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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old man who has smoked 2 packs of ...
Increased blood HCO3โˆ’ ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—armymed88(49)
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meeyphmas aedls ot 2OC ppagntir lgndiea ot icarnsee COp2a ni eht b,oodl chwhi vesig you a poretyrirsa sdcioais or prPe rneal ntspaoiemcno will snciraee brcdia bsear nda sedaecer ni-oecxtre igivgn ouy cdsaierne brcabi ni the lbodo

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meningitis  Idserncae odblo OCH3 duclo evha elisya eebn iedetrnrtpe sa neeiacdsr oobdl pH sl.ewal OginollwF oyru x,nltapeonai eicns teh tp dha ocsadsi,i eht eiadcnrse 3COH lwil stuj akem ti a nromla .r Aoh tnpHe ywa ot hnitk fo teh nutqeiso :si fi tereh si aeedescrd aoxahtnile deu to COPD --> eicnredas 2OC >-- secrdanei 2OC tdnporersat ni oolbd yb rteeinng teh CRB's tihw nricaboC nedAaysrh dan 3CHO is ealeesrd ntio bdool .amrest oS ecsnaedir OC2 >- neeidrcas C3HO igeens sa tish ptye fo 2CO trarptosn si %07 of toatl CO2 ecntnot in o.bdol +27
drmohandes  I utthhgo yuo cloud erevn lyulf te,opcneasm so yruo pH will renve nroraa. yirPilzmem bemrlpo = epryraisrto asodscii โ†’ Hp .owl orpasnmoCeyt aoleitbcm aklslosia iwll rsaeiecn loodb -,C3HO tbu otn ungeho ot rmleoanzi H,p ti will stju eb sse'l' ,wlo tbu ltlis na id.ascosi +7
mtkilimanjaro  I osal nkith dceraesde dobol OPC2 and caenrieds lobod pH aer yrve ilmsari sse(l 2OC in eht dloob measn elss caic,di pH ldcuo og u)p feetoherr I ldeur htbo fo htme out stju mfro that +1
brise  Aka tish si eht Bhro fe!efct +2

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submitted by โˆ—waterloo(126)
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fi you laso ,htnik nweh eoeomns hsa airedcsen 2OC as( in hsti )tenapti heyt vaeh resaipyrrot DIISOSAC reeciands bodol Hp oatcnn eb eth htgri ws.enar

olsA, acrysmoonpte amsnhecim rof trayorpiers osdacisi enhpspa in tehre as.yw

  • C:FE eehwr ude to asms citaon iresecan of 2CO leasd to reeicnsa in +H dna -HCO3 tub( tsih si ilnmmia - lkie )3%
  • FIC: msot of teh uiefgfrnb npaspeh eerh whit 2CO gongi into eth
  • Keny:id htne rvoe om,tesime ether wlil eb smeo erlan ocansptmeoin on(t onc)eirctro weher eht neydki lliw ttras ot etl og fo H+ adn bsorreab ewn H3OC to lpeh ajtsdu Hp wtsoard rma.lon
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submitted by usmlehulk(7)
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can aonyen elaspe epixlan hyw pnoito E wihch is idsrnceea in riarUny pH is otn hte ccorert asn.rew caseebu dhreonyg gwasnti si aosl a mofr of erngoitccr pyerrtsroia isdsa.cio

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wfma888  h-trgi yuo llwi iarsenec eoneitcrx of psotrno wichh iwll RELWO het !Hp +2
an1  โ†‘ irnue icxentreo fo O3CH tserner(sep teh aikealln Hp/ irghhe Hp) adn โ†‘ unire Hp rae eth smea ntgih. Yes, ouy amy oewrnd now yhw hte โ†‘ doolb H3OC dt'ndi esuac an lkaalsios but tast'h beeuasc het RIMRYPA ffceet swa het enoirtent fo 2CO ndegail to desereadc oolbd pH +
an1  3CHO is leniaalk domcaerp ot H si hatw I tmane ot say ^ +

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submitted by medjay7(5)
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hTe tesesai ayw I nitkh fo ot ees ihst i s:1) uYo rea rntenigai a tol of OC)22 ehT ircppanli wya ni hiwhc ew ifnd OC2 in oodbl is as C3H)O 3 ouY veah a lot of CH3O

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