ihWt teh noqtusei estm ansyig ti"rbu reov hrgit rsritpoeo nl"akf tath was teh eulc I udes ot pikc nrale taryer ti.eosnss tsFri dAi nifesed ti sa eth oigw:olfln
enRa"l rrtyAe :neoSssit ynlcl,iilCa iettapsn acn aehv racorfeytr HTN with egnivaet myafil yshrtoi of ,TNH ammetcsyri nlera es,zi eclnaarktii/gfsp utsrib".
submitted by ∗yotsubato(1208)
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thWa wsa uncingsfo orf me ni hsit euiotqsn asw ttah eh hsa an etuca inpertoast.ne thaT dindt kaem snese to ..m.e eH devil 74 aersy iwth rlena rayret stoessin nda nwo sah eihsretynnpo euesbac of !?ti