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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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githeW ssol - thkin aHanrpreamtccnoi ye - HSADI mrfo almsl elcl glnu mecea dEnacr + JDV - SCV rnmdsoye

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peridot  I wsa thigiknn nulg ecnrca cstienrge ,SHDIA urslniegt in amaehin.ptroy But eesaucb het nsuqiote dksae falicesipcly taoub eht asuce of hte ilcaaf edema, I tup mtahrapiyeon wne(ras ehicoc ).C I swa ronidngwe how oyu ugsy erew aleb ot tfedrneatieif ebewent .C tieharpymona nad E. lnug ?rnecac ahnTk yo!u +2
mannan  hTe rtisf nithg ttah scseord my imnd wsa SVC rsomyned rfom the eccanr singourcttb het R orchphiaciealbc ivne gietenvrpn svnoeu bolod rfmo egrinnurt ot eht haert a(dn niystga ni eht afclai .a)are sAol I ussaem ryHtaimepano wuodl eb qiateenvul ot sddeeaecr dboy vumleo os etehr d'uwotnl be aedme. AF lRaen pioogslyyh ocitnes hsa a odgo rhcta on wtah ppashne ndugri tcreotllyee sicanlemba yho(p adn )erphy +2
mannan  te@riopd +2
peridot  I wsa nginhtki atth hnroaityempa odulw eb oemr sslo of iotmocs errsspue t-;-&g dmee,a tub I fldynieiet see eth magrtenu rfo a asms a'ttsh lmypsi nciogkbl odblo flw.o naThk yuo! +1
jaramaiha  nlyo ignht cinftegaf misooct urrpssee is lb,iunma hchiw wulod be mreo rostadw elvri hiiosrsc.r Teh yodb liwl ttetpma to tnimaain a Na+ fo 014 wiht iuaorvs mshemacsi,n ubt 'dtnseo teirucbotn to ctiomos rspeu.res +1

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submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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hTe niaiilt ninostprteea osolk keil r:acenc tehigw osls dna srreevipgos eapnyds over het oscuer fo montsh in a ayehv mkorse. ,Tnhe eth ouqiesnt dbriesecs xoamyap-reutnrl ostypmms adn a tineapclsropaa oe.dmrysn

reoM ,lectayu erthe si topmdnleeev fo ameed fo hte acfe and juualgr nvsuoe idoenttsni. esuecaB isth is ecodlalzi ot preup bydo, ew usodlh thikn fo a ilanmaecch ooutsrticbn ot ouevns folw sa psdeoop ot eoms adcngroecii aner.os siTh si an rtaral-yneomxup mtpymos fo ugln arcec.n

[ uSpirreo Vena aCva emonSydr duaecs by het mldiae dnpgisear of eht .urotm anC be deeartaexbc ni teh yclpiash amex by akigsn ntpitae ot esrai thob .arsm ]

ny,lFlai erhet is a glisne ehhdghgliit abl ualev tg;&- tniahaepyrmo. Smlal elcl ulgn cnrcae cna realsee eporrtapaniip elvesl fo indttceruiai omonehr ;g-&t ISHAD. DHA iwll itrane awert and ceedresa oduims cnnittroaoecn slspoiby nlegdia ot earlcrbe madee nad zesiu.esr

[ ySronemd of ptpraIpinoear AHD u(de to asllm lecl moaaricc,n a inooeuecernrdn rutmo fo eth gnu)l ecesdares imdsuo t.rnontacneoci oPatsnclrepiaa omyd.esrn ]

In SPc:thytahek CSV rdsynoem si hte dre blnloao eran het utaimemdsni spih dna DASIH is the gyu nytigr ot yrrac the tarwe lrceoo nda gttinge etawr all vore mihsfl.e

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makinallkindzofgainz  I argee! uSrriepo csulsu mutros is a ulgn anoacmcri tath crocsu in eht apxe of hte nlgu dan cna usace CSV ysnr.meod +2

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submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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am i hte oyln dbmu noe who tghothu it aws modngeaiae ucsea fo eht ACE itnbrio?ih otyaltl lctdenege lla otreh otm.irnfiaon

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dwdelva8  I ddi eth smea thni,g btu esh dha bene on ttah CAE nihroiibt orf 15 yersa os I gsuse ti wulod eb nsaegtr orf it ot all fo dusden euasc ommtyssp +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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asW it wngro ot ees lbood eitgdn tsumup, dna tataauomlilyc seuams its ecran?c sinec nnoe fo hte htsreo udwlo avhe dsaceu oobdl tgenid putmus?

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