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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 37-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Intercostal ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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niaP fbsier fro Paaritel luep:ra Calecriv nad otlasC strpa si by tntcraesoIl rvNee, cairpmDathiga adn dMentaiisal via irchneP veNe.r biR gcea uyjnri seaucs ctsaol pulaerl npia.

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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tWih itsh ntqu,iseo I tihkn eyth want oyu ot ricgneezo ahtt hte naitetp t'nsi nahgiv tsceh pani traedle ot eht htae.r heyT hieesamzp lveaser irb factrrsue nda a tmpeoaruhnxo ubt ntd'o adeitnic any arhet aadgem (aklc of oivntatsedui usonds = no numrolapy deeam andectidi or a lugn eiuss dtearle to retah )p.rbomel

Teh dpsiicrritea si w'saht naeednvtir by teh iepchnr .n eiegSn as woh his erhta is f,ein eth cadrrutfe birs rea pybrbaol hatw rea csgaiun him ianp vai the ttoscaeriln eev.snr

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didelphus  acirelVs pani si yclipaylt lyproo zoclileda taerh( atacskt era ulyluas cbsdirdee sa iu"sgcrhn pr"esreus thta saidreat to eht drshuloe ro cn,ek) os hsit etinsatp hsp"ar" ddrist-gihe npia ni het gisettn in eupmlilt dierditsgh- bir acuretsrf is yeklil dtelrea to teh rbsi. heT lisacsontter run tihw eht ibsr nad divorpe otinsanse to the sehtc .lalw +18

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by vlodkadrinker(7)
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?hwy klei edos my dem ooslhc skcu ro am I usjt atht ubmd zcu we eenvr reaedln tnhyiang kile hsti

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sklawpirt  I hintk its utsj that the netipat si ICNLOOSCSYU ennrigexpcie thsce pin.a cBeasue he is ocliysconus gefneli the ainp and luwod be ealb to cireyltd topni ot ti n(ad atht it is ton refrered eavlscri ain)p ti sah ot be a ciomsat rtnefefa rnvee .biefr ihsT orrnwas it owdn eveuclsyilx to het stcolarinte nveer lxevyeus;.ci .nwhM /teIeisnwtervp Iiip/t.src t/ratokgs:keopa diil/_tnoaern ot eht stantiep "itgrh esddi eshtc pi"an is sih hsotyir fo MVA dna -axyr grcfominni mepltuil bri rt r cfsI.uea tinkh htsi is rrocec?t esDo thta amek snese ? All of eht ehotr hccosei do ont raryc SA efribs in ttha arae +11

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submitted by yssya1992(9)
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The aedi ot wnok sit a aocstim nipa so in ehrto iohscce nlyo its udcol eb prhniec ro soteinartlc nhci Per suyaull will etdninoem tingaiard ot hdelosur ni dtaiino htaw onediment evoba batuo rnceihp envre nvreitninoa rfo lpiatare ulerlpa

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submitted by yssya1992(9)
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heT daie to ownk its a aismcot nipa os ni hoter cscehoi nyol sti codlu eb hcpneir ro seriatotcnl rcnPehi yluuals lliw medtnenio tidrngiaa ot ldesrhuo ni ndaiito htaw nemedinto vebao buota hnpecri vneer tnvaneiinor fro atrlpeai arleupl

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—burak(71)
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oCalts and rclceavi rpulae si arvdenietn by ecolsritan erven, aieltdamsni nad aitgirdamcahp rauelp is dvenatiner yb cnrepih rcosnIrl.enaevett nreva apni atlyyilpc ftel lesocr ot het p,nia chenirp vrnee 3-)5C( niap is ddarieta ipan by CPURSLCVALARAUI nvere eraa eo lUuwr.)hd(s esqintou D:I 3551

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