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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 57-year-old woman requires intubation in ...
Acute lung injury ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: respiratory transfusion transfusion_reactions

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—brethren_md(105)
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d-snarTaosienfreltu ceaut ngul unijyr RITLA)( si a raer ubt suireso rsoydnem acdeithrceraz by ensddu ecuta ryerraistpo rsissetd nwfloolig tsnaifor.usn tI is nifeded as nw,e atuce gnlu iurynj (LAI) drgniu or iniwht xis hrous rafet lobdo potcdru misoaidnrittna ni the cbsneea of ydioaame-sloaltcrepts skri traoscf rfo LAI.

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drschmoctor  lNeoiprtush eqrdsueeest in nieripect ulng ear egdgirtre by rdono ngetnia eg.,.( nati yleokcute IGg,) chihw ecusas reaslee fo ,nskotycie afnlioiamtmn tpayr in eth s.gnlu +9
madamestep  tI's asiirml ot het ahposhytp of spsies orf D!SRA daWeeisrdp caititvona fo taimafonlinm skfcu hwti teh usgln +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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Is 54 etniusm oto nogl to eb ihaccplnaayt nad udwlo het bnacese of shar (iruirtc,aa ti)urpsru OR ?hltcniapcaya

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hayayah  Ys!e aaneligrhpcctaiAy/llc dlboo urnatnsfios ictnoare is tnhiiw isneumt ot 23- rhs.ou gp( 114 fo eth 1029 AF ash a stli fo temh eorddre yb e)mit +10
hayayah  ol(as ealglyr / nclacphtaaiy esprsten thiw mroe isnk dsgiifnn uia,r(ircat ursu)ptir +9
seagull  eTh meit uthhorg me fof too. I uohght OBA csihtamm incse it dcuorce daourn na ur.oh I uohhtgt RAITL lodwu aket a leitlt r.gonle +10
charcot_bouchard  syGu panycacitalh enotiarc ot elowh obldo eodnts rcuoc chmu ecpetx fro lesvieect IgA ifde. so olok uot rof vrep rohstiy fo amucols oeinnfict. And ti anc ehav all teerufa fo pyet 1 HS ldniigcn chromop.nbsas +8
soph  I asw nensiohpoyt and ohuhgt .p...laxhs..aayni.. .-- +2
usmile1  htesC ayrX osdhew reai"tblal iffdesu iarcasep .isedse"a hsiT si cmhu eomr eciaividnt of RTAIL htan yalxaisahnp ihhwc odulw hvae zheenigw nda yilssbpo posraryiert resrat utb on tcalau eamdga ot eht ngls.u Aayloitilndd reeth aws no ctiaurira ro uprtrisu eon uwold xcpete ot see iwht .xinaahpayls +9
leemax  ouy ehva ot kloo tou rf-o ieimia(edtme tm si cteitam)rnopi is /heliaclrpc-agtanAlyci ouy see ytpe 1 msypsbieg tuuzi.(otwiacatn),ehmrr fi hte rcianote stkae lcaep whti na hio(rh)kn1tu- fo tpey tow AdByito(n ttadmd-e)oiew ptyes eerh , utrcvnasiarla (ABO niiibocylyo-ttmau ese huognermilibao nda adjnine)u ro sDIaeta(Cxcalvurr dna + bo d'nto roetgf erleif-b yeihtomcl erweh sokycient tath era ccuedluatam inurdg taosgre caesu teh tcre,anoi eher oyu ese efrev dan tbcsl.uhil ni stih qiute,sno hety are isakgn abtou toaes-asfunrtirndel ctaeu glun inujyr sa eesn ni r-ayx eoic,srtpdin and tish si edu ot the rndoo lcytki-oenaute bA asct natgsia thso prhoistnelu dan mlrnoyupa lenetdolaih ce.lls +

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submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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ontd be dedstrtcai thiw t obh nac ttrsa ihiwtn .mitenus

hwo ot ruel uot ?

ynxalihpasa lung ngiindf &;tg EE.WZHE tonesiuq( semt = no hweeez)

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