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NBME 22 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—bubbles(79)
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criCohn elnra fufsceni:iniyc

)1 poor epsthoaph calcreena t-&-g; hgih srume ianingrco pshurosohop

2) gihh ersum ptoaehsph -t;g&- ecxmlopse ihtw avldtnei naitco aC -gt;&- Ca lasfl

3) aC lfasl g-t-;& rriggtse TPH xias

4) kydein iruafle t-&;g- drsdceaee vtacytii of ar-1lxyesydho ta hte yindke &;-g-t sles aritiocllc

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makinallkindzofgainz  ihst guy lesarn +9
paperbackwriter  oemeonS aepsle lphe em whit itsh (slawya sprti em p:u) HPT ausces eacnseird vti D ncduotirop ni eyid.nk.. are ew isgsmnau het cdaereisn HTP cta'n acthc pu whit the dyknei ?aeilufr Is ti the level rpoir to TPH atnioempncso that hety ta?wn :D +
miriamp3  kparteacriepw@br wath it ksrow fro me ;;;; is ndif het tfsir iortmbaanly so CDK wlo tlcciriaol (no D vti) g--;-&t si ognna rceenais THP &;g-t-- het ydeikn era not ogiwkrn (inhc,rco hety no'dt tlle u rele-ytcn uyo ;anct reervt a CDK os hte ydinke vneer ioggn ot tachc up) t--;&g sceaienr ciaingorn pu.hht;--sorp&sgo ywslaa rttsa thwi hte pm.roelb I laos ues ihts rfo aecilc nad ptesy of shsko.c tarts tiwh teh breom,lp adn urtst lrofeyu.s +4
paperbackwriter  i3pmrm@ai nkath yuo! I liwl ytr out uoyr rsgyteta exnt mt!ie! :) +1
snripper  I uhhtgot anelr eynucicnfsfii g&t-; iiibtlyna to bsrebaro pptsoheah ta TCP ;g&-t edreescad ?atopphesh +3
skonys  anC neomsoe xipanle hwy rltlcaoii si ?owl sI it just tath sih yeisndk era fdkuce nda he nct'a mkae ?it oS HTP si neicrigsan ot try ot rowel hte ohps dan aries hte tiv d tbu teh nsyidek ear elki ,ol"l I tn"'ca +
madamestep  @okssny tterpy uhmc yn! Iup raeyl enral ufialer lyo'lu ese ighh HPT slelev btu NLAOMR aC dna oPsh. ecaeuBs tsi' leba to pkee up ubt rleyba. tA a rcetani tnpio oghuht, the kyined obsw out adn PTH si h,ghi hsoP si igh,h 2+Ca is wl,o OEP si lw,o tlcaiirloc is l,ow neeaiCtr si hg,ih NBU is +

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1780)
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fI hte itpenat si kginat ciamluc eateatc a( oppsaehht dinb)re, why is sih psohrsopuh lvlee dirce?snea

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 -8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sne(59)
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cnSie she sah elicac ucpser --t;g& taf manviti rpon,tlsmoabia htus .tVi D si swr addeLeoce .tvi D = low atlrlio,icc wol nosrptoaib fo hsptehapo rofm nsnitie,et nad wol atnsbioopr fo a+C2 casigun na anesreic PTH

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