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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy is brought to the emergency ...
Proliferative glomerulonephritis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: renal nephropathy Renal

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by usmile1(154)
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osrmneMabu prhythnaeop dna inailmm hengac eiseasd acn eb ieysal dulre out as htye era cirhnoept btu.onlonsiTtalytrsieisud erm spiitnhre a(ak acute inastitteirl nrhsi)ipet nca be edlru uto sa it usaces BWC ssatc not CRB sa eens in thsi n.oeistuq la alPryip eoinrssc - rteieh sha no satsc ro it htgmi swho CWB cstas btu tno BRC sbauece the ermpblo is ont ni eht m.leugloir

blate fo earnoelumcnt no peag 285 pnixelas thta rartoefvieipl utjs aensm peyrh llcerlau iu.lerlomg nveiG hte tatnesip isyhort fo reso htator wot ekwse ,oag own ingteesrpn hitw Nhctipier rSdmonye tiwh CBR cts,as ierltprevoaif shongumlpeletoiirr si hte ynlo obareealns rswan.e

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medguru2295  Tish wsa my sicerep .gonil I owudn pu ggtneit it yb .nimeintioal tBu, dtni'd kile tath nawrse as sti unoommnc in llmsa cdlnheir and het child lmgsenyie had no kirs trca.fso +1
thotcandy  ru52ug@med92 AF ysas ts'i omts lcmynoom eens ni incehdlr adn si't meifldeislt sv ldauts si raer nad nac dlae to enral usffni +2
peqmd  rheyT'e siung het bardo roegctya fro NP,GS Pmaohta pg 013 .IIC SGPN = ,eraeHypullclr amlendfmi lilguerom on HEap&;m sinat nad crsos icfegreennr hte FA bleta diontmeen alplhyreuclre g=t&; viraoeilPetr.f +6
unknown001  htat was het onsera yhw i eshco tsih .nasrew to nmeb : atths not cool rbo +

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by nbmehelp(49)
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ihsT is SB bc PNGS si klei teh nylo tipehoccthnipier/rn rymodsne I uthoght I ahd down oldc

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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CBR st;=gt==sac& enrmsoihtugpoliler het nlyo ioontp te.erh

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thotcandy  I was NB/cUr gt;& 02 adn lntnatysi utghoh aeprelnr -g;t&- icschmie pap snocseri eud ot .acegsisanl reA terpchini ssydoermn ujts dduleecx mfor atht olhew hn?tgi FA ssya UBN nad rC are eiadscenr for iphenrtci drssnmoey utb esdo teh oatri sjut otn ttemra? +2
fatboyslim  cIhimsec app nosresic utown'dl hvae RCB ctssa +1

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by failingnbme(3)
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anc ctiinerph ynesodrm eb oituhwt N?HT

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yiqi  I tgo gwonr orf hte smae oer!s!n!a +

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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is tshi abectsuu iddneotraics cdatiaseso repeinmoetirMbarv-loaf ?NG

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jus2234  The nisuetqo esirbescd who he dha a prset tnnecifoi 51 ydas g,ao nda wno tihs si rtceplcsaooctspto hegopuitos,lmrrlnie chihw nac sola eb eddcrsibe as patroriveflei hunrosgepieimtlorl +13
seagull  The nqouitse wloud eb oto frai fi it tusj dasi SN.GP Iadtsne we ened to lmesl oru wno sarft fis.rt +73
yotsubato  ndA thye edsu orgioeytnlm TON dnufo in FA +8
water  owh asid ethy eerw dmitlei to FA? +5
nbmehelp  AF euss eth onmocm aomcurlneetn nad eth fatc otsm of rou hotre eursceosr eus the aesm tmnareunoelc ofr ,hits I iknht ew can geear hatt is si eth eeadtcpc fI hre'tye aonng eddeci otn to ues the unemaonlectr taht sotm alecidm nssuetdt era huttga htne yhet hlodsu ideropv iehrt nwo ydtus aatrmslie ta taht noipt rfo su to .sue eTh tste oudnsl'th be shti luevntdoco orf no seraon. +11
alimd  .Ok eThy nca seu tnoroylegim terhveaw ethy watn. tuB 2R-0t;gUBCN& si ECLLRAY rnaerple hirtg? +2
an_improved_me  I itnkh ryeou' aikgnlt sedaps echa ehT fatc fo het etmart is taht NEMB dsoent' yleral ecar owh ew p.rrapee tI acers to fytsarti tetssdun unigs tehawrev psutid ctirmes it dseem yeces.snar t'Is tno mdiitel to adiitfr,s- nda tath snde'to name hatt it h'osnltud e.b +3
utap2001  Not lony CRB sa,tc tbu eht UNB/Cr 20g;rittoa& can lphe rule tou thore lisybso.piit /g0CBr&t2U;N t;g&- tgn-reaer&;-lp G.NSP NAI ro NAT ear laenr ro +1

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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yWh aer teerh solt fo BsCR tub fwe BCR tsca?s tTah emad me knith uoatb a tsop tbueul eso.srcp

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boostcap23  ynA namout fo CRB tascs is an aanmtrlbyio adn nesciiadt butlura t.olaygpoh ormNylal uosldh evah onn.e Jtus keli hwo veen a singel etunhlpiro ni CFS si +2

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 -6  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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oS depsceMa ayss taht NPSG nac ioprergessv ot a lprieatefiorv urtpoiolrmlihenesg snmcaimhe dna so rervetifiolap sigmerlltuprooehin uolhsd be edrdsionce sa a iineaefftdlr dnssagiio for G.NPS

tl.ew/9a5#vcr6emrieeeohctve:/eisiaie/d8c8/:sp0apd-mtmn.5co T"he prnescee of uacte inkdey uyjirn mya susggte na antretael sdaoising g,(e vrabeplotfoeaimmriren tilhsieoruengmlopr G[PMN], heöoilSnn-hHcecn paurpur P[]SH, cimeytss lpusu yteaetuohsrms EL)S[] or a svreee or gsinorwen SG,PNA husc sa rebsvode ni ethos wiht eccierncst ogtisphllrueonermi ro airlpdy ierevsoprgs lrmsnlt.huoe.poi.rieg ftrnialiDfee gniDasi:os This idscenlu msot reoht yspte fo idhlohodc gthmeiiosnudlrloeper. esThe nuldice IAg pyaoprnhet,h mvlmbtoereaifrenrpoia lhueeoonimlsri,ptrg rehrydaeti ,ernihstpi dan orhet rfsom of fnsttupeiicsoo phoeigleom.rutns"ilr

rlIyicnaol onug,eh ihts stum be waht yhte erew gskani, .e.i monioaptlccsi of PSG,N asucebe MBAOSS enarth(o Sept reso)ucer icdrteyl ledikn hte ebaov lractei I dnuof orebef kinogol hrrefat nad giocnm ossacr teh AMBSOS ncs.oeit

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