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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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Wgteih slso - nkith Hiprnaoyam atnceecr - DAISH mofr sllma clel nugl Enc raeeadmc + DVJ - CSV derysnmo

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peridot  I swa kngnhiit ugln reancc nicsrteeg ,HSDIA ilntgeusr in tneam.hiaryop Btu bseaecu het iesnuoqt dkase pifcyilsecal btoua eht escua of the alfiac dma,ee I upt mayrhtioneap naw(ers ehcoic .C) I aws idonrwnge ohw uoy yugs erwe aelb ot ineiadfertfet bteeenw .C oaphrmayetni dan E. ugnl car?enc hkaTn yuo! +2
mannan  Teh tfrsi ihgnt htta ocressd ym mdin was CSV rosmendy fmro hte acecrn ttgisnrbocu eth R caoclihpbrchiae veni nrpnvtieeg envous obldo rofm ertinrugn ot hte tahre a(nd snyagit ni hte iaacfl e.aar) oAls I sasemu yarnpaemiotH ulwod be nelaeutivq ot ddcesreea byod umlevo os herte utlodwn' eb e.edma AF aRlne sogyhypoli eitosnc hsa a odgo hacrt on hwta pnahsep igdunr leereltcyto ibmealcsan o(phy nad phy)re +2
mannan  dor@ietp +2
peridot  I was ihngknit thta eropaiyhntam uwlod be rmoe sslo fo socmtoi usperser &;-tg- mead,e tbu I lydfitenei ese eth rauegtnm orf a smsa sh'att pylism bkolnicg ooldb wlo.f hanTk oyu! +1
jaramaiha  noly gthni figtcaefn sicomot erpseusr is iaulmbn, hwcih uwlod be mero wdsator rvlie hrsr.sicoi heT oybd iwll etmaptt to nminatia a a+N fo 401 whti vouarsi m,sicaensmh ubt onts'ed neuttriobc ot mtioosc peerusr.s +1

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submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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Teh ntiilai tsirenapoten osolk lkie e:acnrc wihetg lsos adn iesesgvorrp nyesdpa vore the eosurc fo mtnohs in a hyvea seormk. eThn, eht uniqesot rdcbeseis ranelmaptyuxo-r msmsopyt dna a psalepcnroaiat drsy.nmeo

eMro u,latyce heter is dneevtloemp of emade fo hte acef dna juglaur suovne otnniteisd. caeBesu ihst si ioacldlez ot pprue ydo,b we lduohs knith fo a imcnalhcea oicrusbntto ot uvnsoe wofl as sepoopd to eosm dcreicagoin hiTs is na tama-lruporexny pomtsym of nugl cnrac.e

[ uroiperS Vnea aavC dnSyemro sduace yb eth ladeim ipnderasg of het u.rmot Can eb cxeetbderaa in het cyilpsha exma by kgansi ianettp ot aiers thbo .msar ]

ilya,lnF eehtr si a gslein hglitgdehih lab uveal g-&;t ptyhrnmaoaei. allSm lcle nglu reancc nca lareees rpipaoeitanpr sevlel fo duttciaiinre eoonhrm -t&;g DASHI. HDA liwl nterai rwtea dan eascrdee dumosi nticnoeoacntr slsbpyio leigdan to brlraece admee nda esz.reisu

[ normedSy of nraoiIpptaepr ADH deu( ot lmsla clle acmcn,roai a rinuoredcenone rutom fo the l)ugn ederessac siudom torntacic.eonn liacPtrsaapeno o.nyrdesm ]

nI chtSPtaekyh: CVS noymsedr si the der olnloba rena eht dntmisaemui hips dna ADSIH si eth gyu itgnry to ycarr the weart orocel adn gtneigt ertaw all revo i.emlhfs

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makinallkindzofgainz  I e!reag uriporeS culssu trsomu si a ungl rocciaman hatt rccsuo ni het aexp of hte gnlu adn acn auces SVC syodmner. +2

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submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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ma i het oyln udmb noe woh otuhthg ti saw ognmdieaae seauc of hte CAE bniohtri?i yttalol egtdelnec lla eotrh niiarfo.mton

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dwdelva8  I ddi hte esam hngi,t tub hes adh enbe no tath CEA noirhtiib orf 51 ysera os I ssueg ti ulwdo be genatrs orf ti to all of sdeund useac mmopysts +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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sWa it orngw ot ees lobdo getind ,uutspm nad aaoaticlymutl smeasu ist ?nreacc encis oenn of het ortseh dulwo aehv uadsec odobl gintde sum?utp

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