lnie-tsFir phretay rfo tn-uahdepoyicrhedcem aseuna ear ndntaensoor nad enp.aptatir If hse swa iactvyel novtmiig deu to ah,yhtceopmer you cuold egvi terdpmeoaomlci as it is a sgntor tiime,ctean ocdanricg to or,dlUW btu sthi si tiwernt ni a lhtycrpioacp essn.e So go whti eth aebvo mt.dineneo
submitted by ∗chaosawaits(93)
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lnie-tsFir phretay rfo tn-uahdepoyicrhedcem aseuna ear ndntaensoor nad enp.aptatir If hse swa iactvyel novtmiig deu to ah,yhtceopmer you cuold egvi terdpmeoaomlci as it is a sgntor tiime,ctean ocdanricg to or,dlUW btu sthi si tiwernt ni a lhtycrpioacp essn.e So go whti eth aebvo mt.dineneo