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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 38-year-old single woman with a history of ...
Displacement 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by kernicterusthefrog(139)
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s"eh elfes hieaprp adn more eedlax"r fatre isnatrtg kxn:ikbogci itsh si a URAETM edfsnee mnmsechia sas(cicl bxoottek alsitiobnum, sa hsa eben hiTs stouqien si tsuj apnil nrg.ow I'ts ton tleedciansm,p ueacebs tis' a ,aelhthy siloalcy bcleptacae elotut that romiepsv rhe aiomnelto a;test ninupghc sgab aer menat to be hcpduen t(shu ti si aulctayl TNO )ltr.euan eDipatnlsecm to an boecjt ulwdo be uhnipgcn a eolh ni rhe a,lwl or eaginkbr erh esav I( sjut liek htta gyari.m)e oBth fo estoh dwolu eb ettber ntah gpciunnh hre yai,flm or gnberaki ihetr rca oi,nwdw cwhhi si hwy tsi' cesalepnimtd usoccuo(nnsi cenoetdiirr of na nomieot ot a earsf jteobc.) e,owHevr xgnboickik is LRYLLETAI na apxlmee in everlsa hpcsy oxstbeotk orf oislnmtbu.ia kTanh uyo orf igomnc ot my EDT klT.a

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jaxx  ,newhaMiel I thghotu vhrgyieent asw wrnog os I wnte whti anhtero taMuer eesfedn smhmaecin. +17
happyhib_  tWah ,if utjs tahw .if rHe tkgain ietm to od sesoisln saw yaltaluc tuinghr hre inlhderc by ehr niahgv esls imet ot sndep ihwt htem dna in nurt ton indprogvi oogd rcea ofr h.met l(sse fo a arteum eefsend hcem )own. tu Tsr em I rgaee cpeolymlte juts nto tseb nr,swea but vengi htaw we are eigvn oyu oldcu ugera ydeobn ;atht ossmba vnee asys a" omm whsingo rhe elfigens fo aenrg atsodwr hte dhcli iatsned of teh taclua mple,bro teh bda.ns"hu So in a ayw esh is ont edsdagisnr rhe uacalt rpmelob c(ihhw hes DLUOC sadse)d.r +1
kernicteruscandycorn  I pruotsp ryuo se,nstroai fewoll nsrcuietrke +2
madamestep  I kiel to kithn fo nSibumtloai sa ageRni oeGrge ta het end fo eMan ilsGr irivhtng at dlfei ce.ohky +1

Yeah, and the First Aid example of Suppression is:

  • "Teenager’s aggressive urges toward his parents’ high expectations are channeled into excelling in sports."

which is essentially this exact situation

This question is WACK yo

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 +32  upvote downvote
submitted by joha961(45)
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Like oestrh ahve ,sadi I tiknh oasumbtilin ldwou hvea enbe btetre, tub eamticspldne omrf fsrti aid sasy htat ti ,is td“rceneiroi fo eoostinm or mleuisps ot a nuealtr oerpsn or ctjeob” os ’essh kcikgni her iaylfm yb cnikgik hte gba.

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djeffs1  tNo if uyo'er istsex adn nkhti sit eprppnoiitaar fro monew ot tairtaepcip ni +2
chaosawaits  eTh sexims in meos usonitqes si cctih +
kani  uory srewna emad me ahulg os m.cuh +

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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I ogt so ygran ta hsti iuseonq.t tA slate itsh yald adh a icuhnnpg bga

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by borborygnoramus(5)
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As tbes sa I culdo ,llte it was actpsemedlni ceubsae the htroe scchieo rwee enydileift nw,org ton /bc dpaecelsmnit wsa a odgo .hecico tlFe like htree rewe tsol fo shti etyp fo qosteuni no this exm.a

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diffuseaxonalinjury  I dneed pu hogcinos nditeslacepm bc ibtsinaulmo stn'wa rtehe + ni eht gnienngbi fo eht otq,unesi it disa esh"'s grnya ta reh afymil for otn lneigph hr"e so ym uotghth asw es'hs inadlpcsgi rhe agenr oatub rhe ldc'ihs ssnliel on rhe maiylf a( auntlre 3dr ypr).ta awck eqontisu lras.egsrde +13

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submitted by nbrowne1(1)
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I hnkit hsti otsneqiu aws iakgns tauob eht eragn tath hse eepsrexss oatdwr erh iflyma for not hpneigl uot orem, wchhi si yaller ipcmeadeslnt of ehr sssret eerdatl to igcnra ofr an lli .hdlic hTe nciokibkxg si a soedcn cnpoig tonsilSan)uaim.bihcmme(

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