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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man who is admitted to the ...
Determine whether the patient has decision-making capacity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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tuoyAmno si hte most tormtnpai ihcste erlpincpi hatt dsspeeurse lal or.shet veoe,Hwr ti is dpplaei loyn ni naostitusi in wichh a etnpiat tsotraendmes magid-oeiikncns c.iayptac nI isht nii,sautot a paitnet hitw vcdadena easeids kelyiuln ot be erucd si sunfgire eer,mttnta icwhh is hsi trihg urnde the ipperincl fo ytoanmu.o ew,ovHre hsi ctnmosme tuoba girrn"unte ni 6 mhtsno rteaf ucgirn "thiisarrt ear q,seetbinoaul dan rarntaw mneinrdiget if eh sah eondisic gnkmia paycai.ct It is epoiblss hatt eh ose,d ihwch is ywh any ocheisc fo cforing ehurftr etmaenttr on imh era

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hungrybox  hsTee ehstic snqusetoi meses os ilepsm nad yet hweosom I aywals get meth I gsseu edpe down m'I sujt a umgbac.s +20
mutteringly  Hye eehtsr' alywas eadlnt sohcol +5
hungrybox  legti mdea em lo,l sthnka rfo thta +1
jurrutia  s,lAo hte etaptin si souan!lleid He snkith sh'e gngio ot rcue ar.isitthr uYo 'dnot vhae socienid ngmaik cycaapit ehnw rueo'y z.aryc +1
madamestep  a,tulylcA oyu obalyelsut nca veha egcosidinmina-k aycaiptc enwh ruyo'e uYo stuj eden ot vahe a aloiclg serona rfo ouyr oinescid rfo sith neo d.ieicosn losA it nepedds on eht dcsnioi:e nmeoseo iwth DA tighm tno aehv necdiosi gnkima tpaiacyc ofr thrie ongl etrm nrettaemt ro hguinos ,deens tub htye gtmih vaeh ceoinids gminak ycaacipt nbweeet owt udgr ihoecsc niegb ncmemdedre.o +

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submitted by โˆ—marypoppins(1)
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Why natc' ti be ochcie ?E I mssadeu eth atenpti dha ri.albpo

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submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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nCa ensoome naiexpl rmeo no who to laetkc etseh pesty fo steoinu?sq I kusc ta sehet ieuqsston fro a...ler To em, eh sdedoun ytetpr nesa adn arnelabseo esod( tno hwsi ot aswte rothe spoplee' nyme.o) uerS he itmgh be drneu lhtsgi sesdreopin jgugidn owh he sha a teilnmar sllsnie adn shi tentamets no owh doyonb cesra orf .ihm utB eunssl eh si nieohncrte or gsnilaidyp malicga ,nhiigknt gssni fo ossl of rymmeo , hyw dluhso eh eb luvteadae no sii-naiegmdoknc ytpci?aca

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drdoom  ni iadclme aacnler,p yuo nca eb os spdeerdes that uoye'r ytclluaa oiielnygtcv impdarie. sthi is wnkon as tusiandp.odeeme ht,su oyu nede to eifgur to:u siโ€œ tish uyg os pseresded ew cna emed hmi topnmnecite to kema sicinoe?sโ€d +
rockodude  eh ysas eh ash na nieviontn to ecru tiartrhis ni 6 nshmot lle'h be kab.c. ont nrlmoa ta tslae fro siht usqeniot shtta eth neli atht amed em khnti osde hsit nsorep aevh yticaapc +

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