Dorsal column - responsible for pressure, vibration, fine touch, and proprioception and consist of the fasciculus graciLis (Lower body and Legs) and the fasciculus cUneatus (Upper body, arms). These are located posteriorly (dorsally) and medially on the spinal cord cross section.
Lateral spinothalamic tract - responsible for pain and temperature (located laterally (on the side) and anteriorly (ventrally) on the spinal cord cross-section).
Anterior spinothalamic - responsible for crude touch and pressure (located anteriorly (ventrally) on the spinal cord cross-section).
submitted by โshak360(23)
The main ascending tracts are the
Dorsal column - responsible for pressure, vibration, fine touch, and proprioception and consist of the fasciculus graciLis (Lower body and Legs) and the fasciculus cUneatus (Upper body, arms). These are located posteriorly (dorsally) and medially on the spinal cord cross section.
Lateral spinothalamic tract - responsible for pain and temperature (located laterally (on the side) and anteriorly (ventrally) on the spinal cord cross-section).
Anterior spinothalamic - responsible for crude touch and pressure (located anteriorly (ventrally) on the spinal cord cross-section).
See FA2020 13ed pp508.