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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 57-year-old woman requires intubation in ...
Acute lung injury ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: respiratory transfusion transfusion_reactions

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—brethren_md(105)
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truirT-saaeesnodfln auetc lgnu nyuirj AITLR() si a arer tub sireous onedsmry itrrzedeccaha yb dudsen tecau yraiospretr issdstre oigfowlnl tiosnrsnfa.u It is ddinfee as wn,e cueta lung uyjrni AI(L) grudin ro nwitih ixs oruhs ftear oldob crdoput iadsnnioittrma in the nscbeea of armdilaossaopytte-cel iksr sroftca ofr IL.A

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drschmoctor  suiloerpthN dueqeetesrs ni rpnetieci glun rea irteggrde by odnor agteinn ge(,.. anit keoyluetc I)Gg, hicwh essuac aeeselr fo isyoekt,nc mlimtaiannof pyrta in eth ugsnl. +9
madamestep  I'st rsaiiml ot eth pposhytha of siepss orf R!DAS diaspdWree aovtnatiic fo alamnitifmno fcksu itwh teh gunls +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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sI 45 uistmen oot lngo to eb cthcyinaplaa adn odlwu hte csaeneb of hras a(tiua,rcri u)iusrrtp RO anclp?aatcihy

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hayayah  !Yse pcnca/tllayiilAhagrce odobl ntuifarsons aeontcri is ihtiwn sumeint ot 32- urs.ho p( g 411 fo teh 9201 AF sha a lsit fo mthe ederord yb ti)em +10
hayayah  aosl( lyregal / lnaayictaphc estsrnpe hwti emor nksi igfsnind (cu,iriatar s)ripuutr +9
seagull  ehT tmie hrhugto em off .oot I hgtouh BAO cihsmtam necis it crcedou unadro na u.hro I othhutg RATIL oldwu taek a ietllt .orenlg +10
charcot_bouchard  usGy aipynlaacthc eiarotnc to whleo bdool denost cuocr cmuh epxect fro etevselci AgI fdie. os oolk uot ofr erpv ysohitr of smoucal in.oicnetf And it nac veah all eefutra of ypet 1 SH dinglnic c.shpbnmrsoao +8
soph  I wsa noohpeytsin nda hoghut -.- +2
usmile1  Cesth aXry hdosew ria"aebtll efsfuid rpasiace sdesa"ie. hsiT is uhmc rmeo dcanivitei fo ATILR thna ixnasaayhpl hwhci dluwo vahe igewzehn nad bspliyso aerytporrsi teasrr but on uctlaa emgdaa to het .gsuln oindydtalilA eterh asw no tiicrarau ro rtpiursu eno udwlo xceetp ot ees hwti haps.yaxalin +9
leemax  you ahev ot ookl tuo ofr- mi teaiditmee(m is )riontipceatm si ayegi-lticlcpa/rchnlaA uyo ees etpy 1 ,ze(twausbar.osichmiytgruntpemi ) if hte tcrnaoei saetk pecla twih na )k-rth(uonih1 fo yept two oB(ntiAyd wete-iddot)am ypets ereh , vainsautrclra OA(B itltcyiomnoaiy-ub ese uhioglboamenir dan nad)eiunj or alCu(arreavxtcsDI nda + .lcom)asoso b tnd'o rtogef e-febirl itmyoelch ewher cioesknty ahtt rea eaucdmlatcu unirdg tagoser eusac teh anorc,eti eerh oyu see evfer and t.uicslhbl in hsti ut,ioensq eyht rae nsigak uabto ntueeadirrlfaotnss- tueac lnug rujnyi sa nese ni -xary csdopnti,rie dan stih is ued ot hte onodr ultcayin-tkeoe Ab atsc tgaains hots einshpotrul adn aorlmupyn hldaltneoie lle.cs +

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submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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dton be datricestd iwth imngi.t bot h acn astrt iwthni teui.smn

woh ot uelr tuo ?

laaasxhnpyi lung ifnidgn t;&g EEWH.ZE enito(suq estm = on zweeh)e

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