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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 43-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—spow(50)
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fO lal eht optnsio ile,dts erteh are wto atth fcnioutn in svnoerei fo teh tfoo nd(a wloud uscea itsh anittep an:p)i eht ribslufai ersivb dan ifbiurals isuetrt.

tA htsi oi,pnt MNBE xsteecp us ot vaeh osme rupes insaein eldenkg,wo but h'erse hyw I( ki)hnt het wrsaen si sreivb nad tno .uirstet ehT visbre clmsue rsun oevr eht letarla lesulmola adn etherefro dcrelity over shti feut.rcra hTe ttsreui kaets a irdetnfef rutoe iton teh ,foto cnsie ti searis romf teh mealid afbuli nad os it unrs ioertanr to teh lat sollmaeul dan ldwou'nt rcsso teh truacref ites.

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submitted by โˆ—dentist(94)
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eht urFsblaii sevrBi si eth lyno rpeu otfo oersnive ucelsm edilst eher. vrineEtg shi ooft wuodl aearbcxete ihs ujyrni nad uaesc him erom anpi ta eth utraecrf

mio arntoiotccn fo any of seeth slmeucs owldu eb alpunfi ni hist sircaeon

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weirdmed51  ueD to tis rpoo lcicanmhae gereae,lv bisfruial etsirtu can urpcode only tow wkea vnte:smmeo toFo oiisefrnxdol ndouar het arlrcultoa nk()lea j,onti twhi het plhe fo sroneext umgiitord onugsl nad lbaiiits tniarroe esls.ucm ootF resvoeni ta eth lbtasuar tjion twhi eht adi fo lufaiirbs luosgn dna ibraiulfs isrevb slcuems. +2

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submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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hisT inkl sah good scipretu as fceeerner epegnrf/atbtgeooler/i-luv-ume.toh.uwrgssti/hta---seipbwb//yirtesrior-l-ceoevlhspsirn:ilosoagdnun-sgrpitbw

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Though both peroneus brevis and tertius are foot evertors, peroneus tertius is an anterior compartment muscle, and peroneus brevis and longus are lateral compartment muscle.

+6/- apurva(101)

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submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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eHsre a doog aiegm eoleshef/aalcl/mln-hlywairoo/tnmtpitttmblc//

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submitted by โˆ—spow(50)
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Of lal teh inopost etdls,i ethre era tow htat fucotnin in rnoveise of eth otfo d(an ouwld esauc tshi tntaiep )ap:ni eht aisbrfliu rsbeiv nad aibufrsil isrtt.ue

At shti ,ipnto BNME xpectse us to vhae omse rusep einasni wkgee,nodl but eshre' why I( hi)nkt teh weanrs si resivb dan tno er.uttsi heT rvbsie ceulsm ursn veor eht leralat ueslamoll dan eotrfhere iyrtcdel rvoe isth tfrcr.eau heT ttureis ekats a nfedfrtei ouetr toin eht o,tof ensci it siaers mofr hte medail biaful dna os ti sunr rnoeatir ot het tal lalmleuos adn dnlto'wu socsr eth ceutrraf si.te

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submitted by โˆ—an1(114)
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tihs ephdle a otl t?vk/oyac=v.8u0wt.wbwt:vItepm6X/csuhI/ZwhVo

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