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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 43-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—spow(50)
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fO lla teh spootni sdelt,i erteh rea wto atht tuncofin in esrvneoi fo het tofo (adn olduw caseu hsit ietnpta na)ip: teh srbiuifla irvsbe dna rlfabsiiu tusteri.

At this tinop, NBEM eptscxe us ot vahe some usepr niinesa ew,ongkeld tub r'eshe ywh I( nktih) het nwaers si visrbe and tno s.trtieu eTh esbriv euclms sunr rveo the atllera aeslmllou nad ftrreheoe tydciler oevr sthi crrf.uaet heT retistu tkesa a nidefterf ortue otni eth ,ootf sncie ti serasi orfm eht iadlme aubifl dan os ti rnus inoetrar ot hte atl lmloulaes nda n'tlwudo srcos het taerfcur sit.e

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submitted by โˆ—dentist(94)
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het iuaFblisr sBievr is het lyno upre foot vsoriene suelcm detsil ehr.e nrvtigeE ish ooft ludow abtcaeexer his yinruj dna eucsa ihm eomr npai at het traurfce

mio nronttccioa fo ayn of heset ucmssle lowud eb nliuapf in hsit aceosinr

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weirdmed51  uDe to sti opro lniehmacac egreal,ev lbsfariui ttrsuie nca crduoep yonl owt waek msne:tevom otoF xinsfriodloe oduarn eht rlurcaotal nael(k) tjio,n thiw the hepl fo rneeosxt toiidmurg uongsl nda iatisbil toariner mss.eucl Foot eiservno ta eth bsutaarl tinjo htiw eth iad of iiaslfurb uslogn dna fliriubsa sevibr mssclue. +2

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submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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This inlk ash ogdo iructpse as ecefreern wgnv-lnoaghbisp/eu:/rulgnpesrthessseeri-urr/agesottm-plbioitp-rrs.giso/tlhwcaniyvd-ebbf-eo-.lrout-woiite/

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Though both peroneus brevis and tertius are foot evertors, peroneus tertius is an anterior compartment muscle, and peroneus brevis and longus are lateral compartment muscle.

+6/- apurva(101)

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submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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reHes a doog gmiea htbel/gssaein/oftycni./art-r-/arletmeotmelucptmlhe/laompmewtlmc:sn/aao/

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submitted by โˆ—spow(50)
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Of all het onsopit ,dsilet hrete rea tow taht ucoifnnt ni reoisenv of het ooft (dna udlwo useac tihs eantpti p)ai:n hte fairslbui rvbise adn bfaulsrii ter.iust

tA tsih pt,noi MBNE pxectes su to vhea smoe urpse seniani ngdwo,kele tub e'rhse yhw (I nkit)h the swnera is ivsrbe adn not turset.i heT evrbsi ecmuls unrs ervo the aetllar mollasleu and fehroteer ycleirdt evro htsi rc.fateru ehT isutetr atkes a iredfntfe uetor tion teh oof,t esicn it iassre rfom eht ledmia auibfl nda so ti urns errnatio to hte tal lulosalem nda 'tunldow csrso eth fatrecur is.te

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submitted by โˆ—an1(114)
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hsit hdlpee a tol y6eauocI.oVv8hh/uv.w?t0XtZ=kIm/www:bt/sctpv

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