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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 6 Answers

step2ck_form6/Block 4/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 32-year-old plumber ...
Muscle strain ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: MSK msk

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep7(71)
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  • gYuon anm who pdeeovdel bkac ainp rfaet fgiitln hyvea uepnmeitq nad ohw sha arplpsaina sdtneeners meuscsl( nru gloan eretih ised fo nspei) iwht vntieaeg rhgg-iltseat intgtse dan on uolgaleiorcn mstpmy,os tmos etssinonct hwit clseum irtnas mt(so cmomno cesua fo kacb pnia in ugony erisothew lhhyaet eleopp)
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submitted by โˆ—derpymd(20)
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So starghit gel sgeL)eu(e tset is yrev ifeccspi rof acitics nevre laohpy.tog shiT uded lyaaluct tges to 80 segedre (si eh a tsmy?ag)n dna ermansi engatevi fro the ttes, os ttsah' ryanceitl not hsi hotalp.ygo

heT anim tsatcrgdiin easwnr heer is rtadnhiee dcsi hhcw(i I ,c)ohes beesuac rnhiadete sidc si het osmt omnomc cseua ofr a vietiops eueegsL gsni (Kcshio9nnv/b..n5ot/l:g/ww.31iN7tmBp./ks/whbo7).

I ihtnk het jmroa rfotanieefdirt ereh is het tssereednn to .naaiolppt I hnkti siht is a waek isng rfo sangiir ipcosnuis of seucml aitsrn reov lal eht oerht isphoeoglta dtiesl gh.uoth

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drmohandes  tTah odse ton amke ss,nee uyo are nnrccodiattgi urtSsigoahrlf eyt. gel stte is evaient,g os dotn' enve htoerb hitw tdeinehar s.dci aPerrbtralave ,tenndrsees on niatrdaoi tg;=& suecml .tnrias +4
icetrae  Not rsue hwy atcisisiirol is a abd sewnra ?hree +

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