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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man who is admitted to the ...
Determine whether the patient has decision-making capacity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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nAoutmyo si teh stom aorptnimt ethisc lipercpin taht edrusspsee lal rseoht. rwe,vHoe ti is pledpai lnyo ni siinustoat in ihwhc a titenap etondrstmeas anigeidki-sonmc aic.cpayt In htis t,aintoius a etinatp with cadevnad aeiseds ukilylne to be uedcr is sfueirng nm,terteat chihw is hsi thirg duenr eth rcipnliep fo unomat.yo wve,oHer ish stomcnme oatbu "reunngirt in 6 nohtms rtefa rucnig atrrisi"th rae iue,sqbenltao and awrnart enindteirmg if eh sha eicdonsi gaknim iacyatcp. tI is ilsbpsoe atth he e,dso hwcih is why nay seoccih fo cfiongr errfuth erntmteta no mih rae enc.rirtco

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hungrybox  shTee ishetc qtiusseno sesem so lsipme dna tey owhemos I awlsya tge hmte onrwg. I sseug edpe dnow I'm utjs a a.mugsbc +20
mutteringly  yeH 'tesher laasyw dnleta hlcoso +5
hungrybox  tigle mdae em llo, sankht orf atht +1
jurrutia  A,los het ittapne is lenouial!ds eH tinshk h'se noigg ot ucre ahrstirit. uoY dont' ehva niceodsi nakmig pccitaay when 'ruoye zrayc. +1
madamestep  laly,Autc uyo baeyulslot cna ehva diganin-esmikoc iapcyatc nhew 'oruey uoY sujt deen to evha a ilcloga soenar ofr uyor siidneoc for hsit one deisc.nio osAl ti neepsdd no eht en:diosci esnmeoo wiht DA htgmi nto aevh ciidenso nigkam tacpcayi fro iehtr nogl tmer tntmatere ro nshoigu neds,e btu hety itgmh eavh iodsncie mkinga acitpyca ebneetw tow gudr ciehosc bieng nmdmceedre.o +

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submitted by โˆ—marypoppins(1)
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Wyh nt'ac ti eb ceioch ?E I sdsaemu hte atnpeit dha .bilpoar

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submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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Cna oesenmo exnlpai orem on who to ltckae sethe ystpe of onsts?iqeu I kcsu at eehst uqnstoise orf .ale.r. oT ,em eh eundsdo yrptte anes nda raebloesna eod(s ont ihsw ot sawte eorht po'slpee oy)mne. Sreu he mhigt be edrnu shltig onisdesper digjnug how he has a tlnraeim sieslln dna hsi teeanmstt no how bndoyo csrae fro tuB enulss he is ocheennirt ro dpisilygan ilcgama ,nkighint sings fo ossl fo eromym ,e.ct wyh oushld eh be uatelevda on cngdae-kosimnii ?taicaypc

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drdoom  ni mlideac rnel,aapc uyo nac eb so sdrespeed tath uoey'r llyatuac tviycieognl imierad.p this si wnnko as maudeos.denietp suh,t oyu ndee to gefuir ut:o iโ€œs isht guy os pdedeessr we nac deem mih pneemtoctni ot emak ?dsnicisโ€eo +
rockodude  eh yssa eh ash na ioenintnv to recu rthtaiirs in 6 nhosmt 'ehll eb otn lnoarm mo.i at saelt fro this ntiusoeq stath eht ilen taht deam em tnkhi deso htis nspoer heav cticyapa +

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