As hte tpiedeP incah is datrrseenf ot teh AtNR ta hte A sie,t hte borosime oemvs dnwo het NmRA mnovig eht own eytpm P seit tNAR ot teh E it,se nad the ANRt fomr teh A stei ot teh P est,i amingk orom rfo teh txen inmao iacd eagcrhd RAtN ot httaac ot teh A tnlidiiose
dAta. iote
T-shnp aattrnosnli csemo to an end when a nelirgeas aofrct ngrzscoiee oen fo eht otsp noosdc d(soe otn cdoe ofr an inamo ,icad) hhwci ehtn eczaytlsa eht aeeersl fo teh dppeeti ihnca rmfo eth tRNA in eth P e.Pdi
tetyplsi antfrres ot E iset si gonwr sbceaue teppidly ntrefra rccous eebetwn P iest ot het A i,ste tno to het E Fes4tIeiE
is a ireutyaokc tntonlarias nioaniitti coatrf ldvneivo ni idtricgen omrsiesbo ot eth apc rectutrus fo N.AmsR eOcn hmtinenoei dhrecag RtAN oscltae hte astrt dcn,oo all oitnaintii rfsotca era esadr.ele
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toAnreh NAtR has to thacta to hte A eits ofreeb teh tedppei hcian acn be zeydoydhrl ormf eth P eist nda mvode ot eth A site AtNR (AF 0022 gp )45