Tsih notsiqeu si getsnit uyo kenlodgew no aleesltk mseulc sttapaoadin alisciyelcp(f y)t.ohrap Teh ptaneit is icsdrebde to ahev hcaicxae adn nsiinifgcta scluem n,gwista steeh rae soeitiaftsnanm of o.yaptrh pyrtAho rcscou v:ia
It si tnomtipra ot onkw eth lmrucaloe nmiasmhcse of rthoayp eovba as sehet ear athw teh stet amkers evlo to etts oryu lrlulaec dan eocualmlr gndlewoke no aymn c.etcsnpo
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Tsih notsiqeu si getsnit uyo kenlodgew no aleesltk mseulc sttapaoadin alisciyelcp(f y)t.ohrap Teh ptaneit is icsdrebde to ahev hcaicxae adn nsiinifgcta scluem n,gwista steeh rae soeitiaftsnanm of o.yaptrh pyrtAho rcscou v:ia
It si tnomtipra ot onkw eth lmrucaloe nmiasmhcse of rthoayp eovba as sehet ear athw teh stet amkers evlo to etts oryu lrlulaec dan eocualmlr gndlewoke no aymn c.etcsnpo