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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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iWetgh lsso - nikht epiarnnHtocarc eyam - ISDHA rofm slmla cell ungl craEemcan ed + VDJ - SCV odenyrsm

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peridot  I aws hntgknii glnu acenrc rtceigsne IH,DAS etiunsglr in aimyne.ohptar Btu abcusee het noiequst ksaed alscilpifcye tobua the eucas fo hte laciaf a,mede I tpu raoteiapnmhy rwsne(a heocic .)C I wsa irwnngeod who oyu yugs wree beal ot redenettifafi weeentb C. meyarptaoinh nad .E gnlu crca?en hTkna yo!u +2
mannan  ehT rfits thngi atth socsrde ym idmn asw CSV edsomnry rfom het acnrec otcintrsgbu het R cheiacahcpolbri eivn nvniepretg oveuns oldbo rmfo rrngnueti to teh areth (nad syitgna ni teh afiacl ar.e)a lsAo I msause rpayoHtniaem lwodu eb qetvnluiea to radeeesdc dbyo lumveo os reteh wtl'uond eb .aeemd FA nRael lhpogsyiyo itnoces hsa a ogod craht no thaw hnpasep rgdinu rtyetceloel banaemlsic py(oh and hyepr) +2
mannan  etopd@ri +2
peridot  I aws hgintikn htta aphyoniramet odwlu be mroe ossl fo iotsmoc erpuress t-;&g- d,emea btu I lndeiyitef see teh rmngaute for a msas astht' lsimyp cnolibgk ldobo owl.f hTnak yuo! +1
jaramaiha  nylo hngit enagicfft siomtco erssupre si mnb,uail icwhh wloud be more rdstaow leirv rs.choirsi ehT bdyo lwli pttaemt ot iiamatnn a aN+ of 410 iwht uvrsoia sh,nmacmise but otsne'd tcbetnruoi to osiotcm eersu.rps +1

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submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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Teh liiiatn netiternsapo kolso keli c:ncaer gihtew ssol dna ipveserogrs nsyaped evro het osceur of shtnom ni a avyhe mskore. ,eThn eth nqotiesu drsicbese -rymtrounexapla msmyspto adn a onparscatpeial deym.rons

erMo ecya,lut three is eepnlveotdm fo dmaee of teh face adn rgjuula nosevu nsdteiiont. esceBau ihts si zelcildao ot rpepu yd,ob we odushl kihnt fo a hnccimalae uoisrntbcto ot evsuno lwof sa pedsopo ot osme gicreicndao eoasnr. siTh si na maxpertrluo-yan stmyopm of ngul .narcec

[ peuriroS aenV vaaC doryemSn sedcua by het iealdm grpaisend fo hte mu.rot naC eb abeaxdctree ni eht ipsachly mxae yb agsink piatent to iesra thbo .asrm ]

llnaFiy, eerht si a gsilen iitggdehhlh bla auvel -gt;& pamtheanioyr. lSalm clle lgun arccne acn eareles pnrioatapeirp eevsll fo euitraicntdi rnoeohm ;&tg- ASIDH. DAH iwll iertna waert dna ardseece dsuimo coeionttanrnc obiyspls egnaldi ot rblracee mdeea adn szeuires.

[ myoSrnde of orpnIprtaaipe AHD ud(e to slmal ellc a,mrnciaco a orrennunioecde mrtuo of eth ngl)u dacereses omisud ion.ectocnnrta atlaecPinroaps esrndom.y ]

In acyhPkte:hSt CSV yroemsdn si teh dre oallobn nrae hte maimtdeunis sihp dna ADISH is teh uyg rinytg to rryac eht erawt rooelc dan ttniegg tewra all veor f.lsihem

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makinallkindzofgainz  I g!eera ourrpeSi scuslu tumors si a nlug oancrcmia taht oscurc ni hte paex of eth nugl dna nac uasec VCS em.orndys +2

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submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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ma i the nloy dubm noe who uhtohgt it swa ainmaogeed saceu of teh AEC ?tnriiiboh oalttyl gnceeledt all ohtre ifantmioorn.

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dwdelva8  I did eth same tn,ihg but hes adh eneb no atth ACE niitoihrb orf 15 esray so I sesug ti woldu eb ngasert rof ti ot lal of nudesd eacsu smyspmto +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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aWs it ngorw ot ees olbdo gtdein sutmpu, nad aoaclyliuttam sumaes its ecnar?c cisen nnoe fo the hsreto odluw veha duseac blood ietdgn pst?muu

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