I am NOT giving a stress test to every 50 year old male smoker with hypertension and family history of MI who wants to exercise. That would be so many patients and seems like a bad use of resources.
Tell me why I'm wrong. Is it because he has so many risk factors for CHD (age, sex, smoker, hypertension, family history)?
From UTD:
"CHD screening tests are generally not recommended for asymptomatic patients, and cardiac stress testing should not be part of a routine annual physical or health screening examination. However, there are other patients in whom we perform stress testing: patients who need reassurance that it is safe for them to be active, in which a stress test can help providers delineate an activity program with specific levels of exercise to achieve; and patients who have an occupation in which high levels of exertion may be routinely required (eg, farmer)."
Before undergoing vigorous exercise an exercise stress test should be performed in those with cardiac risk factors (smoker, family history, male, etc.)
submitted by โazibird(279)
I am NOT giving a stress test to every 50 year old male smoker with hypertension and family history of MI who wants to exercise. That would be so many patients and seems like a bad use of resources.
Tell me why I'm wrong. Is it because he has so many risk factors for CHD (age, sex, smoker, hypertension, family history)?
From UTD: "CHD screening tests are generally not recommended for asymptomatic patients, and cardiac stress testing should not be part of a routine annual physical or health screening examination. However, there are other patients in whom we perform stress testing: patients who need reassurance that it is safe for them to be active, in which a stress test can help providers delineate an activity program with specific levels of exercise to achieve; and patients who have an occupation in which high levels of exertion may be routinely required (eg, farmer)." https://www.uptodate.com/contents/screening-for-coronary-heart-disease
"Rare exceptions are patients with multiple risk factors" https://www.uptodate.com/contents/selecting-the-optimal-cardiac-stress-test