.dus. 'its neo of teoh!s +1
suckitnbme  na@syah tbetgniuxa ta esqrute fo eht dnhsuab buacees 'hes iwflognol a'swth in reh ngilvi wil.l nlwolFoig atth lnei fo hg,ottuh teh tipntea lyapborb tendaw iwadwlrhat of cera if in a eivetvgate tt.esa +
luciana  I nuddoresot easm sa ahsn@ya thta hes awdnet to kpee untaie.tbd.. now dgarine it angai I lefe rexta udmb hiwt ym orop ragneid einnttiorpaert lklsis +
coldturkey  z@srafelu fC(PiR eht dnee )isrsae , ofr shti tinapet bab(r ovdreose and ahpioslt sgi,ett)n hes lwil eb tabutinde ot gte nda aminntai ywaiar ss.ccea Hvreeow ,seh si gatains ayn nhacmiealc iteinoatlnv sa epr hre givnli l.wil Hnce,e we canont moerrfp CRP no +2
furqanka  I too leeiveb NDR nda IND aer nittsidc btu UW 1142 ssay - A RDN oderr sidcantie atth a ttnpaie sdouhl ont droegnu C.RP tsih dcnsieul bsl ohmu(t to mhtou eainghtb,r escth erm)osipsnco sa ellw as ndevcdaa aaccdri ifel rppuots uittoiabnn(, ihlcamance ,anlnvitotie andifillotrb,ei dna dmisetinrigan smnieidtcao uchs as srovpasorse or neeri.npphei) niiodadltA shiswe ucsh as hte eeirds ot not eb dfe acftiirlliay ro ayn hetor aiotiitlmn fo arec nac eb picesd.ife +1

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submitted by kenyaboi(5)
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hiTs is a $k#fed pu .outisqne sit eth ysaw its ntweit.r the nahbdus is ggenaire hitw het invlig illw ne"ticsonts iwth tsi iidve".rcet os siabalylc ew dlwou haev to ssmeau her illw sysa RN.D esselend oufonscni

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madamestep  xtcaylE. A ivnilg lwil acn say rwheveta het cufk uoy ntwa ti .o..t +

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submitted by โˆ—poisonivy(39)
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acn we rcoidsne eht rsoeevdo as a lisuicda tmeap?tt if nodl'uwt she eb ceoinsdder sa tiuthow mniniaecsg-idok aicp?ctay

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em_goldman  eolPpe hwo rea ilusicda lilst avhe dc-nmkiiogsinae aictapc;y i'st ont enltuqvaie to deaandcv tadnmiee or tehro isnuatsiot hrewe oiseicdn kaignm si Lswa yvra by et;ast I kwon in ym estta htta teh ummaixm tmie orf oglidnh oeoesnm atigsan htire illw si 48 oshru uslesn a tourc has eddeem mhte tceieomntnp adn asitnegdde aorhent rnpoes sa tierh lelag oscidein mkrea, uniicngdl lpepeo ohw are atyviecl ail.cdsiu yM ndunntgedsair fo teh wal as a neylrsapo is that hre vgniil lliw aws ginsed onagl tiwh eepplo bigeanr wtsiens ot eth ftac taht ehs wsa hte neo ohw dgnsei ,ti dan ti swa twha ehs wen.dat citEsh iesd,a ti duwol be aolmts ielismpbso ot preov htta she elgllay atniitedi a RND ni a etsat fo lcisaituidy hatt asw teiensn euohng to eeienrrft thwi her n-gnodsiemiiack ayctacip in htat oemmnt. +1
step1dreamteam  d_omgnlema ehert is na SOMBAS ueosnqit wthi a icaidusl t.p ehT ecrtrco wsrena was that clsauiid tp do otn vaeh gM-Cn&vigl;iDt- illw fo a idsilauc tp duolsh otn be ic.eenodrds +

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submitted by โˆ—fatboyslim(118)
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hTis oeiutqns itperpd em up. I cesho A'' sacbuee hte nseitouq dasi hre giivnl lilw ctsisnno(et htwi hte hnus'sbad sisw)eh odse nto tnwa ceiaclnham tivnetn,oali but it ddi ONT ays yanntigh otuab .t.R.NDuB moce to nkhti of ti, hwta si hte opitn fo iondg CPR if hes cnotan nmtinaia snpoauentos gnbrhaite scine esh semes ot eb in a evteivtgae t?taes Tath masen if ouy od PRC nad ytcaalul anwt ot vaes erh ,ifel uyo msut atu,nitbe ciwhh oegs tanisag erh wi.ll e,nceH xaeuetbt dna do not iecrsust.t..ea

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submitted by โˆ—joeschmo(0)
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If het tcesiverdi attse cahcilmean oilannetvit eb ncesiuodtndi 'sit elpimid htta seh lwoud htrera yWh wludo eannyo yrt to sreiuttaces when a ocdisnie ash nbee made ot llpu eth u?lgp

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