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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A 49-year-old man has had the gradual onset ...
Essential thrombocythemia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—link981(208)
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ePr tsriF dAi 8120 pg( 421) a&;pm kcMer alanMu

a) LMC is nto hte newasr eseaucb ni LMC yuo eavh IHGH WsCB &;mpa s.Petlelat In the tsme theer si noly ghih ptsal eet)bl. Is the raeswn subaeec in sentElasi maehtrbcThmoyio we vahe nrmoal BWsC dan ,BsCR stuj ghih p) etc.lsltae ydoieMl iptaaesmal reesrf to lewl a tmepsliaaa ni odylmei eclls ihwhc era i,lposahsb oepis,niolhs te .dc) nI cPtmylaiohye aeVr ew veah GIHH R,BCs WsC,B and Plla.e tets)e caveeiRt mo-otbsyohtrics si a leevdtea etlalpet utnoc hatt cuoscr ascydnroe to hrnaeot rdoesrdi keli:

ocChrn-i nmyamafirolt eiodssrrd ,eg( tumiedohra s,itarihtr moftmliaaryn elobw dsesaei, sirulscbteo,u ias,roodciss gsuiamnltosoar wtih tc)iatliog-iueAsn yp nftieocin


I-nro fydeecncii



noetcSepm-ly ro sseimpyolnph

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impostersyndromel1000  pertecf esnopres grhit here +
paloma  ssEeintal yitecrhmtohmbao petrsnes twhi ttesllaep t&g; 1 lmin,ilo ton eeacitrv bohismryoottsc +2

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submitted by โˆ—lola915(57)
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Jstu ntwa to dda thta hte elpa, eulb otlmetd nrfgei si a tpmymos of senieatsl taoiehrcbtomymh lalced h.alaigeltoeryrm sloA a mpymost in Pytymoeilhac aeVr btu tish sudde rycterytohe ctnou si .anlmor

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madamestep  alymgtrohlairee is edr wlesling, na,pi nad ahte esne htwi ehapycloimty sotm mcynmolo and esmsitmeo tihw T.E n A edixn nrfieg nbegi omtledt lueb nad pael si igrendsbci ,aayuRsnd chiwh uoy acn olsa see htiw .ET +1
drdoom  tepeamamds@ sI ereht a osecru orf uory cnsoed ns?ettemta elsPae add if esiplosb! xth! +
madamestep  "haretoygraimlEl si nudof in %6 fo e,acss and ilodve cirstia,erul nimor gdinee,lb ,ncorsaoiyasc and a'Rasduyn nnheonpoem era aerr .nm stsotafnii"aesmdn2vhlin8e2/.65/utpobgt.0:c4phi//.nb.3mIm' nhntigik olas ahtt heyt dolcu lsao eb ignebirscd hrpeerlipa snaicsyo socaocnasir)(.y utB dnyiftieel otn .rmgalaeiytroehl +

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submitted by โˆ—bubbles(79)
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kTea a olok ta atht svaisme tteeplla ctnou -- revo a mliioln rep m3!m haTt olshdu opnti oyu adrotsw a ermtleeiraiyolvpof iddserro fo oesm rost ceins ihst feall sint' nibdeleg tou as far as ew can etll rofm hte dolbo aepln h(icwh udlow put aervecti httcoysmboiors on het x)dd.

owN lset' look ta tseoh otyseeyr.tcrh olaNmr -- so ts'i otn mtpyiyeclaho ar,ev dan isnegonircd hte akcl of ,yotslkiosecu oayplbbr tno MCL ro lymoeid ptelmsaia.a

oS ruo swrnea umst eb seaitslne bomyotticharhem!

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submitted by โˆ—haliburton(225)
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AF 120:7 eactCrardezhi by avsmies fnrtoiirplaeo of kcyeagoseyrmat dan stltaeepl. tmsoySmp deuncil lnbideeg dna bossmrti.oh ldBoo srema sshow kdmylaer deaisnrec beurnm fo easpltte,l hwchi amy eb gerla or herieostw alnrbylmao e.frodm oialahrrgEmetyl mya curc.o

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submitted by djinn(6)
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lesiEnsat tramthymohcie is a stconieapl foaorenrliitp fo ametru oleyidm lscl,e eclplyaise

ihHg nhrpulotise adn onoiipsselh

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submitted by โˆ—peterngo1994(1)
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eTh nhitg thta hretw em of swa teh 7%4 plnoheiurt ut.con soeD onanye vhea na apinoaxteln orf isth?

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drdoom  Ntueirloph cntou si fferidnet thna hiropueltn rnctegeape )%(. neaPetcergs anc eb unlfencied by ngahecs in mv,eluo ,.e.g fi het nttapie is trea,edhdyd pnaecterge yb mleuvo nac eb kedwes. +

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