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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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hegWti sslo - knhit anacrmpnHtiaoceye r - DASIH ormf lsmal lcel guln amn rEecdeca + VDJ - SCV yonerdsm

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peridot  I asw tngnhiki gnul eccanr ercnseigt ,SIDHA nlutsgire ni .nrhotypamiae But sabuece eht iqeonuts esakd fyilieapclcs uaotb het scaeu fo eth afclai ,edeam I ptu trpnoaeimhay w(aners ihocec ).C I saw iegrwndon ohw you ygus ewer labe to nrafteteifide wetenbe C. apyhaetorimn dna E. gnul r?nccea khnTa u!oy +2
mannan  heT frsti ighnt htat cessrdo ym midn swa VSC yendsomr romf hte rccena ttbsrncouig eth R biprilcaccaohhe ienv ienpgnvrte svoneu blood omrf tenugrnri ot eht traeh n(ad yntsgai in eht ifcala )era.a olAs I sueams Hmraoeyantpi dulwo eb vaeqnleuti ot saceeddre bdoy uoelvm os ehtre dn'uowlt eb FA neRla lyhpoisygo iteonsc has a oodg tahcr on htaw penapsh grdiun rteeoyeltcl sanceibaml (hyop dan eph)ry +2
mannan  petdo@ir +2
peridot  I saw hgntinki htat hmrypeatanoi dwlou be orme sols of sicomot rpeuesrs t;g&-- ,aemed ubt I ldieitnyef ees eth renatumg for a assm hatst' lsimyp lcbgkion olbdo fwlo. Thank uy!o +1
jaramaiha  ylno inght encgfafit smtooic psrsuere si alun,imb hcihw duwlo be rmeo oadwtrs iverl hoirriss.c The dboy lliw ptaetmt ot miatanni a +aN fo 104 thwi souiarv achie,mmsns ubt do'sent iueottcbnr ot cootsmi p.eursesr +1

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submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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heT initali prtnaeeontsi oolks eilk acrn:ec hwietg slso adn irvpsgsroee pysedna oerv teh cersuo of stnmho ni a yvhea orsmek. Tn,he teh snoiqteu bscdseeri plrunoy-txrmaae tsypomsm dan a ontlparaspciae rdeso.mny

eoMr eluy,cat teher is otlpeevednm of dmeea fo hte fcea dna rjlguau vnsoue oiintenstd. aeusBec tish is zdoeiclal ot peurp ,byod we shulod inkth of a ecaahlmicn rotcnsoubit to vuesno owfl as oodespp to seom aogecncridi r.oanes siTh is an narretuypaloxm- momtpsy fo nugl rancce.

[ ropuerSi eVna Caav Srdeonmy scdeau yb the edmila enrdsaipg of teh umtro. naC eb eraedbxctea in teh ciyahspl xame yb ksanig etptina to arsei btho ram.s ]

yFlinla, ethre si a neglsi tdleghihihg abl lveau ;t-&g amoiyprhetna. aSllm elcl nlug aerccn cna esreela arprietpnpaoi levels of eiidticnrtua ohnoemr &;-tg AIDSH. HDA llwi ritena erwat adn decrseea suomdi nctcannorioet olibsyps lgiaend to aelrberc eadem nad se.sireuz

[ oSmydner of apnaptproIrie DHA (deu ot mllas lecl mnoia,cacr a rendenoncueori utomr fo teh g)nul secdaeres uodims .rconincttoena letanPiporscaa ryoemsnd. ]

nI Stt:ahhPykec VSC nesdomry si eht erd anlloob nera hte msiimdneuat hsip and HDIAS is teh gyu gnytir to aryrc hte weatr elocor dan gtigetn trawe lal rove fm.lesih

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makinallkindzofgainz  I !egare Sipruoer uuscsl sutrmo si a nlgu anmoricac that crosuc ni the pxae fo het nugl and acn cuesa VCS ydr.neosm +2

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submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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ma i het only bmud eno who guhhtot it swa emnieaagdo scaeu fo the ACE irnih?toib ltaylot ngceldtee lal roeht nrnof.aomiti

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dwdelva8  I idd eth easm ,gthin but she hda nbee on atth ACE niitbhiro ofr 15 sraye os I gseus ti uldwo be renstga for it to all of desdnu casue tsspoymm +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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sWa it owrgn ot ees oblod itgden tusupm, and lliaoatuaytmc sumase tsi rc?cean snice noen fo the rohets ulwdo eavh sdacue obldo ientdg s?muutp

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