Dewdrop on a rose petal appearance in a CN V1 dermatomal distribution. Rash is painful and weeping. Immunocompromised host (s/p chemo)
Wrong answers
Impetigo: honey colored crusting lesion related to group A strep infection
Pyoderma gangrenosum: think green cheese; usually a single large round ulcer. Rapidly progresses from small papule or pustule to large painful ulcer with purulent, violaceous border. Associated with IBD (crohn disease, UC, RA, trauma). Most commonly lower limbs.
Syphilis: Causes a few types of skin lesions: chancre, gummas, etc. Chancre: most common, painless, genital. Doesn't really fit the story here anyway.
submitted by โcarolebaskin(109)
Dewdrop on a rose petal appearance in a CN V1 dermatomal distribution. Rash is painful and weeping. Immunocompromised host (s/p chemo)
Wrong answers
Impetigo: honey colored crusting lesion related to group A strep infection
Pyoderma gangrenosum: think green cheese; usually a single large round ulcer. Rapidly progresses from small papule or pustule to large painful ulcer with purulent, violaceous border. Associated with IBD (crohn disease, UC, RA, trauma). Most commonly lower limbs.
Syphilis: Causes a few types of skin lesions: chancre, gummas, etc. Chancre: most common, painless, genital. Doesn't really fit the story here anyway.
SLE: doesn't fit