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Retired NBME 19 Answers

nbme19/Block 1/Question#24 (reveal difficulty score)
62 yo woman with sudden weakness of left leg; ...
Right anterior cerebral artery 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by ajguard26(55)
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hsiT iettpna teensrsp ihwt lissacc eppur omrot noeurn ieosnl o:mstsmyp easswnek, pfiaxee,erhlyr and dceaderse oastniens. voeHw,re the iensqtou etatss hse "anocnt llte hewhert reh eftl teagr ote si iaedrs ro rsesdee"pd ehwn erh seye ear ldse,co chiwh amy akme uyo cersinerdo and tnkih three aym eb moes opoirpcretivep essius hyte ear tygrin ot ihnt t.a ishT si tno the asce. slaiylpecE oecn ehty teionnm ehter rea no oerht amreanolsitib e.i,.( on prupe imlb ailbnrsimoeta or trhig seddi mtierloia).nbas fI stih si teh es,ac trhee si no amgaed to eth rttacs at lal hcih(w aer tills dcroednsie .U)NM

Teefrer,oh eht maeagd si pylreu otmor nad sonesry ni the eltf l,eg cwihh si no eth edimal ectspa of het rlofnat and peaaitlr lbose epcyiesrtle.v Tihs raea si idlupspe yb eth arernoti brecrlea reayt.r

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issamd1221  tlrencrotaaal csiiedtf +1
cbay0509  ahknt uyo +1
flapjacks  I nhitk ehr 60 k-pcaarey isythor ssggstue biesospl DAP dna rtehoefre osls fo ropepocnoiiprt ni eth weolr ixreeesittm, glendai to an tnnotuueafr octstdairr +1
an_improved_me  I tdo'n rseuadnndt hyw oyu uodwl oisnedcr hte pevpitpcioreo dftciei a .stcrtdora.i. dt'nsoe eht DCLM hhwic( sceirra etvipeoprpico rinnoaom)tfi ptoerjc to hte airrypm ysoorsomsneta tcxero v(ia the .P?V)L nI tihs ca,se a elonis ot hte rhtgi nirareto rbeealrc tar,rey wihhc spspeuil obth tmoro nda ossyern mrnanitioof ot hte lower lbim dowlu leda to ymoots,essoran ctpeoorip,peiv adn trmoo .fsectidi +1

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