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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A 49-year-old man has had the gradual onset ...
Essential thrombocythemia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—link981(208)
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erP Ftirs diA 8012 pg( 21)4 am&p; rMcek Manual

)a LCM si not eth nwsera bcsaeeu in MLC ouy vhae HHIG sCBW mpa;& tlPaets.le nI the mest trhee is ynol hgih p.b)a letetsl sI teh snaerw euaebcs in nasEsietl rmyohmbohitcaeT we ehva lmanro BsCW nda BR,Cs tjsu hgih ) lc oMedyli esmplataai feersr to lewl a eastaaplim in diloemy lcsel icwhh era spla,sboih lihoos,pseni )et cd. In aliPcoyetmyh areV ew vahe HGIH CBR,s CWsB, dan es le)Pe.talt vteiRace ho-tocotimsbsry si a eaetlevd llteepat untoc thta oscruc oansyedrc to noahter drsreiod :like

-Cniorhc flmaimoyntar rdroissed g,e( ahomdruiet rt,hsiarti ralaitomfynm lwobe ,saesied ubs,strlciuoe is,dsoiacosr moulaniortgssa thiw pyotAei-nui)gc liats fenncitoi


-Ionr nccyieifde



p-Seymtlcone or pmosilhsypen

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impostersyndromel1000  ecretfp senespor trghi hree +
paloma  eEiasnlst abmmyhihoocrtte psnteres hwit lseltepat ;t&g 1 oiimnll, otn treaeivc cthstmyorisobo +2

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submitted by โˆ—lola915(57)
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utJs antw to dda thta eht ep,la lueb mltdoet ifrnge is a ptyomms fo easnteisl eothohcyitrammb adelcl glio.aeerrylmhta oslA a tpoymms in hycoeitaPlym earV but sthi dedsu rteyetyorch tucon si lronm.a

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madamestep  ogrltaiyeehraml is red lsi,glnew i,anp adn teha ense wthi oytcimaylehp smot oymnclom dna etmisomes with ET. nA dneix eifrng iegbn tedlomt eulb nda laep si ricbgsined yaRdu,sna ihcwh ouy nca aols ese wthi T.E +1
drdoom  ed@ammpaets Is heret a seurco for oruy ondecs emaenttts? lesPea dda fi eiplosbs! h!xt +
madamestep  y"rhiEoaeltmargl si unodf ni 6% fo es,csa and vediol irrsciaulet, rnmio dibene,gl cacoiy,sroasn and nusRda'ay neemnnpoho are arre iman"sfttaeio. nssp.n.b2mmhg2nl0/pih./v5t4tb/ic/6uon8d:.3e'mI inhtgkni aosl htta ythe cdoul olsa be igrbcdsien rpalhireep osiasycn )yn(iaas.crocos uBt dfyiteeinl nto rem.ogtahliyreal +

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submitted by โˆ—bubbles(79)
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Teka a loko ta hatt svmeasi llaeeptt tocun -- vore a lilonmi erp !3mm hTta huolds notpi yuo towarsd a maltpovleoiriefyer dorrsedi of osme sotr niesc stih elafl is'tn beiengdl tuo sa rfa as ew cna tlle ofrm teh blodo enalp hi(wch lduow utp teieravc cbtrstsoooyhmi on eth .)xdd

Nwo lste' olko at hesot sr.rycheytote raoNml -- os 'sit tno hatyyieoplcm aer,v nad iondsngceir teh alck fo euooy,tkclssi ablporby nto CML ro omiylde st.aemaplia

So uor srnwea tusm be neissatel cmtoibtmyhoehar!

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submitted by โˆ—haliburton(225)
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FA 710:2 aeazirdcethrC yb vmiessa eprfiotonirla fo trasgmyeckeyao nda .tepllstae Symomtps ceundil enedgbli and loodB seram hsswo yldkerma acensdeir mrbenu of etea,pllst cihhw may eb rglae or tesiowreh lalnryomab ofedmr. hemorrtaEyaglli amy coc.ur

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submitted by djinn(6)
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Eatielsns hcheytimmaotr is a nlpiotceas rlifpieraoton of mturea ieloymd sclle, aespclilye tlseepta.l

ghHi opluensitrh and nlssepiiooh

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submitted by โˆ—peterngo1994(1)
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eTh ithng tath rwhet em of asw het 47% outreinhpl oucn.t eosD aeynon ahev an aoteniapxln fro ist?h

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drdoom  ourhteiNpl untco si rftdeifne athn iorunhtpel epeecagrnt ()%. sneeaPregct nca be ncelidufen yb agecshn ni eo,mvlu e,.g. fi eth tptaeni si ahyerd,etdd pcertgaene by uvlmoe acn be .kdwese +

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