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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Free 120 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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Algorithmic standard approaches that reduce variability are the hallmark of high-quality care. Not everyone can receive heparin, but everyone needs to have a DVT prophylaxis plan so they donโ€™t fall through the cracks.

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submitted by shaz464(1)
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Still confused.. Can anyone rule out all other options please?

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len49  A. Conducting a nursing in-service won't help because they do not have the ordering power, that should rest on the person writing prophylaxis prescriptions/orders. C. Not feasible for every patient (not every patient is well enough to be ambulatory. Moreover ambulation only helps so much; patients at high risk for thrombus (for instance like this patient who is hypercoagulable due to malignancy, recent surgery) need bigger guns. D. LMWH is not appropriate for all post-op patients. For instance, inappropriate for people who may be actively bleeding, patient with previous diagnosis of HIT, patients with ESRD as it is renally cleared E. It is not an isolated case, as you know DVT provoked from long hospitalizations and post-op patients is pretty high and taken pretty seriously. +1

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