I gto hist eon hutorhg eht sspceor fo nioa.eimnlit eH sha ancnigstfii olobd so,ls hcwih acn be irnfrede he tihmg eb ni pehclvyooim .chosk hTis olduw ecatiatv het apeistcmhty orvnsue ssymte, hwhic udolw ocratnct eht syimcset eetirorla nad suovne motsoh melusc ot nthsu oolbd cbka ot het er.tha trneoeSic fo nrnie wlli eb eindrscae to ncirasee .PB APN is the hmorone thta tucetsraocn teh teffec of nlseaotdero so ti ulowd be sdaceeerd ni stih asce.
gnAom eseht wsnas,er noly ptonbisrorae fo uifdl itno aerillcpasi make nesse as ti loduw phel ciaseren het vataslcirnrua eomu.lv
submitted by ∗hiroshimi(26)
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I gto hist eon hutorhg eht sspceor fo nioa.eimnlit eH sha ancnigstfii olobd so,ls hcwih acn be irnfrede he tihmg eb ni pehclvyooim .chosk hTis olduw ecatiatv het apeistcmhty orvnsue ssymte, hwhic udolw ocratnct eht syimcset eetirorla nad suovne motsoh melusc ot nthsu oolbd cbka ot het er.tha trneoeSic fo nrnie wlli eb eindrscae to ncirasee .PB APN is the hmorone thta tucetsraocn teh teffec of nlseaotdero so ti ulowd be sdaceeerd ni stih asce.
gnAom eseht wsnas,er noly ptonbisrorae fo uifdl itno aerillcpasi make nesse as ti loduw phel ciaseren het vataslcirnrua eomu.lv